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Celebrating Pakistani Victory | Kashmiri students ‘thrashed’ in Meerut University by Indians.

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Anyone who wants to join Pakistan is free to leave. The land is ours, also the people who support us, borders have been drawn and unfortunately that is how it is going to remain :agree:
factually wrong .. no borders have been drawn ..kashmir is a disputed region ...not an Indian territory ..
Why you cry about when groups following similiar school of thought blow up shias, ahemdis. What is good for goose must be good for gander.
Wrong thread...kindly dont derail!
bro i had 2 indian girlfriends.. one was from dehli and other from indian occupied kashmir...if u see my fb i had alot of indian frnds as well .. everyone has their version ..u might have a kashmiri frnd which supports india but i have met alot of kashmirs which dont .. i even had some frnds from bombay which which hate india
Your internet romances hardly back up the point no offence.:sarcastic:
You need to actually go to Kashmir and visit or have been born and raised there to understand the different viewpoints.
Why you cry about when groups following similiar school of thought blow up shias, ahemdis. What is good for goose must be good for gander.

And these very same ppl cry oceans when we comment in the threads related to their internal matter :pleasantry:

Oh wait . . another Rantings thread coming on my name . . soon . . :hitwall:
Why you cry about when groups following similiar school of thought blow up shias, ahemdis. What is good for goose must be good for gander.
these groups have blown up more sunnis then shias,,, bro read the comment from better @ExtraOdinary ,,, atleast his straiught forward ..he dnt give lame justifications of occupation and killing of innocent kashmirs ... if u have occupied them by force ..man up and say it .. they hate u ,, why r u trying to defend this by bring up stupid logics of school of thoughs .. we never even discus it in Pakistan
Practice what you preach.. There are a bunch of people in Pakistan asking for their land as well... ;)

Nobody you can find ... Huh you will absoluteltly point out to Balochistan because this your wish to saperate it even comman Balochi doesn't support it except some trrrorists supported by you ...........
Kashmiri Shia mourn India patriot

By Altaf Hussain
BBC News, Dub, Indian-administered Kashmir


Normally such public outpourings of grief are expressed only for dead militants

The funeral north of Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir was just like those of countless others who have died violently over the past 20 years.

A Muslim killed in the insurgency was laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard in the village of Dub, north of Srinagar, on Tuesday, surrounded by thousands of mourners.

What made the ceremony unusual was that this was no militant who had died fighting the Indian army.

This was a Kashmiri who served with the Indian army and died fighting the militants.

Shabir Ahmed Malik was among eight Indian soldiers killed in a gun battle earlier this week with separatist militants in Kupwara.


Over the past two decades, hundreds of Kashmiris have died while fighting for India.


Mr Malik was a dedicated soldier of the Indian army
Among them are police officials and Ikhwanis, or "renegade" militants who have been persuaded or coerced - depending on who you believe - to abandon militancy and instead work for the Indian security forces. Most Ikhwanis were or are pariahs.

But Shabir, 21, joined the Indian army after passing his 12th class examination. He studied at the Sainik (army) School at Ganderbal.

Shabir's family and neighbours are proud of his army service.

"He has become a hero. He died an honourable death. I am so happy, although I am also pained at his separation," says Mohammad Yasin, a neighbour and friend of the dead man.

Mr Yasin says he still regrets not being able to join the Indian army with Shabir.

"I too went with him that day. But only three boys were selected. I was not taken because I was over age. I still feel so bad about it.

"Even now, I have a passionate desire to do something for my country like Shabir has done."

Mr Yasin says that the moving send-off given to Shabir has inspired many more youths in the village to join the army.


"I am 28," says Showkat Ahmed. "I have never in my life seen such a funeral. Such death is pride-worthy."


Mr Malik's village showed huge pride in his army service
Such well-attended funerals are usually the preserve of militants killed by Indian troops.

Shabir's body was kept outside the "imambara" (Shia place of worship) and the villagers mourned beside it.

They beat their chests but unlike at the funerals of militants there was no slogan shouting.

The fact the villagers are minority Shia may in part explain their pro-India loyalties. Kashmir's insurgency over the past two decades has mostly been waged by Sunni militants.

Part of the Shia community has stayed away from the separatist campaign, although some leaders of the separatist movement do belong to the Shias.

The coffin was draped in India's tricolour before it was carried to the graveyard.

Shabir's brother, Ghiulam Mohammad, says: "I wanted him to become a doctor. But he had a passion for joining the army and was determined to complete his graduation so he could become an army officer.

"He was patriotic from his childhood. He wanted to do something for his country. His ambition has been fulfilled."

The villagers have been sharing the family's grief as well as its pride in what Shabir fought for.

"Every family here is bereaved. Every family is mourning," one villager said.
@Jackdaws Do you have something to say apart from quoting me?

