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Can Nuclear War Be Won?

imho.. Not if the country being attacked has second strike capability.
So what are your honest thoughts on Pakistan vs India nuclear war scenerio?

Who would win, who would lose, both would lose, both win, or what?

I think "Second strike capability" is useful for huge or sparsely populated countries like Russia and USA. In smaller or densely populated countries like India and Pakistan, it is obvious that it is MAD.
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So what are your honest thoughts on Pakistan vs India nuclear war scenerio?

Who would win, who would lose, both would lose, both win, or what?

If India collapses in on itself into tiny states, I wonder what it will do to its ability to maintain its nuclear facilities.

Pakistan is in an admiral position due to two factors, an alliance with nuclear China and its own deterrence capability.

What needs to be done is the promotion of positive culture and nationalism in Pakistan, so even if the state collapses, the collective good will of the population will prevent total collapse of order. For that the state must get tough on miscreants and opportunist criminals in its midst.

If a nuclear war happens in the US, it would be an absolute nightmare for its populace due to preppers and gun culture of the South. Americans are the most vicious against each other when common law breaks down.
If a nuclear war happens in the US, it would be an absolute nightmare for its populace due to preppers and gun culture of the South. Americans are the most vicious against each other when common law breaks down.
So the portrayal of post-apocalyptic USA in The Walking Dead TV show is realistic?
Yes it can be and many countries are working towards that.

1) Building deep bunkers and spreading them around the country....which can house civilians and military populations, grow food and whatnot.

2) The rise of in-vitro meat and meat made from non-meat sources (and tasting exactly like meat) is a step towards surviving a nuclear winter. Also Aqua/Hydroponics.

3) After complete nuclear bombardment, the nation(s) with the most amount of bunkers and above resources including stocks of ammo, supplies and raw materials would be in the best position of rise back again.

4) After rising back again, maybe in 5-30 years (?) they can exert their rule on the region and then the rest of the world....since nations/people without measurements against nuclear war would still be trying to survive whereas the aforementioned nation(s) would be thriving.
So the portrayal of post-apocalyptic USA in The Walking Dead TV show is realistic?

Zombies are purely fiction, but nuclear holocaust is a very real danger.

Civil war was won by the North, but the South still craves for revenge. Trump and Obama opened old wounds in the US which were not healed over, but merely bandaged to hide them.

There are alot of negative emotions in Red states against minorities and Yankees (Northerners.) Make America Great again is just code for getting rid of Non-Whites, no coincidence that this demographic have the most guns.

If a nuclear war happens, the chance of a Russian-US exchange or Chinese-US exchange is very high.
Zombies are purely fiction, but nuclear holocaust is a very real danger.

Civil war was won by the North, but the South still craves for revenge. Trump and Obama opened old wounds in the US which were not healed over, but merely bandaged to hide them.

There are alot of negative emotions in Red states against minorities and Yankees (Northerners.) Make America Great again is just code for getting rid of Non-Whites, no coincidence that this demographic have the most guns.

If a nuclear war happens, the chance of a Russian-US exchange or Chinese-US exchange is very high.
I was alluding to the portrayal of violent people-to-people exchanges in the absence of governance systems in USA in the TV show. Americans are really this bad?
Do you remember the violence during New York blackouts?

Are you refering to the 1977 NYC Blackouts yes if you ask old timer New Yorkers that was violent year then again NYC was almost bankrupt in the mid to late 1970s but I remember the 2003 Blackout I was 5 years old then we had no light in the apartment and I remember lil bit no violence then,or looting besides it was few years after 9/11 security was much tighter then also
Are you refering to the 1977 NYC Blackouts yes if you ask old timer New Yorkers that was violent year then again NYC was almost bankrupt in the mid to late 1970s but I remember the 2003 Blackout I was 5 years old then we had no light in the apartment and I remember lil bit no violence then,or looting besides it was few years after 9/11 security was much tighter then also

I was talking about 2000's. If you want to see the American character in action, attend some of these political rallies, evangelical Baptist churches and you will hear the shrill calls for blood and violence. Furthermore observe them on Black friday fighting over deals.

It is quite sad that even in 2020, there are certain areas in the US where minorities cannot live without racial violence or risk of theft, breaking in. Somehow they claim they are the model for the world.
I was talking about 2000's. If you want to see the American character in action, attend some of these political rallies, evangelical Baptist churches and you will hear the shrill calls for blood and violence. Furthermore observe them on Black friday fighting over deals.

It is quite sad that even in 2020, there are certain areas in the US where minorities cannot live without racial violence or risk of theft, breaking in. Somehow they claim they are the model for the world.

Yes but the 2003 Blackout did not have the violence or looting as was in 1977 I agree on most of your observations of American society but polarization of the US has been stopped mainly many times in recent decades in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s there was heavy polarization in US society Vietnam,Civil Rights Movement,Increased Immigration etc was making people extreme in views but it mellow out as by the early 1980s because no 1 the US being the premier Capitalist power managed to go through boom bust cycles and sorta survive the 90s and early to mid 00s was again the boom times most people could care less but agree the 2007-2008 recession and Iraq and Afghanistan wars polarization is back I think unlike the 60s or 70s it wont mellow out people are angry and will get more angrier as coming decades pass by @Desert Fox @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Juggernaut_is_here
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Nuclear weapons are overated I am not downplaying their capacities I say Pakistan only exists cause of the bomb otherwise we would have the same fate as Yugoslavia in the 90s,however the future is hyper sonic weapons which is Russia and China are keen to outplay the US

@Old School @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Itachi Pakistan needs to get in this race as well dont be suprised India has plans for this type of modernised weapons system
77 was terrible (mostly property crime, but still lawlessness), 2003 wasn’t that bad, because it was post 9/11 and the criminals didn’t want to try the patience of the police.

Yeah I mentioned that I was 5 when the blackout of 03 occured it was a walk in the park but annoying since no Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network for me all my pops had was 1010 WINS on the radio

Old timers in NY will tell you 77 was the worst because looting,and frankly arson but NY that time was almost flat broke abs NY did not recover economically and crime decrease only occured in the early 90s
Nuclear weapons are overated I am not downplaying their capacities I say Pakistan only exists cause of the bomb otherwise we would have the same fate as Yugoslavia in the 90s,however the future is hyper sonic weapons which is Russia and China are keen to outplay the US

@Old School @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Itachi Pakistan needs to get in this race as well dont be suprised India has plans for this type of modernised weapons system
Pakistan must liberate itself from colonial and imperialist sponsored politicians and Judges who share common interests with their Indian counterparts. Then our real race will begin. We will flourish.
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