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Can Indian Economy Avert Crash Landing in 2011?

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some hindu pundits have also predicted the same about indian economy
Just ask him .... if state of Indian economy is so alarming then how come it is growing and every tom dick and harry wants to jump on to yhis growth train?


The fact that "every tom dick and harry wants to jump on to yhis growth train" is a clear sign of a growing asset bubble.

When short-term capital inflows are rising and being used to finance deficits, the regulators need to impose controls to prevent havoc that hot money can wreak, as it did in the 1997 Asian crisis.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy: Hard or Soft Landing in 2011?

India was in 6th place in terms of risk in 2009, according to Maplecroft.

"The index based on 2009 data ranks Afghanistan second, with Pakistan and Somalia third and fourth respectively. They are rated at extreme risk along with Lebanon 5, India 6, Algeria 7, Colombia 8 and Thailand 9, a Maplecroft statement said.

The UK-based risk advisory group's index tracks the risks of an attack, the intensity of violence as measured by casualties per incident, a country's history of extremist violence and threats made against it by groups such as al Qaeda.

"Media coverage can often skew public perceptions of terrorism risk in a country by publicising mass casualty attacks," said Maplecroft political risk analyst Eva Molyneux."

Iraq has top terror risk, India sixth - ranking | Reuters

But the point is did the terrorism risk affected India's growth rate? Did it deter investors from investing in India? No...India is the second fastest large economy and would overtake China by becoming the fastest...and this is the fact
The fact that "every tom dick and harry wants to jump on to yhis growth train" is a clear sign of a growing asset bubble.

When short-term capital inflows are rising and being used to finance deficits, the regulators need to impose controls to prevent havoc that hot money can wreak, as it did in the 1997 Asian crisis.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy: Hard or Soft Landing in 2011?


India does not fund deficits with short capital inflows...

We are not fool like you.

RBI did a great job during the 2008 meltdown. When every other nation was realing under depression, Indian Grew only on the inherent strenght of our domestic economy.

We are not receiving hot money like those your are dreaming in your empty brain.

Our domestic investment and domestic saving rate coupled with domestic demand is our strenghth. We have not buillt our economy on foreign money like the south east asians.

First go and read about Indian economy more and then open your lieing mouth.

You need to read a lot more about Indian economy...even then you won't understand our economy because you are not smart enough.

we have better brains working on Finance and Trade Policies of India. They will take care.
The fact that "every tom dick and harry wants to jump on to yhis growth train" is a clear sign of a growing asset bubble.

When short-term capital inflows are rising and being used to finance deficits, the regulators need to impose controls to prevent havoc that hot money can wreak, as it did in the 1997 Asian crisis.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy: Hard or Soft Landing in 2011?

One part of your story is correct. Yes, short-term capital inflows caused 1997 crisis, but the other part of the story is most countries that were effected by the crisis had very high short term debt to forex reserves ratio. India with huge reserves is safe
The fact that "every tom dick and harry wants to jump on to yhis growth train" is a clear sign of a growing asset bubble.

When short-term capital inflows are rising and being used to finance deficits, the regulators need to impose controls to prevent havoc that hot money can wreak, as it did in the 1997 Asian crisis.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy: Hard or Soft Landing in 2011?

and here we go again giving link to self blog to prove own point.:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
nice work
ps: if you get time from working on INDIA's economy spare some time for PAKISTAN's economy. they really need quick attention:chilli::chilli:
One part of your story is correct. Yes, short-term capital inflows caused 1997 crisis, but the other part of the story is most countries that were effected by the crisis had very high short term debt to forex reserves ratio. India with huge reserves is safe

But my Friend how much Indian economy depend on short capital inflow? Does it depend at all?

If there is no short term capital inflow, does Indian Economy stop growing? Answer is no.

During 2008, there was short term outflow, did it stop India from growing? No. Instead of growing at 9 %, we gre at 7-7.5%.