Yes. India, if it does claim to be a free country - then it should allow its citizens to choose which team they support. Thrashing students to instill patriotism? Seems stupid. The University blaming the Kashmirs would be funny if it wasn't outrageous. As a kid growing up - if India performed badly (as it generally did) I automatically supported Pakistan next because they kind of looked like us. Sri Lanka was pretty sad then at cricket. Do the Hindu students in hindsight now believe that the Kashmiri students will support India in the future in Cricket? So much for unity in diversity.
these groups have blown up more sunnis then shias,,, bro read the comment from better @ExtraOdinary ,,, atleast his straiught forward ..he dnt give lame justifications of occupation and killing of innocent kashmirs ... if u have occupied them by force ..man up and say it .. they hate u ,, why r u trying to defend this by bring up stupid logics of school of thoughs .. we never even discus it in Pakistan
I am not shying from anything bruv ... we are holding them by force and we will till the earth stops rotating on it's own axis. They hate us ... but it's just a particular sect. I am not defending the beating up of the students ... you think it was wrong i think it was right. you can't convince me and neither i can.
Oh wait India finally woke up to report:

A university in Uttar Pradesh has packed off 67 students from Kashmir to their homes for celebrating Pakistan's victory over India in a cricket match on Sunday, prompting a top official to order an inquiry.

Vice-chancellor of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University (SVSU) Dr Manzoor Ahmad said "he was taken aback by such an unacceptable gesture of a few students".

"We can`t accept such behaviour from any student," he said.

The trouble began on Sunday night when a group of local and Kashmiri students were watching India-Pakistan cricket match in the hall of the varsity's Madan Dhingra Hostel.

A few Kashmiri students clapped every time an Indian player's wicket fell, and later celebrated the Pakistan win.

"Some students complained that a few students reportedly shouted Pakistan zindabad on way to their rooms," said Ahmad.

He said the authorities initially decided to suspend only those students who had shouted slogans.

"But a three-tier inquiry finally recommended all 67 Kashmiri students residing in Madan Dhingra Hostel be suspended indefinitely because they didn't reveal the names of the handful of wrongdoers actually involved in creating trouble," Ahmad said.

The VC said, "We were expecting the students to apologise. But when that did not happen, we had to suspend them all of them."

He rejected reports that local students had clashed with Kashmiri students or shouted slogans. The authorities had reported the matter to the police after realising anger was brewing among the local students living in other hostels, which could escalate the tensions.

"These students were dropped at Ghaziabad and Delhi railway stations under police security cover," said senior superintendent of police Omkar Singh.

More than 200 girls and boys from different parts of Jammu and Kashmir are pursuing various courses in the university.

Meanwhile, district magistrate Pankaj Yadav has asked additional city magistrate Ram Bharat Tiwari to inquire into the incident and submit his findings within a week.

The decision to suspend the students was taken by the varsity authorities without consulting the police or the district administration, the SSP said.

However, the parents of the students have told the media in the valley that a few students had been attacked by their local counterparts.

"There was a big confrontation and non-Kashmiri students had vandalised the rooms of our wards," a parent told Kashmir's largest circulated English daily, Greater Kashmir.

Another newspaper, Kashmir Reader, quoted Irfan Ahmad Rather, a BTech student at the varsity, saying, "We clapped when Pakistan won the match. This infuriated the local students and they went on a rampage, damaged the hall, hurled abuses at us and threatened to beat us."

A group of parents speaking to Hindustan Times, however, appreciated the varsity's move to give the students a safe passage to the valley.

In a signed letter released to the media, the group said that sending the students to Kashmir was a good step as it avoided any untoward incident. "There was a heated argument between some students but most students are innocent, so we think university authorities did a good thing by sending them to valley in order to avoid any clashes," said a parent.

(With inputs from Srinagar by Toufiq Rashid)

67 Kashmiri students sent to their homes for celebrating Pak win - Hindustan Times

Wow no wonder the Indian members are in denial even their news agents reported it to favour the Indians :tsk:
Question was which school of thought these groups follow ...
Harkat ul Mujaheeden
Hizbul Mujaheeden
Al - badr

PS. yeah long time ... been busy trolling certain section you say how you been. :p:
het never attacked shias .. stop making up stuff ... by the way why r u bring the groups up .. when 100,000 of kashmir is chanting hum pakistani hain pakistan hamara ha .. they dnt belong to any group of people .. they believe Pakistan se rishta kya la ilaha illa allah ... u can try to complicate stuff .. but the fact is even before any of those groups came ..they still didnt wanted to be with u ..like i said before .. stop justifying it ..man up and say we occupied it and we intend to keep this piece of land ..
Open your eyes wide, I said the report THRASHING is fake. I didn't say expulsion is fake and for god sake please go and read the article you referred to me. The Vice-chancellor said it was just a TEMPORARY SUSPENSION FOR THREE DAYS so as to calm down the situation. What are you blabbering even the parents of the kashmiri students appreciated the decision. Guess you haven't lived the college life, these kind of fights are normal no matter who is what. Try to view it as a guy from college. ThIs clash is nothing in front of other incidents which happen in colleges for example: RAGING, we even as roommates fight sometimes, your are hyping it as it is some sort of genocide happened there.So please for god sake don't hike it unnecessarily just to malign some country or it's people. Here's what parent of a kashmiri student said:

There was a heated argument between some students, but MOST of the STUDENTS are INNOCENT. So we think college did a GOOD THING by sending students in order to avoid any clashes. seriously man, you guys are such a provocateur. :mad:

Is BBC credible enough? BBC News - Kashmiri students suspended in India for 'supporting Pakistan' in cricket

Or must it be written in Indian scripts for you to follow the news? Ignorance really is a bliss for you people!

Dont drag Pakistan into your matters! Expelled on what basis? For supporting Pakistan? Well you know what that is called? Pathetic immaturity!

And how your countrymen supported the trashing is def degraded humanity! compared to your assumptions of what Pakistan would do!
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