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China demolishing mosques in East Turkistan

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You should do the same. Instead your communist regimes has taken the approach of supporting human right violation, rape, murder, genocide of other countries, supporting autocrats and dictators with the guise of non interference policies. Myanmar is one such example. Your communist regime should come clean and work to make sure to it is the case with other countries instead of supporting genocide at UN.

And what you country did beside hidding at some corner in UN? I'm pretty sure your national wouldn't even dare to show your flag in UN.
You can be sure that religion will destroy Chinese-Pakistani relation, so be it if it happen.
Really, you should know how China-India relation end after India was messing up with us over Dalai Lama in 1959, since then Chinese people start to hate them to core, I don't think it's in China's interest to see Pakistani to constantly interfere China over the religious issue. Personally I don't care I have been on this forum for over 9 years, I get used to see China and Chinese bashers but constantly come from a Pakistani friends is annoying. If Pakistani think they have the right to interfere in our internal business then they should prepare for reciprocity and just don't go to cry to the Moderators, I think we Chinese are capable to make them to taste their own medicine.
Did Pakistani government is getting involved and poking their nose in Chinese business ? No !! :o: Why are you so hyper and emotional ? You need to chill out and relax !!! Brother we only think of praying and fasting in this month of Ramadan. No need to poke Chinese friends. :partay:
Wait for the extreme wave of any angry Muslims,and we will soon see their dead bodies. You guys specially Turkish guys should know:Unlike the naive Europe, USA,Russia and China will not tolerate any extreme activities at home. The big difference between us and the USA is we do not support Isreal and do not kill any Muslims outside our country. In my opion, you foreign guys should support our policies openly. The Muslim has gradually lost their reputation in common Chinese since some of our Muslim minority made so many explosives and killing. If that continues,all the Chinese and non-Chinese Muslims will label as bad guys in our society. Once upon a time,most of the Chinese paid sympathies to the Palestinian and thought the Israel was aggressive and bad. Today,most of us pay sympathy to the Isreal and understand their situation since we also suffer the extremely activities from the Muslims. I really think the Muslim world should take the change seriously. You guys has lost the support of USA and Russia, and if you keep losing the Chinese support for some fake and meaningless reasons, that will be the lost of Muslim world.
The principal of China is always clear: no any religion can be above the country and constitution. Just as in Indonesia, they suppressed the communist ideology, we think it is none of our business because it is their internal rule. Show the respect to our internal rules and save your reputation. Religion is religion,country is country, donot be so naive.

Really, you should know how China-India relation end after India was messing up with us over Dalai Lama in 1959, since then Chinese people start to hate them to core, I don't think it's in China's interest to see Pakistani to constantly interfere China over the religious issue. Personally I don't care I have been on this forum for over 9 years, I get used to see China and Chinese bashers but constantly come from a Pakistani friends is annoying. If Pakistani think they have the right to interfere in our internal business then they should prepare for reciprocity and just don't go to cry to the Moderators, I think we Chinese are capable to make them to taste their own medicine.

Stop needlessly oppressing Uighyurs dude. Your long wall of texts mean nothing when you are destroying mosques, banning fasting, and putting millions in camps.

Muslim world does not really give a sh!t about china. Its too irrelevant for most Muslims (besides cheap products and trade obviously). If you don't oppress Muslims at home, nobody would care.

China is a regionalized/local civilization located in one location just liek india. It did not have much reach or direct influence on the world on global scale historically (like Islamic world or West did)

Historically, the only two global civilizations were that of Islam and Western Christendom---and hence even to this day you see more interaction, conflict, and relevance between global Islam and West (which is secular now)....since these both civilizations have been interacting, aligning, and fighting with each other on global scale across continents.

China was and is too irrelevant for most Muslims. The conflict between Islam and China happened for the cultural dominance of central Asia---and that conflict occurred more than a 1000 years ago!!


So don't worry. Most Muslims wont be suspicious of china like they are of West :) Most Muslims have neutral views about Chinese. Its just that when we see terrible news of oppression coming from China then obviously it generates a negative feeling towards Chinese state (whether those news are always true, that's another topic).
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Xinjiang has more mosques per capita than Turkey, simple fact.
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Their country their rules..who are you to question them?

Go drink cow piss indian.

I am not talking to you. I am talking to respected Chinese members, not a inferiority-complex stricken ugly cow worshipper :lol:
Go drink cow piss indian.

I am not talking to you. I am talking to respected Chinese members, not a inferiority-complex stricken ugly cow worshipper :lol:
Ok..scream as much as you want but china is going to wipe out all the sources that are responsible for terrorism..mercilessly
Then why is fasting banned? And why are hundreds of thousands of people forced into camps?

Also, any source for your claim?
They lie everyday, 1 million to 3 millon only took weeks based on their report, they also report a Uighur musician was tortured to death, only found out he is alive and kicking the next day, too much lies..

As for Xinjiang has more mosques per person than Turkey

Turkey's accusations on Xinjiang's human rights groundless and unacceptable: Chinese Ambassador
By Liu Caiyu Source:Global Times Published: 2019/2/26 16:16:53
Turkey's accusations on human rights issues in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are "groundless and unacceptable," the Chinese Ambassador to Turkey said on Tuesday after the Turkish foreign minister voiced concerns over China's alleged mistreatment of Uyghurs at a UN Human Rights Council session on Monday.

