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China Fiery Cross island surpass TaiPing as 1st biggest island in SCS, 1 sq.km

we shall borrow money and copy chinese model.
I'd like to add Julong-1,or rather what comes out of Julong-1,to the above list:azn::enjoy:


中国公开聚龙一号:新时期核武器研制标志性装置|核武器| 聚龙一号_凤凰军事


I cant find much details online by the name Julong 1.
Can you please give some link? Will like to learn more about this thing :)
Future building plan in YongShu / Fiery Cross island, there'r civil airport and military airport + seaport, a new city maybe on the island. Whole building project might spend several years.


yongs eee.jpg



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How to build on the land of China is China 's freedom,No fuss!
Chinese invaders robbed Fiery Cross Reefs of Vietnam in 1988. Chinese are aggressors.:smokin:
It's eco-disaster,please stop it useless Chinese navy.
chinese leadership relatives and corruption officials got benefit from such illegal construction projects.
before 1956, Vietnam Nguyen Dynasty controlled Paracel and Spratly from longtime ago, later on from 1954 South Vietnam controlled it.

Chinese aggressors robbed Islands of Vietnam from 1956, idiot chinese kid ! :smokin::smokin:
so u viets has coveted and tried to rob our islands since 1954?
and how did u control our islands? by mouth??
well~I didn't know that u viets have such greedy soul inside your malnourished body.
I think it's time to send more troops to protect our islands now :lol::lol:
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My own estimation, recent acts of PRC and ROC make me think that PRC aim to occupy Itu Aba ( Taiping ) island.
That's a test. And ROC now worry about that.

Here's the answer for your divide and rule strategy.

It's not for China but YOU!

Taiwan to deploy obsolete air defense missile to Taiping

Taiwan is considering deploying the obsolete US-built RIM-72C Sea Chaparral to Taiping Island, the largest of the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, Lieutenant General Kao Tien-chung, deputy defense minister, told ruling Kuomintang legislator Lin Yu-fang on Oct. 1, according to our sister newspaper Want Daily.

After the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology modified the Sky Sword II air-to-air missile originally designed for Taiwan's F-CK-1 Ching-kuo fighter into a new version to be launched from naval warships, Lin suggested all RIM-72C Sea Chaparral missiles aboard the Republic of China Navy's six La Fayette-class frigates should be replaced. Lin then said that the defense ministry should then consider deploying missiles to Taiping.

Taiping, also called Itu Aba, is the largest island currently under the administration of Taiwan in the South China Sea. Although Taiwan was not part of the standoff between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal in April 2012 or that between China and Vietnam over a Chinese oil rig deployed near the Paracel Islands in May, Lin suggested Taipei take a tougher stance in defending its territory in the South China Sea. He said that Taipei should not think of the territorial dispute in the South China Sea in the same way as the dispute over the Diaoyutai (Senkaku or Diaoyu) islands in the East China Sea since Taiping is under Taiwan's control.

Other legislators joined Lin to demand the government solidify the defense of Taiping. The island is currently manned by the ROC Coast Guard. This is not enough to defend it from a potential attack from Vietnam however, therefore the defense ministry should deploy more air defense missiles and weapons for anti-amphibious operations to the island, Lin said. At the same time, he suggested the government expand the naval port, airfield and other military facilities on the island.

Without aerial refueling aircraft, the Republic of China Air Force is unable to provide sufficient air support to the Taiping garrison. Vietnam said that it is capable of paralyzing the defense of the island in just 20 minutes. After that, it would take no more than an hour for the Vietnamese military to take control of the island.

Taiwan to deploy obsolete air defense missile to Taiping|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
I am often wandering why people in China and Vietnam need to argue and fight..
Why not put more focus on economy that benefit both countries..
Both countries have lot of poor people that need development..

I can tell you there are still many vietnamese who do not like chinese but like americans. the people who destroyed my country is loved by the people. i never can understand this. :hitwall:
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