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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Lol @Nihonjin1051 you dont know what you did, now Isis will also add Japan to their new map. :D


On a serious note, muslims in Japan are well integrated because Japan doesnt let everyone in, they only pick the ''good'' people who wouldnt cause problems.

There might be islamophobia in West but its not entirely their fault, everyone who makes it over the mediterranian see can seek asylum in Europe and most of them have nothing to offer to the society such as education or a profession, these people will probably be dependent on social welfare of the particular states.

Also there is the other side where some extremists are preaching in some Mosques that makes Europeans scared which is understandable, i saw these things with my own eyes its not just a myth, the best exsample is UK where extremists can declare sharia in their own streets and forbid the Brits to pass these areas.

I imagine if this happened in a muslim country what would happen to these Christians, so hands down, muslims in Europe didnt do the best job for the image of Islam here, not at all.
And slogans like ''we will conquer all the infidel lands'' while living in their country is also not helping if you ask me.
The experience of the West is that it always starts out this way. In very small numbers, Muslim populations generally confine their needs to their own community, and otherwise, are an unobtrusive presence. The Western European experience has shown that once the population hits the 5%+ mark, things change. The Muslim community, having reached critical mass, begins to make itself apparent. Blocking off streets for prayer. Demanding the labeling of food as halal or non-halal, or demanding that all food served in schools be halal. Importing radical imams from unstable regions of the world. Referring to the citizens of their host countries as kuffar who must accept the rule of Islam (you can even find adherents to such beliefs here on defence.pk). After this special treatment is rebuffed, the alienation begins. The Muslim population demands to be treated differently, and then when it is, individual Muslims begin to wonder why they are looked at differently from other citizens. Instead of reversing course and assimilating, the alienation deepens, the extremism enters, and then comes the terrorism.

This has been the experience in Western Europe.

These social tensions are real, and the balance to accommodate religious belief with the requirement of assimilation for social stability is a difficult task. Japan is far from grappling with these issues, so it is of course very easy for Japan to be accepting, since Islam is still little more than a curiosity in Japan. Japan did not benefit from tolerance of Aum Shinrikyo, and long before that, the Japanese Red Army. The lesson will be learned again, it would seem.

No traditional Nation state that had been built around shared ethnic identities are capable of absorbing ANY people deemed significantly different, so the focus on Muslims is a load of horse manure that merely serves a convenient political narrative. The fact is that Multiculturalism does not work for traditional nation states, that’s all. I know a bright Afghan girl in Germany who speaks several languages fluently - including German - has a Business degree in Marketing, was born into a Liberal family that do not wear head-coverings, but has been incapable of finding a simple job therein. When she finally did secure employment, it was in the island of Malta, surrounded by people who look more like her. In contrast, I’ve a cousin who was raised in Germany and has assimilated well, although with his height of 6.5, fair skin and thin brown hair, he can easily be mistaken for one of them. His Afghan wife too ccan be easily mistaken for an English woman.

Make no mistake about it that the European experiences of white Afghans as opposed to non-white Afghans differ remarkably.

The racism I am alluding to which is alive and well across Europe, contributes to alienation, social immobility, and at the end, the radicalization of pissed off youth who were born therein. I've personally met "friendly" Europeans who after discovering my ethnic origin change their tunes to such patronizing levels that it makes me want to puke. Even their pro-Multiculturalists can barely contain themselves. In fact, the only Europeans I’ve found capable of looking me in the eye as equals are those who needed something, like a job for instance or a business transaction. I don’t hide the fact that I quite dislike most EuroPeons, with the exception of Italians, Greeks, Southern French and Spaniards who although are just as racist, can’t even accept that I’m from Afghanistan.

Having said that, I would concur with you that BOTH Europeans and Japanese are incapable of assimilating Muslims, but mostly because of their own shortcomings, rather than solely on the part of Muslims. Do you suppose the following antics are as a result of Muslims?:

In Europe:

In Japan:

The only nation states that are indeed capable of assimilating Muslims as well as others, are either the United States, or any other that resemble your nation, hence Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I’ve known countless Afghans who’ve embraced and assimilated in these countries without a hiccup, but especially those living in densely populated cities across the United States, where there's immense diversity. Many among them have become flag carriers like any other American and feel offended when their “American exceptionalism” is criticised, which I enjoy tugging at when contradictions are apparent.

As for the real problems that do add to self-alienation among some Muslims even in the United States, it’s all about politics. As you can appreciate, an American Muslim would find it harder to fall in line with the media’s depiction of his ethnic kindred back in the motherland as a bunch of savages. Those caricatures may be enough for the average American to support wholesale bombing campaigns, but for those who can relate to them, it’s always different. I hate the Taliban, but when I see any of your troops mistreating any Afghan, my blood boils. But even still, this mind-set alone isn’t responsible for the radicalization of Muslims among you. What does contribute significantly is the added issue of professional failure on the part of leife's failures who meet with radical Mullahs that preach in Mosques. If preachers merely focused on leading prayers and motivating people to do good works, then there wouldn’t be a problem. However, given the lack of any formal schools of thought among Muslims that understand and embrace the Enlightenment, most Muslim preachers do indeed indulge in political language. To the stupid and the vulnerable, this is the spark for the fire of radicalism.

