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China Expressways, Highways: News & Discussions

Watering issue. Not impossible but a headache.
wow....luckily we dont have deserts here. its a nightmare to build in such environment sustainably.

You do know Pakistan's GDP per capita is only price of McDonald fries lower then India?
yes i know Pakistan GDP per capital is lower than India's and even Bangladesh(they seem to be doing better than Pakistan and growing quite heathily attracting quite a number of FDI). I think Pakistan GDP per capital is higher than only Afghanistan's in the region if im not wrong.
wow....luckily we dont have deserts here. its a nightmare to build in such environment sustainably.

Welcome to Las Vegas and a bunch of other US cities. You are watering your lawn and on the other side of the street is sand dunes for as far the eye can see.
Well done China. Only China can build such mega projects with such high precision. Pakistan and China are going to reap the benefits.
You mean guys can't even build your own roads?
I think it's also because there seem to be no political will by the government or even societal awareness by the people(education seems to be fairly low),i have noticed the same thing in several poor developing countries i have been to. The people seem to have such low expectations from their government/leaders so much so that its shocking. It's like the political establishments in these countries have gotten the people used to mediocrity and expecting nothing, so much so that when the government gives them crumbs the people rejoice and sing their praise, not knowing that this should be their basic rights. These countries seem to be in a constant state of apathy, which is quite sad.
yes i know Pakistan GDP per capital is lower than India's and even Bangladesh
Correction. It's higher then Bangla's. And the point I made was Indian GDP per capita is only few quid above Pakistan's. It's like you having a Ford Focus GL and another guy having Ford Focus GLS. And the guy with GLS bragging to you about his wheels !

And are you native English speaker? Your written English is terrible, if you don't mind me saying. Or did you go to one of those failing council schools or something?
Zigui Yangtze River Bridge opens to traffic
Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-28 09:21:45|Editor: huaxia

The opening ceremony of Zigui Yangtze River Bridge in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province, Sept. 27, 2019. (Photo by Xiang Hongmei/Xinhua)

After four years of construction, the Zigui Yangtze River Bridge opened to traffic on Friday.

YICHANG, Sept. 28, 2019 (Xinhua) --The bridge, with four lanes and a span of 883.2 meters, will play a significant role in promoting tourism in western Hubei and the development of Three Gorges Reservoir Region.

Aerial view of the Zigui Yangtze River Bridge in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province, Sept. 27, 2019. (Photo by Zheng Jiayu/Xinhua)

The opening ceremony of Zigui Yangtze River Bridge in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province, Sept. 27, 2019. (Photo by Zheng Jiayu/Xinhua)

The opening ceremony of Zigui Yangtze River Bridge in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province, Sept. 27, 2019. (Photo by Zheng Jiayu/Xinhua)

Aerial view of the Zigui Yangtze River Bridge in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province, Sept. 27, 2019. (Photo by Zheng Jiayu/Xinhua)
Correction. It's higher then Bangla's. And the point I made was Indian GDP per capita is only few quid above Pakistan's. It's like you having a Ford Focus GL and another guy having Ford Focus GLS. And the guy with GLS bragging to you about his wheels !

And are you native English speaker? Your written English is terrible, if you don't mind me saying. Or did you go to one of those failing council schools or something?

Lol..........OR could be a gangu pretending to be an Englishman..........:lol:
Have you noticed it? His English is fcukin terrible. Either he is undecover Gangu or [Chav] went to one of those special schools ran by councils that all the trash get dumped into.

:lol:........My guess he is a gangu. A normal English person especially a chav would know NOTHING about india or be concerned with indian matters.......:lol:

But yes he has the writing skills of a British SEND student........:lol:

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