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Cern physicists say they have found a Higgs boson


Jan 10, 2013
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The European Organization for Nuclear Research,
or CERN, says a look at all the data from 2012
shows that what they found last year was a
version of what is popularly referred to as the
"God particle.''

GENEVA: Physicists say they are
now confident they have
discovered a long-sought
subatomic particle known as a
Higgs boson. The European Organization for
Nuclear Research, or CERN, says a
look at all the data from 2012
shows that what they found last
year was a version of what is
popularly referred to as the "God particle.'' CERN physicist Joe Incandela said
in a statement Thursday that "it is
clear that we are dealing with a
Higgsboson though we still have
a long way to go to know what
kind of Higgs boson it is.'' The long-theorized subatomic particle would
explain why matter has mass. It is considered a
missing cornerstone of physics. Last July scientists with the world's largest atom-
smasher announced finding a particle they
described as Higgs-like.

this is all fraud....no one knows what is happening inside a long metallic tube.....they are just looting the taxpayer ...these scientists working on cern are all thugs and looters........this project is as bogus as the story of snow white and seven dwarfs.
this is all fraud....no one knows what is happening inside a long metallic tube.....they are just looting the taxpayer ...these scientists working on cern are all thugs and looters........this project is as bogus as the story of snow white and seven dwarfs.

Buddy you should take your pills timely and relax . Don't Strain yourself by posting on forums .


This will surely be very exciting .
Just Few days back , they said , they were unable to discover anything significant , & now this . These Scientists are turning into politicians .
What exactly would a scientist mean by " God's particle - The Higg's Boson " ? Is it the fundamental particle of all sub atomics ?
Just Few days back , they said , they were unable to discover anything significant , & now this . These Scientists are turning into politicians .

They never said that. All that was reported last year (I was fortunate enough to view the presentation real time) was that a particle consistent with the Higgs Boson was discovered and they were ~99% sure of it. That level of surety has to be around %99.999. Only then can scientists say that it is a significant discovery.

But then hey, when people believe "abstract words from Books as the absolute truth", it may be very difficult to understand the trial and error methods employed by scientists in their quest to understand the world.
Only things that does not Stop is Time , Everything else has a limit , even the stars .

What is the definition of time my scientific minded friend>?

pls dont come with alarm clock...
What exactly would a scientist mean by " God's particle - The Higg's Boson " ? Is it the fundamental particle of all sub atomics ?

Well this is as of now a Theoretical Particle which gives all sub atomics particle their mass in layman's term .
What exactly would a scientist mean by " God's particle - The Higg's Boson " ? Is it the fundamental particle of all sub atomics ?

Yes, the elementary particle which gives mass to everything else. Anyway, the "God Particle" is a misnomer. According to Leon Lehderman, the physicist who "coined" the term, the title of his book was supposed to be "Goddam Particle". Obviously the publishers has certain reservations about "Goddam", so they cut it short to "God". Rest is history.
There is no such thing as "God Particle" and they wont find it...Thats for sure...
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