Given that in the United States, even hate speech is tolerated constitutionally (until the Anwar al-Awlaki episode that is) and that radicalism is available on the internet, then policing it is impossible. However, the solution is more Islam, not less. To counter the radicals, I would urge you to start listening to those of us who are indeed raising the lantern for the Islamic Enlightenment. To date, I‘ve seen no American say to me “hey, your ideas are worth pursuing, so let’s disco”. Instead, we’re rather conveniently dismissed as on the PR bandwagon of apologists for the Islamists, only pretending to be civilized.

Frankly, I’m sick of it.

Why don’t you just grow a dick and tell us that you’re more interested in those Muslims that help you draw the perfect caricatures for selling your wanton wars across the globe to the American people? After all, even Osama Bin Laden was less interested in what you do back home and more interested in what you are doing in his own home country and region. He might have been the perfect poster boy, but we both know that the US has always been more interested in the State(s) that have used him for plausible deniability when attacking the US.
Im referring to the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The incident of 9/11 was politically motivated not religiously you moron.
Maybe we have been affected by indian stupidity disease since it spreads in the air.
I never knew the 9/11 ers were Democrats shouting vote for Al Gore etc. Perhaps they were singing the Internationale while the plane hit the towers. Political? Hell yeah. :tup:

Also makes me wonder about the Saudi non Muslims . Why did they leave such a beautiful Jizya imposed country for 'decadent' countries elsewhere? :ashamed:
Biggest killer of muslims are muslims themselves.

You are correct. If you see Iran-Iraq war, the mass killings in Pakistan, the inter-sectarian killings in Afghanistan. Everywhere you go, the killings happen within their community. ISIS has killed thousands of muslim Iraqis. Taliban massacred muslim shias and hazaras.
You responded whoever suits you leaving behind some important points. Here let me re-quote again highlighted this time.
The non-muslim subjects in an Islamic States are levied a ‘tax’ which is termed ‘Jizya’ inShariah in leiu of the tax levied on the muslim subjects in the same State which is termed ‘Zakaah’ in Shariah.
The Jizya tax is levied on the non-muslim subjects in an Islamic State in order to enable the State to protect their lives and property from external enemies.It is the duty of the State to protect their citizens at times of war, where the non-muslim subjects will not be required to join the army;whereas it is a duty of the muslims in the State to join the army and fight the enemies.When a ‘jizya’ paying non-muslim citizen becomes old and/or jobless, it was the duty of the State to provide him a monthly stipend from the National Treasury.
That is called justice and far more than that since Muslim are committed to pay Zakah and also to fight against the enemies while the non Muslims enjoy the proaction, practice their own life freely enjoying full social equality.
Find me a society that still applies Jiyza on Non Muslims. Indians in Saudi Arabia enjoy free tax and social benefits like full health insurance, roundtrip ticket and so on whereas the Saudis still obligated to pay Zakat.
You are just avoiding the question completely.Why should non-muslims ever have to pay jizya?Is The amount of jizya and zakaah same?Not to mention the proverbial elephant in the room you are avoiding i.e,the treatment of minorities in muslim societies.Are they treated as equals or are there any discriminatory practices towards them.
Im referring to the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The incident of 9/11 was politically motivated not religiously you moron.
Oh,sure!! Cherry picking is all yay.9/11 was the trigger for afghan liberation and Iraq invasion.The way I see it USA should have occupied KSA.Oh wait!!They already do:toast_sign:

You moron the same sentence I copied pasted again. It isn't my problem that you couldn't understand.
Like I said It's not my problem you can't form sentences with clarity in english.Here read your own sentence again

Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it
Now how is one to conclude which one you are referring to?Heck,given the messed up brains of many theists,most will have the same conclusion as mine.

A country where social classification is still practiced talking about racism! Around 10 million living in KSA as we speak non of them were subjected to racism except one or two by morons like you. Every society has bad apples within not only KSA just like the Saudi girl who was stabbed to death couple days ago in the UK due to her dress code
Tu quoque fallacy,typical islamist cop-out.Hello??This is the 21st century and the caste system is long gone in India.

Maybe we have been affected by indian stupidity disease since it spreads in the air.
You sure it's from the Indians?Because that's a damn idiotic,unscientific and retarded argument.

The cherry on cake: Personal insults are the last resort of the incompetent.
Yeah,except the fact that the migrants have little or no rights and have to put up with all the whims of the saudis especially those migrants which they consider racially inferior to them
migrants have many rights in the gulf. south asians working as plumbers, construction workers, drivers, electricians, etc. they come to the gulf with nothing and leave here with enough money to buy mansions in south asia

people in kerala dream of working in the gulf, they say ''Gulf Dream'' in kerala. google it
migrants have many rights in the gulf. south asians working as plumbers, construction workers, drivers, electricians, etc. they come to the gulf with nothing and leave here with enough money to buy mansions in south asia

people in kerala dream of working in the gulf, they say ''Gulf Dream'' in kerala. google it

Exactly, that is why am advocating giving the same rights to Muslims in non-Muslim countries as many rights non-Muslims get in Gulf. I am sure Muslims will love that, it will be like their dreams come true.

