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Carbon fiber clouds hiding naval destroyers from anti-ship missiles

Battleships or gun cruisers? Both armed with railguns can be very effective, though battleships would be more heavily armed, and nuclear power is an obvious requirement for such a system due to its power requirements. While I don't see much need now for a return of the Iowa's, building a new class of either type of ship could be a cost-effective augment or replacement to the expensive missile cruisers currently in service. Unfortunately destroyers seem to be the surface combatant the Navy is looking at as its future.
The USN floated the concept of an 'arsenal ship' for a while.

Arsenal ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WW II was the first time fleets fought each other without being line of sight of each other via the aircraft carrier. With 11 carriers, it is unlikely for the next 75 or even 100 yrs that anyone can challenge the USN fleet to fleet. That leave ship to shore as the most likely scenarios for the USN in future combat.

Against troop emplacements, nothing beats simple 'dumb' artillery shells in terms of terrifying enemy troops while being economical. Desert Storm proved that, as if the ship's cannon needed to prove itself anyway. If the USAF can go to smart bombs like the Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) concept, the USN battleship or arsenal ship can still terrify enemy troops with smaller guns with smarter shells. Rail guns and much smarter weapons like cruise missiles are reserved for large scale destruction of facilities such as bases or other ships. Nuclear power would be a req, of course. The intention of this new battleship would not changed from WW I, which is to deliver continuous streams of destruction onto an area, but with newer technologies, this new battleship would be able to do that more efficiently and precisely.
I will write this a lot during my stay on PDF, but it is very important. Our adversaries can brag about their carrier-killing whatever or their new super/hyper sonic missiles that will end the US presence in whatever region they are in, but we are always one step ahead and thinking two or three beyond that. Just when you think you have found an answer for our tactics or a counter to our systems we change the game and add new ones. We are always testing, developing, redesigning, upgrading and theorizing new ways to protect ourselves and defeat our enemies. Good luck trying to keep up.

On the other hand, who's to say that this measure isn't simply the US' way of "catching up" to whatever Russia/China is fielding?

It's another chicken and egg paradox and trying to deduce who is spearheading the race doesn't serve to gauge anyone.

Wouldn't this also increase ship's heat signature?

If any ship resorts to using this countermeasure then it's pretty much settled that the ship has given away its cover.
On the other hand, who's to say that this measure isn't simply the US' way of "catching up" to whatever Russia/China is fielding?
Then what is that 'whatever' from Russia/China ?

If any ship resorts to using this countermeasure then it's pretty much settled that the ship has given away its cover.
Say what...??? This method is not for a ship/fleet to simply spew while underway, even in enemy waters. It is for being used while under attack, which mean the ship/fleet is already known.

What you see is in the visual spectrum, that means YOU can see features such as the sea, the ships, and the smoke. But if an attacker is radar equipped, that mean his spectrum of detection is limited to the EM region, and that mean he cannot see the ship or the sea as distinct features like you can but only by their EM emissions, if any.

This EM countermeasure is improved chaff, in a manner of speaking.

Chaff (countermeasure) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The advantage over chaff is lightweight, which will enable the defense to carry more of it, and it can be more tailored according to the EM threat. This is actually not new since the US Army have been using them for yrs.


Chaff is a second world war tech with its own drawbacks;

Hiding a Ship at sea from radar, thermal, acoustic sensors is at this stage a technically mammoth and a very expensive task. No technological solution provides complete cloaking. If you think technology is the edge, a slight change of tactics exposes the technology like a sore thumb. Reminds me of Star Trek and Klingon cloaking. The USS Enterprise had no way to detect cloaking, so they use tactics to do the needful.

Just like the Chinese have long range radars that can detect the advanced Stealth F-35 a larger ship at sea should be less of a problem not matter what kinda smoke it blows from its @ss!

And the US is NOT the pioneer in inventing this kinda smoke. A company from Sweden (WOODSTOCK ACCESS) invented this radar and thermal evading smoke to envelope fixed structures (like buildings, towers, other installations) and also tested it on M113 APC's in 2006-08 against protection from laser guided, radar guided bombs & cruise missiles. The only problem was/ is the large size of back-up support required to keep the system operational.
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Hiding a Ship at sea from radar, thermal, acoustic sensors is at this stage a technically mammoth and a very expensive task. No technological solution provides complete cloaking. If you think technology is the edge, a slight change of tactics exposes the technology like a sore thumb. Reminds me of Star Trek and Klingon cloaking. The USS Enterprise had no way to detect cloaking, so they use tactics to do the needful.
You are going to the extreme here, buddy. This method is one of many countermeasures, of which targets different aspects of an attack. This method targets the EM spectrum. I know it is hard for you to accept the notion that the USN is not helpless, but this is beyond your control.

Just like the Chinese have long range radars that can detect the advanced Stealth F-35 a larger ship at sea should be less of a problem not matter what kinda smoke it blows from its @ss!
Yeah...This idea is what the Chinese have been blowing out of their @asses. And you just inhaled a lungful.

And the US is NOT the pioneer in inventing this kinda smoke. A company from Sweden (WOODSTOCK ACCESS) invented this radar and thermal evading smoke to envelope fixed structures (like buildings, towers, other installations) and also tested it on M113 APC's in 2006-08 against protection from laser guided, radar guided bombs & cruise missiles. The only problem was/ is the large size of back-up support required to keep the system operational.
Never said it was. And just may be we improved since then. I know it is hard for you to accept the idea that the US can improve on technology, but this is beyond your control.
Say what...??? This method is not for a ship/fleet to simply spew while underway, even in enemy waters. It is for being used while under attack, which mean the ship/fleet is already known.

Yes, so maintaining a low IR/radar signature would be of moot importance at this point. That was what my point was driving at.
Yes, so maintaining a low IR/radar signature would be of moot importance at this point. That was what my point was driving at.
You were not trying to make any point worth debating.

If any ship resorts to using this countermeasure then it's pretty much settled that the ship has given away its cover.
Given away its cover ? What cover are you talking about ? This countermeasure is an EM cover after the fact that the ship's or fleet's location is already known, so what is given away ? You do not voluntarily reveal your position unless you must, correct ?

Looky here...I know you are trying to downplay the effectiveness of this thing and you are trying to sound smart, just like you have tried with anything involving the military, but give up. It is not working.
Sounds exotic but it's probably just fiberglass dust and cured resin. Or it could be carbon fiber but that has alloys, don't actually know but the naval project that i worked on involved composites probably for this exact reason.
Always ahead of time who can defeat USN ?????????????????????????????
But but but... how can that be??? They were supposed to be carrier killers!!! They were supposed to make carriers obsolete!!! It was supposed to be the end of the US navy and the rise of the carrier killers!!! How could this happen?? !:lol::lol::lol:

Fun fact-the supposed carrier killer was never tested on a moving target :lol:

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