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Canadian imams issue Taliban fatwa

I really laugh at Ummah people.The Pakistan itself is being destroyed due to these ******** Talibans and so called Islamic Fighters..the local's cant live properly and you want to invite Millitants from all over the world..
The word Ummah comes from the Arabic amma which means "to go, betake, repair, go to see," Imama "to lead the way, lead by one's example (esp. in prayer)," umuma "to be or become a mother, to nationalize, etc." Also derived from this root is Umm which means "mother, source, origin, basis, foundation, original, original version (of a book), the gist, essence of…"

Thus the word Ummah means "nation, people, generation, community."

The Qur'an uses this word in a number of ways, but it is primarily used to describe groups of people from past and future.

well i didnt Know! The Almighty God has decleared Pakistan his place of Residence. Obviously the Mullah in that cave you were residing in didnt teach you Islam and what God is! Read a book or 2, before you come here and give me advice on Allah and his Prophet. May i suggest a very Famous book? The Quran! Read it and this time actually Read it and comprehend what you are reading - Hypocrite!

So when you guys detonate the Bomb in a car and destroy part of pakistan and kill 100s of innocent people you do it for Allah and his prophet.

Really you might wanna call Chowdhry Rehmat Ali

" 'Pakistan' is both a Persian and an Urdu word. It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands- 'Indian' and 'Asian', that is Punjab, Afghania (North- West Frontier Province), Kashmir, Iran, Sindh (including Kachch and Kathiawar), Tukharistan, Afghanistan and BaluchistaN. It means the land of the Paks - the spiritually pure and clean. It symbolizes the religious beliefs and the ethnical stocks of our people; and it stands for all the territorial constituents of our original Fatherland. It has no other origin and no other meaning; and it does not admit of any other interpretation."

Again Brains required which would be hard in your case as caves without fresh air wouldnt be much of a place for brain develpoment.

Wrong pakistan was created as a secular state for Muslims of India.
But you wouldnt No that as most Mullahs who know claims its there to destroy were against it but you would no that if u have could read.

Thank you very much i have one and i enjoy it every day while saying thanks to his Almighty for every thing he is given me every step of the day.

Get Educated!

Funny you said that cause at the time of her creation as i said before Mullahs were against it so what you are saying is Mullahs were against Islam:what::rofl:

Educative reply..:tup:
Buddy these are hardcore Jihadis they are brainwashed..nothin can be done.
Saad, they are hardcore criminals who are using the name of Islam for their dirty objectives. Don't call them Jihadists because they are not doing any Jihad nor they have a clue of the meanings Jihad.
Why so sensitive? When you thought they would carry the day, you were all praise for them and for their jihad - now you sing a different song, why? Jihadist are getting their lunch handed to them and you seem upset about this, why?

You seem to want to tell everybody what they can and cannot do according to your islamist ideology, is this a reflection that the ideology is losing it's appeal or is it that you hope to salvage something of the ideology?
Why so sensitive? When you thought they would carry the day, you were all praise for them and for their jihad - now you sing a different song, why? Jihadist are getting their lunch handed to them and you seem upset about this, why?

You seem to want to tell everybody what they can and cannot do according to your islamist ideology, is this a reflection that the ideology is losing it's appeal or is it that you hope to salvage something of the ideology?
It seems you hold a PhD in the art of twisting and disinformation. When did I praise these criminals? When did I support their ways of imposing religion or whatever? Please quote my posts to support your claims otherwise you are only accusing me for something I never did.

I think you own the arm twisting Phd - I can't remember any other member insisting that we not show Islamist terrorists in their true light, that we either not use particular words or not ascribe to them the actions they are responsible for. But your posts speak for themselves.

