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Chechen President Kadyrov “Islamic State Leader Abu Omar al-Shishani Liquidated”


Oct 17, 2008
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The President of the Russian Federation’s Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that Islamic State leader Abu Omar al-Shishani, who threatened that he’d bring holy war to Chechnya and the Caucasus has been liquidated.


Ramzan Kadyrov

Tarkhan Batirashvili a.k.a. Abu Omar al-Shishani released a video promising that he would be bringing the Islamic State to Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov didn’t release details about the death of Batirashvili but noted that he had given orders to track him down in September after the release of the video.Kadyrov released a message via his Instagram account after the release of the video threat in September, saying:“We are dealing with that. We have good guys whocan move to any part of the world where bandits threaten our country. I havealready issued orders to find that criminal and to send him from where he’llnever return”.

The President of the Russian Federation’s Chechen Republic also announced the death of the want-to-be emir of Chechnya and the Caucasus via his Instagram account, saying:

“The enemy of Islam Tarkhan Batirashvili, calling himself Abu Omar al-Shishani has been killed. The same will happen to anyone who may dare threaten Russia and the Chechen people. It will happen to anyone who will be shedding Muslims’ blood. Allah is Greatest!”


John McCain meeting illegally in a rebel safe
house with the heads of the “Free Syrian Army” in
Idlib, Syria in April, 2013. In the left foreground, top
al Qaeda terrorist leader Ibrahim al-Badri
(aka Al-Baghdadi of ISIS, aka Caliph Ibrahim of the
recently founded Islamic Empire) with whom the
Senator is talking. Behind Badri is visible Brigadier
General Salim Idris (with glasses), the former
military chief of the FSA, who has since fled to the
Gulf states after the collapse of any semblance of the
FSA.(Courtesy VoltaireNet.org)

In October Kadyrov issued a statement that is consistent with calls from Islamic scholars worldwide as well as calls from the Egyptian government who say that the use of the name “Islamic State” is misleading and that the use of this designation should be abolished and substituted with, for example, Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq.Kadyrov commented on the use of the name Islamic State in October, saying:

“I’d like to ask one and all not to call them Islamic State. They are Shaitans (devils – evil spirits) and their sole obsession is to grab as much money as they can lay hands on. They are acting on orders of the West and deliberately exterminate Muslims”.

Kadyrov also challenged ISIS/ISIL leader and self-anointed “Caliph” Ibrahim, a.k.a. al-Baghdadi and al-Badri to admit that he is working for the intelligence services of the United States.In April 2013 the ISIS/ISIL Caliph attended a covert meeting with U.S. Senator John McCain in a safe-house in Idlib after McCain illegally had crossed the Turkish-Syrian border.The renown U.S.-American historian Webster Griffin Tarpley repeatedly called upon the arrest of McCain for colluding with and supporting terrorists, including ISIS/ISIL or the self-proclaimed “Islamic State”.


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