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China Claims Air Supremacy With Its New J-20 Stealth Fighter

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China Claims Air Supremacy With Its New J-20 Stealth Fighter

A close look at China's J-20 stealth fighter, by Washington think tank The Jamestown Foundation, calls the plane a "game changer," that will render all air defense in the region obsolete.

With no refueling of the J-20, Japan, South Korea, and former Air Force bases in the Philippines will all be open to attack; with refueling, United States operations in Guam become easily acquired targets.

This capability allows China to take full control of both "island chains" that form the country's self-defined, maritime defense perimeter.

The study suggests that J-20s will be the tactical equal of U.S. F-22A Raptors as well as F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, and be capable of delivering large "glide bombs" that will "remain unseen through the whole delivery maneuver, effecting complete surprise."

With no radar arrays capable of picking up a stealth fighter, the J-20 will be undetectable to all air defense systems in the U.S., and on all its allied bases in the Asia-Pacific region.

U.S. options for dealing with the J-20 in the air are limited to the 158-plane, F-22 fleet that has been grounded since May 3 due to faulty oxygen systems that cause pilots to lose consciousness at high altitude.

There is currently no allocation in the defense budget to develop "counter stealth" radars in the U.S.

China Claims Air Supremacy With Its New J-20 Stealth Fighter

Title of this thread in NOT correct. China did not claim sir supremacy.
Well,that's may be true.But we will have to wait till 2018 to find out.
A close look at China's J-20 stealth fighter, by Washington think tank The Jamestown Foundation, calls the plane a "game changer," that will render all air defense in the region obsolete.

Since when did 'The Jamestown Foundation' become Chinese? :azn:

U.S. options for dealing with the J-20 in the air are limited to the 158-plane, F-22 fleet that has been grounded since May 3 due to faulty oxygen systems that cause pilots to lose consciousness at high altitude.

I also wish people would stop laughing at a country's misfortune.
J-20 will not give the PLAAF supremacy. It is not an air superiority fighter, but a strike fighter. It's capabilities also happen to be lagging behind the F-22. That's why the PLAAF is building multiple 5th/4.5++th generation fighters, but even then that will not make it any better. Relying on one plane (J-20) will not make much of a difference than now and it leaves the PLAAF with few options.

USAF is already focusing on its F/A-XX while the J-20 isn't even finished testing yet. If anything, it shows how far the PLAAF have fallen behind.
China Claims Air Supremacy With Its New J-20 Stealth Fighter

A close look at China's J-20 stealth fighter, by Washington think tank The Jamestown Foundation, calls the plane a "game changer," that will render all air defense in the region obsolete.

With no refueling of the J-20, Japan, South Korea, and former Air Force bases in the Philippines will all be open to attack; with refueling, United States operations in Guam become easily acquired targets.

This capability allows China to take full control of both "island chains" that form the country's self-defined, maritime defense perimeter.

The study suggests that J-20s will be the tactical equal of U.S. F-22A Raptors as well as F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, and be capable of delivering large "glide bombs" that will "remain unseen through the whole delivery maneuver, effecting complete surprise."

With no radar arrays capable of picking up a stealth fighter, the J-20 will be undetectable to all air defense systems in the U.S., and on all its allied bases in the Asia-Pacific region.

U.S. options for dealing with the J-20 in the air are limited to the 158-plane, F-22 fleet that has been grounded since May 3 due to faulty oxygen systems that cause pilots to lose consciousness at high altitude.

There is currently no allocation in the defense budget to develop "counter stealth" radars in the U.S.

China Claims Air Supremacy With Its New J-20 Stealth Fighter

Where the hell in the article did China claim air superiority?
To my thinking, China ought not build these aircraft or any other of this class, in a mass production -- it's more important to put greater effort into engines, fuels, sensors, materials and production processes.

These aircraft can compliment and serve as learning and training tools -- the effort must be focused on building the technical know how of these elements to an unrivaled level --- weapon systems (the emphasis on systems) of the near future necessitate a higher technological standard, over the broader field of aeronautical and space endeavor.
To my thinking, China ought not build these aircraft or any other of this class, in a mass production -- it's more important to put greater effort into engines, fuels, sensors, materials and production processes.

These aircraft can compliment and serve as learning and training tools -- the effort must be focused on building the technical know how of these elements to an unrivaled level --- weapon systems (the emphasis on systems) of the near future necessitate a higher technological standard, over the broader field of aeronautical and space endeavor.

This was Nazi Germany's approach during WWII. Everything they made had to be technologically unrivalled because they were to be used by the warriors of the master race. This came a cost of reproducibility and German lost the war, and funnily enough they lost the war in a large part due to the Soviet's diametrically opposed philosophy of "quantity has a quality all of its own"
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