Won't you agree, that there seems to be a shift in the thinking of ordinary Pakistanis with regard to jihadist terrorists? Pakistanis seem deeply concerned that in the name of religion, terrorists have spread their ideology but some now seem to not even celebrate that Imams have taken to iussuing Fatwa against them, instead want Mufti to "legitimize" these -- but do you think those who support the use of religion in politics and to use religion to motivate and justify political violence, will cease and come to their senses, or do you think, they will try to be more forceful, arguing against the use of terms to describe them and insisting people not use words such as Jihadists or Islamists to describe these?
Qsaark, from your first appearance on this Forum I thought you were an apologist for the irhabis. It would take too much energy to go back and quote you, yourself, chapter and verse in this regard. That is why I questioned the wisdom of making you a "think tank" member. Now, your are "reformed"? I don't believe it. I smell Taqiyya. To me, you sit here in the US with your US government grant for your personal research and are the ultimate hypocrite railing against my country. You hate my country as you take everything it has to offer.

I think you own the arm twisting Phd - I can't remember any other member insisting that we not show Islamist terrorists in their true light, that we either not use particular words or not ascribe to them the actions they are responsible for. But your posts speak for themselves.
Which posts? quote them.

Won't you agree, that there seems to be a shift in the thinking of ordinary Pakistanis with regard to jihadist terrorists? Pakistanis seem deeply concerned that in the name of religion, terrorists have spread their ideology but some now seem to not even celebrate that Imams have taken to iussuing Fatwa against them, instead want Mufti to "legitimize" these -- but do you think those who support the use of religion in politics and to use religion to motivate and justify political violence, will cease and come to their senses, or do you think, they will try to be more forceful, arguing against the use of terms to describe them and insisting people not use words such as Jihadists or Islamists to describe these?
Following is my post about Imams versus Muftis:

Hopefully these Imams are also 'Muftis', otherwise, their 'fatwa' carries no weight. Just something technical.....

It is like taking your case to a panel of Attorneys. Can the attorneys make a decision based on the evidence provided? Answer is yes. Because attorneys have the knowledge of he law. Will their decision be recognized as a legitimate one? Answer is no. Because they are attorneys not Justices. This is the Job of a Justice to make the decision. Similarly, any Aalim who holds a degree in the Religion, can reach to a decision, however, because he does not hold the diploma of a Mufti, he can make a fatwa. He may be very right, but not entitled to declare his understanding as Fatwa. Why you think Medical Specialists exist? Why MBBS or MD is not considered sufficient? Why patients are referred to these specialists? Why hierarchy exists in Armed forces, or any other department?

Will their decision be recognized as a legitimate one? Answer is no.

The quote above is a reflection your true sentiment - whether by Imam or by Mufti or by Ayatollah, these do not make a proposition legitimate - If a Mufti or Ayatollah says kill a particular author or anybody, will that become legitimate??

fact of the matter is that you are not at ease with the sidelining of those of use religion in Pakistan for political purposes, who motivate and justify political violence in the name of religion. Your positions on the Shariah constituting obscene sadistic punishments has also been reviewed before.

With these in mind one has difficulty not coming to the conclusion that you find much to not celebrate in the statement of these imam, will you deny?
Qsaark, from your first appearance on this Forum I thought you were an apologist for the irhabis. It would take too much energy to go back and quote you, yourself, chapter and verse in this regard. That is why I questioned the wisdom of making you a "think tank" member. Now, your are "reformed"? I don't believe it. I smell Taqiyya. To me, you sit here in the US with your US government grant for your personal research and are the ultimate hypocrite railing against my country. You hate my country as you take everything it has to offer.
"Maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit", English translation: "The necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges". YOU are accusing me, so YOU have to prove that I have said what YOU are blaming me for. It will take too much energy or what, this is YOUR problem becasue YOU have to prove.

We'll come back to rest of the non-sense you have vomited in your post once you prove from my previous posts that I have supported the criminals who use the name of religion to justify their actions.

You seem ill at ease with the fatwa, you want mufti to legitimize it -- one wonders if you will also deny that when if a Mufti or a Ayatollah says kill somebody, whether that would be legitimate?

Your position arguing that Shariah is constituted of obscene and sadistic punishments is also known to readers.