"Full realization of human rights has long been the goal of all Chinese people, including people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang… who have the same status, enjoy the same rights and fulfill the same obligations according to the law," Chinese Ambassador to Turkey Deng Li said in a statement published on the embassy's official website on Tuesday.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu voiced concerns on Monday at the UN Human Rights Council over China's alleged mistreatment of Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang and called on Beijing to protect freedom of religion and cultural identity, media reported.

Cavusoglu also urged China to ensure "full protection of the cultural identities of the Uyghurs."

This was the second time that Turkey has openly criticized China's policies in Xinjiang this year.

In early February, China refuted claims made by Turkey's foreign ministry spokesman alleging that a Uyghur musician had died in Xinjiang. The Chinese Embassy in Ankara confirmed the man is still alive and in good health.

It is not pleasant to see Turkey repeatedly criticize Chinese policy towards Xinjiang. Turkey is making these statements in order to present itself as a great power in the international system, Li Bingzhong, director of the Center for Turkish Studies with Shaanxi Normal University, told the Global Times.

Openly criticizing China is a means by which Turkey can present itself as a leader in the Muslim world, Li noted.

Zan Tao, a professor from Peking University, told the Global Times that given that this time was not the president or higher leader of the country openly criticizing China, Turkey has no intention of damaging good diplomatic ties with China.

Turkey believes that openly bringing up the Xinjiang issue would help their party to win more seats in the upcoming domestic election, Zan noted.

Deng reiterated that the fundamental purpose of the Chinese government's counter-terrorism campaign and de-radicalization work is to ensure the safety and property of all people in China, including people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

These are the actions that all responsible governments should and must take, said Deng. No one knows more than the Chinese people what they need, and no one has the right to dictate Chinese people's efforts to safeguard their own peace and develop their own human rights cause, Deng noted.

The Chinese government fully guarantees the right of all ethnic groups to use their own languages, while promoting the use of the country's common national language, according to Deng.

There are 52 newspapers and 120 magazines printed in the languages of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. Xinjiang Television airs 12 programs in four ethnic languages, Deng said.

Deng also noted that the Chinese government insists on freedom of religion. China has published and translated various classics from Islam, Buddhism and Christianity in multiple languages.

The region is home to more than 25,000 religious venues, including 24,400 mosques. On average, there is a mosque for every 530 Muslims, a proportion that is higher than in Turkey, Deng said.

Global Times
It's funny to see some Pakistani friends that their houses are under fire but they choose to care of some smoke of the neighbor. And I stop here since I don't want to hurt our iron brothers.

Maybe this forum is not for you.

Pakistanis are open about their feelings and we talk frankly, we are not used to having anyone control our thoughts or words.

If we are against our own government, we openly speak against it and are not afraid of the consequences.

This is our culture and mindset, you should try to understand.

Even the Pakistanis who speak about Uyghurs rights may in public life be supporters of China and have good relationships with Chinese.

Your kind of anger and malice will only portray a negative image of China to Pakistanis.

It is not in the interests of your country.

I used to side with Pakistani against India but now I'm neutral but if Pakistani friends continue to side with Turks to mess with our country, they can be sure that a lot of Chinese start to have difference perception of Pakistan and India, Chinese people in this forum start to be fed up over this religious issue.

Our friendship and love for Turks is a mainstay if our history for more than a thousand years.

It is no one’s business whom Pakistanis love and share cultural, ethnic bonds with, but other Pakistanis.

Chinese should not be worried.

Exactly, i've been here for 10yrs, anyone knew me here knew i'm extremely pro-Pakistan but not anymore since i've a feeling religious has been taking over here nowadays, no more reasoning and common sense exist day by day, everything justify blindly through Islam and Muslim ideology and anti-China propagandas, let alone the so-called iron brother claim

I believed once they pushing too far into our internal affairs, the Chinese public will be forcing the government policy to react, they just don't realized they're pushing China more and more into the Indians side because when friendship fading away, hatred from the Chinese public will be taken over next against Pakistan, sad but true

You lack the insight necessary to see beyond your prejudices and stereotypes.

This isn’t not our problem, but yours as an individual.

Alhamdulilah, your government is not as self-defeating and single-minded.


But Turks killing Muslim Kurds and razing their homes to dust in EAST KURDISTAN is a fact.

Turkey army even stripped Muslim Kurdish women naked and dragged them behind military vehicles on rough ground till they die.

Obviously false. Don’t peddle BS here, we don’t have patience for it.

I found an interesting phenomenon,
Muslims seem to face many threats(US, Europe or white , China, Israel, ISIS,Buddhists, hindus..........)

So does China. You have many enemies too.

Most of your neighbors are trying to contain you.

As for Muslims, we are ripped open and they are pouring salt in our wounds.

We have the same enemies.
you r right

We are in this together.

China and the Muslim world have to come together if we are both to survive.

In this way, Pakistan and China’s friendship is a pioneering alliance which will bring all the Muslim world closer to China.

Just let Gwadar blossom, China will be in the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan will have a direct route to Central Asia cousins through CPEC in China, which we always wanted.
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