When cases were filed against the Liberal Muslim named MF Hussein for hurting Hindus' religious feelings he took shelter in Qatar a country which has got blasphemy laws. How cute!
Are you serious bro?
The link you shared in almost a decade ago.

It's from 2006. Are you telling me the population increased from 100,000 to 185,000 in 8 years?

Today, Japan's Muslim population is 185,000.
Google "Muslim population in Japan pewforum report"

It does not really matter if it is 185,000 or 100,000. It is still insignificant w.r.t. the total population and hence my original point still stands.
Are you serious bro?

The link you shared in almost a decade ago.

Today, Japan's Muslim population is 185,000.

Google "Muslim population in Japan pewforum report"

The citizens who are muslims are just around 10,000, but lot of foreign origin muslims (non-citizens) live there who make up the rest of the numbers.
However, the solution is more Islam, not less. To counter the radicals, I would urge you to start listening to those of us who are indeed raising the lantern for the Islamic Enlightenment. To date, I‘ve seen no American say to me “hey, your ideas are worth pursuing, so let’s disco”. Instead, we’re rather conveniently dismissed as on the PR bandwagon of apologists for the Islamists, only pretending to be civilized

What exactly is stopping you from practicing "more Islam" in your own mosques instead of letting it be controlled by Muslim preachers indulging in political language? It is not like US or any other country mandates that only political preachers be in control of your mosques. Why should a non-Muslim American be willing to listen to you when till date you have not found any Muslim American or a Muslim anyone interested in your ideas.

Also what is this "more Islam" going to be given as per your own words "lack of any formal schools of thought among Muslims that understand and embrace the Enlightenment." Do you mean to say that you finally managed to decipher the correct Islam as opposed to the billions of "practicing" Muslims and Muslim scholars over the last 1400 years?

You are just avoiding the question completely.Why should non-muslims ever have to pay jizya?Is The amount of jizya and zakaah same?Not to mention the proverbial elephant in the room you are avoiding i.e,the treatment of minorities in muslim societies.Are they treated as equals or are there any discriminatory practices towards them.

Oh,sure!! Cherry picking is all yay.9/11 was the trigger for afghan liberation and Iraq invasion.The way I see it USA should have occupied KSA.Oh wait!!They already do:toast_sign:

Like I said It's not my problem you can't form sentences with clarity in english.Here read your own sentence again

Now how is one to conclude which one you are referring to?Heck,given the messed up brains of many theists,most will have the same conclusion as mine.

Tu quoque fallacy,typical islamist cop-out.Hello??This is the 21st century and the caste system is long gone in India.

You sure it's from the Indians?Because that's a damn idiotic,unscientific and retarded argument.

The cherry on cake: Personal insults are the last resort of the incompetent.

Look at his spin on why non-Muslims were not allowed to participate in their army and not allowed to bear arms. By same logic, all Muslims in non-Muslim countries should be forbidden from bearing arms and being enlisted in armed forces.
migrants have many rights in the gulf. south asians working as plumbers, construction workers, drivers, electricians, etc. they come to the gulf with nothing and leave here with enough money to buy mansions in south asia

people in kerala dream of working in the gulf, they say ''Gulf Dream'' in kerala. google it
Construction workers and plumbers working in Arab countries just earn enough to live a middle class life in India. Engineers working in India may earn good money.
Dont know about Kerala but AFAIK very poor people in my state look gulf as an option.\
And for the rights many south asians are exploited in gulf. Many are cheated by both the agents in India and employees in Arab. Abduction of Muslim girls and workers cheated is a common news in news papers.
Why would I? Japan didn't interfere in internal matters of Pakistan, neither did it kill Pakistani soldiers by ''mistake''.

Now I know why the Germans don't want Turkey in EU. They will take your place in Europe as the leaders due to their higher population. :lol:
The germans are fed up of turkish, last time when i was there.So yeah the Germans and other EU nations especially the balkans ,greece dont want turkey in EU.
migrants have many rights in the gulf. south asians working as plumbers, construction workers, drivers, electricians, etc. they come to the gulf with nothing and leave here with enough money to buy mansions in south asia

people in kerala dream of working in the gulf, they say ''Gulf Dream'' in kerala. google it

Construction workers barely survive on the meager income they get in the Gulf states now. Other than putting food on their plates and clothes on their back, it provides for nothing else. Know of so many cases of construction workers who just died there in the afternoon sun and their body was buried there because people back home could not afford to pay to bring the body back home. There is no compensation for such people, no life insurance. Mansions in South Asia for construction workers in Gulf, in your parallel universe.
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