With these in mind, it's very difficult to not conclude that you are ill at ease with the fatwa of these imams. In fact, you seem ill at ease with the idea that those in Pakistan who use religion to motivate and justify political violence be sidelined and ostracized, will you deny?
The quote above is a reflection your true sentiment - whether by Imam or by Mufti or by Ayatollah, these do not make a proposition legitimate - If a Mufti or Ayatollah says kill a particular author or anybody, will that become legitimate??

fact of the matter is that you are not at ease with the sidelining of those of use religion in Pakistan for political purposes, who motivate and justify political violence in the name of religion. Your positions on the Shariah constituting obscene sadistic punishments has also been reviewed before.

With these in mind one has difficulty not coming to the conclusion that you find much to not celebrate in the statement of these imam, will you deny?
Now you are turning this whole thing from this issue to another issue, Salman Rushdi.....Where in my post I mention the word "Ayatollah"? Where in my post I said that "If a Mufti or Ayatollah says kill a particular author or anybody, will that become legitimate??".

Fact of the matter is not what you are trying to tell me, fact of the matter is, you are constantly avoiding quoting my alleged posts in which, according to your claims, I have supported the views and actions of the criminals. You are accusing me without any proof, and you have courage to insist shamelessly on this slander.

You have not answered whether or not if a Mufti or a Ayatollah says it's Ok to kill somebody whether that would be legitimate?

you seem more interested in evasion than answering questions put to you - why is that?
I really laugh at Ummah people.The Pakistan itself is being destroyed due to these ******** Talibans and so called Islamic Fighters..the local's cant live properly and you want to invite Millitants from all over the world..

Islam fighters are not always Taliban! Don't generalize all Muslims...

Pakistan was indeed made for Muslims and has NOTHING to do with secularism!

Ummah is a fundamental aspect of Islamic belief!
The word Ummah comes from the Arabic amma which means "to go, betake, repair, go to see," Imama "to lead the way, lead by one's example (esp. in prayer)," umuma "to be or become a mother, to nationalize, etc." Also derived from this root is Umm which means "mother, source, origin, basis, foundation, original, original version (of a book), the gist, essence of…"

Thus the word Ummah means "nation, people, generation, community."

The Qur'an uses this word in a number of ways, but it is primarily used to describe groups of people from past and future.

well i didnt Know! The Almighty God has decleared Pakistan his place of Residence. Obviously the Mullah in that cave you were residing in didnt teach you Islam and what God is! Read a book or 2, before you come here and give me advice on Allah and his Prophet. May i suggest a very Famous book? The Quran! Read it and this time actually Read it and comprehend what you are reading - Hypocrite!

So when you guys detonate the Bomb in a car and destroy part of pakistan and kill 100s of innocent people you do it for Allah and his prophet.

Really you might wanna call Chowdhry Rehmat Ali

" 'Pakistan' is both a Persian and an Urdu word. It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands- 'Indian' and 'Asian', that is Punjab, Afghania (North- West Frontier Province), Kashmir, Iran, Sindh (including Kachch and Kathiawar), Tukharistan, Afghanistan and BaluchistaN. It means the land of the Paks - the spiritually pure and clean. It symbolizes the religious beliefs and the ethnical stocks of our people; and it stands for all the territorial constituents of our original Fatherland. It has no other origin and no other meaning; and it does not admit of any other interpretation."

Again Brains required which would be hard in your case as caves without fresh air wouldnt be much of a place for brain develpoment.

Wrong pakistan was created as a secular state for Muslims of India.
But you wouldnt No that as most Mullahs who know claims its there to destroy were against it but you would no that if u have could read.

Thank you very much i have one and i enjoy it every day while saying thanks to his Almighty for every thing he is given me every step of the day.

Get Educated!

Funny you said that cause at the time of her creation as i said before Mullahs were against it so what you are saying is Mullahs were against Islam:what::rofl:

So all people who love Islam are Wahabi-Mullahs!? You must be a fool! In Islam all Muslims are meant to be brothers and sisters... Pakistan has nothing to do with secularism! It is a pity that you are saying such things when secularism is against Islam!

These Wahabis who were against Pakistan were ignorant and were not following true Islam... If you want to learn about the true ideology of Pakistan look at Allama Iqbal! :pakistan:

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