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China attacks Vietnam gunboats in the South China Sea!

Good thread! Worth a few laughs....especially the "mystery" that sorrounds SinoChallenged!
that is the old story of the run-away joint accidental ally of vietcong and pinoys: india!

we are actually awaiting for the first crack of your barrels vietcong!
you owe massive credits to us for driving the imperiialists out of the territory, you ungrateful sob!

China stopped from 1968. 1972 begged Nixon to Peking. 1976-1979 backed Polpot attacked Vietnam and 1979 himself attacked Vietnam. Dirty traitor is more dangerous than enemy in front. Traitors shut a mouth.

Thank for Soviet Union and Socialist countries's people. By the year 1972 when US B-52 bombardiers attacked Hanoi, one leader of DDR (west Germany Socialist Republic) said: "Solidarität mit Vietnam ist recht". Vietnam have always a real Friends then we can win in Vietnam wars. They are human being.
If Chinese fishermen in EZZ of Vietnam, we can do necessary action to push them out from our sea.:smokin:
So you admit the location where our coast guard patroled and protected our fisherman is in Chinese waters, not in Vietnam's EEZ. :lol:

Vietnam is powerless to stop Chinese fisherman from fishing there. You are too afraid to attack our coast guard because you know PLA are mobilized to the Vietnamese border for a regime change in Hanoi. :)


but you have to be honest to the report of Global Times! And you can draw "Vietnam" as an implication due to their possession of gunboats in the vicinity waters.

And it was Chinese fishing boats that were being attacked!
China is the most peaceful country in the world. When we "attack" we help protect peace in Asia.

The more we spank Philippines and Vietnam, the more peaceful Asia becomes..... anybody noticed that? :china:
So you admit the location where our coast guard patroled and protected our fisherman is in Chinese waters, not in Vietnam's EEZ. :lol:

Vietnam is powerless to stop Chinese fisherman from fishing there. You are too afraid to attack our coast guard because you know PLA are mobilized to the Vietnamese border for a regime change in Hanoi. :)
I suggest u mind ur words sometimes
So you admit the location where our coast guard patroled and protected our fisherman is in Chinese waters, not in Vietnam's EEZ. :lol:

Vietnam is powerless to stop Chinese fisherman from fishing there. You are too afraid to attack our coast guard because you know PLA are mobilized to the Vietnamese border for a regime change in Hanoi. :)


China is the most peaceful country in the world. When we "attack" we help protect peace in Asia.

The more we spank Philippines and Vietnam, the more peaceful Asia becomes..... anybody noticed that? :china:

Funny thing, baseless nine dash is wet dream of Ah. Q.
regim in peking is going to collapse first.
Funny thing, baseless nine dash is wet dream of Ah. Q.
regim in peking is going to collapse first.
Our coast guard and navy are already patrolling close to Ho Chi Min city, just like the PLA is mobilized along the border close to Hanoi. We love Vietnam so much, we want to be closer and closer to you :)
Our coast guard and navy are already patrolling close to Ho Chi Min city, just like the PLA is mobilized along the border close to Hanoi. We love Vietnam so much, we want to be closer and closer to you :)

Sino, buddy, I don't think it will be of any use to China to get into an armed conflict with Vietnam at this point of time. It will only provide opportunity to the US and its minions to meddle. Besides, China's navy doesn't have the experience required to fight modern naval battles. First China should develop a well trained navy with reliable battle platforms. China should focus on its border with india because there, the outcome of any armed conflict will certainly be in favour of China. In South China Sea, the US has the scope to intervene militarily and I'm pretty sure the US is looking for an opportunity like that.
very likely he is a french Indian, because the biggest visitors to India is overseas Indians visiting mother lands```

clueless chinese..he is either Indian or French..India don't permit twin citizenship i think.
But india already ran away from the South China Sea, leaving their "ally" Vietnam to face China's wrath all alone. India can talk and talk but when it's time for war indians run away very fast. We saw that in 1962!

Chinese inferiority !!!
You didnt even detect our nuke sub when its play under water soccer in your private sea area :P Your Navy cannot come into India Ocean with out our permission .Perhaps Vietnam took for granted that China can only have wet dreams because they still cry like babies for South Tibet and Sikkim . They cannot do any thing except issuing stapled Visas . China can copy and copy but when war comes their hollow cylinders will fall on them . Vietnam got courage after looking at a countrys worse history where it was defeated by tiny Japan . I might not wonder if Vietnam would make China drink gallons of water . If VN blocks SCS China will starve of oil and its economy will collapse .
The thread is fake because it says China attacks but in reality China is scared of Vietnam and it couldnt afford to lose a war with Vietnam .
You didnt even detect our nuke sub when its play under water soccer in your private sea area :P Your Navy cannot come into India Ocean with out our permission .
LOL at "india's nuclear submarine" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: indians are so good at self-delusion

Supapower india's stealth fighter is so stealthy it was flying over Beijing unseen and unheard too :azn:
Our coast guard and navy are already patrolling close to Ho Chi Min city, just like the PLA is mobilized along the border close to Hanoi. We love Vietnam so much, we want to be closer and closer to you :)

with these type of response, i am confident about your fate. Very soon Chinese members here will denounce you.

You seriously need to go for a checkup.
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