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China gets tough against Hong Kong trouble-makers

Nov 9, 2011
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Love China or leave, Lu Ping tells Hong Kong's would-be secessionists | South China Morning Post

"Those who do not recognise they are Chinese should look at what is written on their passports or they should renounce their Chinese nationality."

So says Lu Ping, former director of the State Council's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office. "Our country, which has a population of 1.3 billion, would not be bothered losing this handful of people," Lu stated in an exchange of email with the South China Morning Post.

Lu made the comments when attacking people in the city who do not want to acknowledge their nationality.

Under the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China, people can apply to renounce their nationality if they are a close relative of a foreign national, are settled abroad, or for other legitimate reasons.

Lu told the Post he noted some people had waved the British flag and held up posters calling for "Hong Kong independence" at a recent protest in the city. "They claim the only way out for Hong Kong is to become an independent nation," he said.

It was the second time Lu has commented on calls for Hong Kong independence. In a letter to the Post on October 12 he said "these guys who advocate for Hong Kong independence are sheer morons". "Deprived of support from the mainland, Hong Kong would be a dead city." Lu said it was good his remarks had triggered controversy.

Last week, Lu's former deputy, Chen Zuoer, said "the rise of a pro-independence force in Hong Kong is spreading like a virus" and should be dealt with firmly.

Yesterday, an editorial in the state-run Global Times described the notion of an independent Hong Kong as a "false proposition". It said a minority of Hongkongers had stirred up anti-mainland sentiment because they were losing their sense of superiority over mainlanders.

Dickson Cheung - the spokesman of a group that has set up a Facebook page called "We are Hongkongers, not Chinese" - had this to say in response to Lu's latest attack on those who did not want to acknowledge their Chinese nationality: "We do not even want an SAR [Special Administrative Region] passport. But what can we do?"

Executive Council convenor Lam Woon-kwong said he did not see the emergence of a movement for independence, even though some people had waved the British flag during protests.

Good move! Now it's time to do the same against Taiwan's Japan-worshippers. Only nations with the discipline to crack down on trouble-makers in its midst can survive and thrive.
It's time to declare the 50 year treaty we signed with the British regarding Hong Kong to be ripped up.
Why are we signing unequal treaties with western powers again

What the f**k are Britain going to do to china if we say that treaty is null and void?
Send the British military to take back Hong Kong? :lol:
Put sanctions on china? :lol:

Western countries are in absolutely no position to dictate to china either economically nor militarily.

China should be ripping up these RIDICULOUS treaties that were signed regarding Hong Kong and Macau.
These were agreed when china was still relatively weak.

The west is in no position to do jack if we rip up these treaties.
I totally agree that there are a bunch who has no shame waving that flag. Recently they staged a protest against the extra subject introduced to youngsters to get familiar with Chinese history, identity, culture etc. which these people have been describing as brainwashing. Several mothers were present at the classroom to listen what the teacher were teaching these kids, afterwards these mums told reporters they didn't find it brainwashing at all. There are kids who find the subject interesting actually, but those who are opposed to it might find it brainwashing. Then there are some teachers who are opposed to it for a totally different reason which is too troublesome for them because of the very tight schedule. It is up to the teacher to fill in the topics to teach these kids. It's understandable that some teenagers are against it because it's too troublesome to fit in their very tight schedule, still that's no reason to hold that flag because of the extra work or because they feel it's brainwashing.

Then there was one guy a while ago who showed up in public with the colonial flag among a crowd of protesters against the northern territories development plan. The plan is to build more buildings to deal with the lack of apartment issue but the protesters think the mainlanders will be buying these apartments leaving less available ones to the locals. Still this is no reason to wave that flag, many HK people feel ashamed of this too. Some even told that guy to move to UK. Sovereignty has been returned for 15 years already and these f*ckers dare to show up with a colonial flag?
It's a good thing that they represent a small minority compared to the rest of the locals.
"With one comment, he has shined the spotlight on an obscure group of demonstrators probably would have been ignored by the general public if he hadn't misunderstood the feelings of the vast majority of Hong Kong people. instead he insulted Hong Kong people with old rehashed comments from the early1980s during the posturing during the negotiations over Hong Kong's future. It is a through to a past period that should have been relegated to the history books. Why did he re open old wounds?" Comments reader spyeatte

How true! Not many people in Hong Kong like or agree with those insidious few that waved colonial or the British flags and are probably ignored or privately admonished by their peers. But for Lu Ping to openly demean the acts of a few in such an undiplomatic way, he puts the people of Hong Kong into uneasy positions.
Dissent in the east, dissent in the south, dissent everywhere! Time for some NGO's dont you think? :rofl:
Sinochallenger thinks that this is "World Affairs".

What for? - Is he warning others to be ready for refugees.

Anyway, I am glad HongKongers are going to move to Japan, Phillipines or Vietnam.... but atleast not us.

We're already having 0.15 million Tibetan refugees. Sigh !!
Sinochallenger thinks that this is "World Affairs".

What for? - Is he warning others to be ready for refugees.

Anyway, I am glad HongKongers are going to move to Japan, Phillipines or Vietnam.... but atleast not us.

We're already having 0.15 million Tibetan refugees. Sigh !!

india will not be on their list of preferred destination for emigrations for some very obvious reasons.
keep the change!
Dissent in the east, dissent in the south, dissent everywhere! Time for some NGO's dont you think? :rofl:

Thank goodness the small bunch of idiots wont erupt into massive rebellious movements, bomb attacks, massacres, bloody crackdowns, marshall laws that are ravaging in india!
Enjoy your ban, you troll.
I think the HK people have reasons to be skeptical as most of them are kids from mainland former refugees.

I dont think there are many of those in the small bunch of imperial flag beareres, most likely none of vietnamese refugees among them

Yes... hkers waving british flag is somehow indias fault..

even indians say this!
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