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CCTV News: China and US was on verage of another shooting war in 2016 July


Sep 9, 2016
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CCTV of China release a TV program talking about the inside information on the short-lived China and US confrontation in July 2016, just about the time where the illegal Hagel ruling regarding China's indisputable sovereignty over there.

According to this video, the US commander admiral Harris (who is a mixed blood and is half-japanese btw) really want a shooting war or at least want to threat to use force in South China sea, sending two aircraft carriers groups to South China sea and give orders to the fleet commanders to use force.

As a respond, China sent a few bridge of DF-21 ASBMs to Guangdong, and China's South China Sea Fleet has mobilized a few hunderds of their warships.

China's DF-21 bridges' order is that, In case of a war, China will use DF-21 to sunk most of the US big warships in South China sea, and the South China sea fleet of China will take care of the remaining US warships.

(1) There has been also several skmirish, including a few US SSN want to sneak into South China sea, around phillipine and China's sea borderline and get spotted immediately by China's task force there.

(2)E/F-18G try to jam the Chinese warplanes over there and get overpowered by Chinese electric warfare planes.

After China demonstrated their will to fight and overcoming fire power, the US fleet commander and US leadership decided to back down and remove all their aircraft carriers out of South China sea, against Harris's will.

Now we know, why all of a sudden the US remove their battlegroup out of South China sea just 24 hours after Harris making the comments that US fleet over there can and will fight a war (with China) tommorrow.

And it also explained why Phillipines dont insist the illegal ruling and dont want to following the US in this matter even through theortically such actions should benefit them much more.

This is what we called: Peace through the strength of great military power.:enjoy:

CCTV news footage:

China's major news websites all discuss this CCTV news:

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Unfortunately this is the only survival way under US. You have to control them thru strenght.

Otherwise, you will end up like Vietnamese, Libyan, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, and many more.
Unfortunately this is the only survival way under US. You have to control them thru strenght.

Otherwise, you will end up like Vietnamese, Libyan, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, and many more.

Basically anyone that don't have nukes are screwed.
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