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China declares Pakistan has a future Economic power

Why India has a large trade deficit and China, will continue? Because to get a better price to import is a good thing, the key is exported, rather than imports. Free trade Agreement is always an opportunity to increase exports, as long as you can maintain adequate investment and the right investment.

So why does the Pakistan government continue to disregard the opportunities for trade with China??? Look, do some research for the items traded between India and China, then ask why those same items and or similar are not being traded in the same volume, ask why these areas have not been identifed by the government for speciall attention and assistance??

Honestly I don't know why, it's just a mystery to me that at every venue the Chinese say that Pakistan can do multiples of the volumes of trade with china and Pakistan continues to not do that -- why?

But why India? I thought Pakistan was a country in Central Asia. Why won't you check what the Tajiks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs, Uzbeks and sundry others trade with China and "ask why those same items and or similar are not being traded in the same volume"?

Why do you guys think that you can do everything India can do? I thought we shared nothing. Nothing at all!
JALNY WALY KA Face Kalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yes very true...Pakistan is going to be a big Market for China...To sell those Made in China Mall.

A powerful nation only can buy and tolerate all Made in China mall.

Pakistan definitely has potential to become a regional powerhouse. Inspiring investor confidence is the key here. China will definitely have a key role to play. I sincerely hope that South Asia would become one of the key drivers of global economic growth. There is so much wasted potential here, waiting to be exploited.
Yes very true...Pakistan is going to be a big Market for China...To sell those Made in China Mall.

A powerful nation only can buy and tolerate all Made in China mall.


Typical Indian mentality ...
Indians lecturing Paksitanis on how they should run their country effectively, and you are asking me what is wrong in it?

I'm showing how you guys are butchering the Pak economy while pretending to be friends. you have taken advantage of their friendship and destroyed their industries while charging them loan shark rates for projects AND AND AND you start projects in their country and tell their industries to stay the hell away ( majority has to be owned by Chinese companies) !

Take at look the what i read in the past Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

The 75 locomotives were ordered from China after President Zardari himself intervened and forced the Railways to oblige the Chinese suppliers despite large-scale opposition within the Railways Ministry. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour had gone on record against the Chinese suppliers but he was given a shut-up call.

The GM Railways disclosed that already an advertisement to purchase 150 locomotives has been published internationally and now the Railways will ensure that no substandard locomotives are procured.

Sources say the Chinese supplier has also refused to honour the warranty on these 32 locomotives as they are in Railways sheds in Karachi and Lahore. Purchase of 69 sub-standard locomotives from China by spending billions of rupees was one of the initial mega corruption scandals against General Pervez Musharraf and his team.[/

Pol Eco, NOS, The News International Pakistan dumping grounds for china

analysis of mutual trade statistics reveals that since the signing of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries in Nov 2006, China has exported goods worth around $ 11 billion whereas Pakistan’s exports could hardly reach $ 0.25 billion.

Another misbalance in this respect is that Pakistan imports about 1,000 items from China while the latter’s export-basket is limited to hardly 50 items.

Pakistan exports items like seafood, cotton yarn, leather, marble, fruits, sports goods, rice, raw hides and vegetables. On the other hand, China exports almost every thing available under the sun to Pakistan and that also at very low prices. Mass availability of these goods at low rates has pushed local industry out of competition.

Pakistan’s local industry alleges that the absence of government patronage and lack of supporting infrastructure, like energy, water, roads, has spurred import of cheap Chinese goods into Pakistan. Industrialists say China dumps a lot of goods into Pakistan but no action is taken for various reasons. The biggest of these is that Pakistan does not want to take even a symbolic step that harms friendly relations between the two, they add.
You're all heart -- Though I do wonder why India do more than US$40.00 billion in trade with China especially since these Chinese are as predatory as you claim, and why it is you seem so rankled that many in Pakistan and China want to increase the volume of trade between them?
You're all heart -- Though I do wonder I India do more than US$billion in trade with China and why it is you seem so rankled that many in Pakistan and China want to increase the volume of trade between them?

China wants to increase trade everywhere it can, with Pakistan as stated above, and with India too over the next decade or so:

Pakistan currently about $2b, increasing to about $5b per year.
India currently about $65b, increasing to about $100b per year.
You're all heart -- Though I do wonder why India do more than US$40.00 billion in trade with China especially since these Chinese are as predatory as you claim, and why it is you seem so rankled that many in Pakistan and China want to increase the volume of trade between them?

First , I've been answering to the ' what can we do about our economy threads about Pakistan" with total honesty now and in the past. If you want to focus on India we can. But you seem to fall the same old mentality, when being given sage advice- try to look to attack the other guy. No problem- it's your country and with citizens like you ... well.

second read my posting- it has nothing to do with being rankled about increase in trade. It has to with china does not allow it i.e. does not allow pakistan to export fairly. THEY EXPORT 1000 ITEMS TO PAKISTAN BUT WILL ONLY ALLOW 1/ 4th to 1/5 to be exported to them from paksitan. They dump cheap goods on you and have destroyed your economy and wiped off industries.

now regarding India...This last visit when the Chinese came , they wanted a FTA deal with India. Not only did we refuse the deal because of the trade deficit with us ( which is no where close in terms of percentage you guys have) , but we found it disturbing enough to where we warned the Chinese to allow more goods from India or we would ban some goods from being imported to India. and recently as a few months ago - we did just that. India backs its stance - while you guys are mired in that silly bhai bhai crap in business and to your industries and economies detriment.

they are taking you to the bank ...and stripping your clothes off your back too while in the bank..

did you know , you have this ridiculous loan shark like deal on chines projects in pakistan from your so called " friend", where you not only pay principle + interest BUT also pay them royalties for decades and any a share of profits from such projects for decades!. if such a contract was written by you and me in the corporate world - we would be fired on the spot.

Read Post #191
So the real issue is why government of Pakistan has not gone into overdrive mode in promoting higher volumes of trade with China??? The Indian is doing US$65 Billion in trade with China and telling Pakistan that trade with China is bad (of course the Indian is doing this honestly, so it's not disingenuous)

How can ordinary Pakistanis help push the federal government of Pakistan to move more quickly to increase the volumes of trade with China -- those who are resisting change will find that they are not only punishing themselves but the entirety of nations -- trade is not a privilege reserved for just a select few, those who refuse to make themselves competitive should find other things to do and allow others to satisfy the markets
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