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China Fiery Cross island surpass TaiPing as 1st biggest island in SCS, 1 sq.km

so u viets has coveted and tried to rob our islands since 1954?
and how did u control our islands? by mouth??
well~I didn't know that u viets have such greedy soul inside your malnourished body.
I think it's time to send more troops to protect our islands now :lol::lol:

china signed in Geneva accords 1954, agreed that Paracel and Spratly belong to South Vietnam, idiot chinese stop lying.
R.O.C. should cooperate well with Vietnam and Philippines in SCS for their own security.
you do know ROC not only discriminate against you guys for being underdeveloped, but also thinks you stole their islands, the Philippines same deal, but also because Philippines shoot their fisherman.

So, give them your islands if you want their help.
I can tell you there are still many vietnamese who do not like chinese but like americans. the people who destroyed my country is loved by the people. i never can understand this. :hitwall:
america does not claim parts of vietnam, while china does. you should be able to distinguish between past and future. if we hate all our former enemies, then we can forget half of the world, including canada, the country you live.

oh yes, I should leave germany as well, because the germans fought in vietnam.

you do know ROC not only discriminate against you guys for being underdeveloped, but also thinks you stole their islands, the Philippines same deal, but also because Philippines shoot their fisherman.

So, give them your islands if you want their help.
you are right: we are poor, underdeveloped, steal your or ROK islands.
should I give you some euros for buying a bowl of pho?
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america does not claim parts of vietnam, while china does. you should be able to distinguish between past and future. if we hate all our former enemies, then we can forget half of the world, including canada, the country you live.

oh yes, I should leave germany as well, because the germans fought in vietnam.

vietnam cannot change neighbour. i'm not saying to kowtow to china, but it's best not to cause trouble for someone more powerful than us. if war broke out you know that the elites have no fear as they would take all their money and leave.
the innocent will die and suffer.

it's always easier for us who do not live in vietnam to want conflict.
china signed in Geneva accords 1954, agreed that Paracel and Spratly belong to South Vietnam, idiot chinese stop lying.

You should really read the actual text of the Geneva accords first before making such an argument. The Geneva accord partitioned Vietnam along the 17th parallel extending only into the territorial water of Vietnam, which means at the time 3 nm off the Vietnam coast. So according to the text, anything beyond that is actually not a part of Vietnam, north or south.
you are right: we are poor, underdeveloped, steal your or ROK islands.
should I give you some euros for buying a bowl of pho?

I'm not ROC, I just said what the ROC thinks of you, since you guys think, you can ally.

Oh and please give me some Euro for some Pho, I can give you my account number, I'm oh so hungry, I'll be satisfied with 100,000 Euro for Pho. I didn't ask for too little to not make the Vietnamese Jesus ashamed.

You should really read the actual text of the Geneva accords first before making such an argument. The Geneva accord partitioned Vietnam along the 17th parallel extending only into the territorial water of Vietnam, which means at the time 3 nm off the Vietnam coast. So according to the text, anything beyond that is actually not a part of Vietnam, north or south.

You lie, Paracel and Spratly is part of Vietnam territory from long time.


South Vietnam controlled Islands after 1954.
My own estimation, recent acts of PRC and ROC make me think that PRC aim to occupy Itu Aba ( Taiping ) island.
That's a test. And ROC now worry about that.

Below is China's official position on Taiwan's role in SCS and Taiping island in particular, we never have any problems there.


China, which claims Taiwan as a renegade province and has not ruled out the use of force to bring it under its control, issued a sanguine response to Taiwan's plan.

"Taiwan and the mainland are both part of one China. Relevant activities by Chinese people in the Spratly islands and its nearby seas, including on Tai Ping, are beyond reproach," China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement sent to Reuters.

Experts believe China prefers Itu Aba to remain under Taiwan's control rather than fall into the hands of other rivals, given its ultimate goal of reunification.

Taiwan Considers Permanent Armed Ships For Disputed South China Sea Island
Based on China's Foreign Ministry's statement , it can be easily interpreted as any foreign attacks on Taiwan amount to attacking China.
You dreamed, but you can't . China couldn't do this before either . it requires a lot of money and engineering know how.
Read DOC and know what is it.
You're greedy and shameless, but the other are not ...

P/S: Oh, I forgot, Chinese netizen always has nuke and power to do everything like they want
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