His highness, Riaz Haque is throwing random, inconsistence, irrelevent arguments.

He does this whenever he makes fool of himself and does not have any substance left.

Its like..... when you catch him with his pants down he argues that he is wearing underwear.

But my Friend how much Indian economy depend on short capital inflow? Does it depend at all?

If there is no short term capital inflow, does Indian Economy stop growing? Answer is no.

During 2008, there was short term outflow, did it stop India from growing? No. Instead of growing at 9 %, we gre at 7-7.5%.

His highness, Riaz Haque is throwing random, inconsistence, irrelevent arguments.

He does this whenever he makes fool of himself and does not have any substance left.

Its like..... when you catch him with his pants down he argues that he is wearing underwear.


You are exactly right. Indian economy is too big and diverse to depend on short term capital inflow. However, I was refuting his analogy between Asian Crisis and India
Too RIAZHAQ and the other doom merchants

AT $1.4 Trillion GDP growing at nearly 9%

Forex $300 billion in the bank i think India has made great strides since 1991 when they where in serious trouble.

Inflation at 7.5% is a small problem there are nations running at double digit inflation.

AS FOR BUBBLE BURSTING i think not. INDIA IS A GROWING DEVELOPING nation that will spend $1 trillion on infrastucure alone over the next decade. All the world leaders have visted india lately to sign energy deals, investment deals etc.

The train may slow down from near double digit to 6-or 7% but it will not stop as it has done in Europe or America.

INDIA WILL TOUCH $2 TRILLION GDP BY 2017 thats only 6 years away
Inflation at 7.5% is a small problem there are nations running at double digit inflation.

India is running double digit inflation already.

India's Food and fuel prices are continuing to rise by double digits. The food price index rose more than 12 percent, with the price of onions -- the country's most widely-eaten vegetable -- of especial concern, while the fuel price index climbed 10.74 percent. This compared with 9.46 percent and 10.67 percent respectively in the previous week.

The oil prices are likely to spike as the American and European economies recover in 2011, prompting Indian commerce secretary Rahul Kullar to acknowledge that “I am not sanguine. One blip on crude prices and my import bill suddenly zooms. On pro-rata basis we are looking at $ 120 billion with a caveat that if oil prices go up, it could be $ 130-135 billion”. Crude oil prices are currently running at $ 87-88 per barrel.

Haq's Musings: Soaring Chinese Imports and Twin Deficits Worry India
India is running double digit inflation already.

India's Food and fuel prices are continuing to rise by double digits. The food price index rose more than 12 percent, with the price of onions -- the country's most widely-eaten vegetable -- of especial concern, while the fuel price index climbed 10.74 percent. This compared with 9.46 percent and 10.67 percent respectively in the previous week.

The oil prices are likely to spike as the American and European economies recover in 2011, prompting Indian commerce secretary Rahul Kullar to acknowledge that “I am not sanguine. One blip on crude prices and my import bill suddenly zooms. On pro-rata basis we are looking at $ 120 billion with a caveat that if oil prices go up, it could be $ 130-135 billion”. Crude oil prices are currently running at $ 87-88 per barrel.

Haq's Musings: Soaring Chinese Imports and Twin Deficits Worry India

It seems that you want to argue for the sake of arguing.

First, Inflation is cyclic phenomenon, falling during recession and rising as the economy approaches the cyclic peak. Similarly, as William Phillips proved, there is an inverse relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation. Both condition aptly apply to India, moreover sometime it beyond the control of the state to control inflation as in case of rising crude prices. India is growing economy that to at rates nearing 10%, so the business cycles and upheaval in employment rates are expected to be more frequent…..so no need worry.

I would worry if consumer has lost his confidence in the economy, growth rates are going down, industrial production is down, forex reserves are insufficient to cover short term capital flow, unemployment is huge, trade is stagnant, and India is not moving up the value chain in production.

Rest assured, India is soon to become one of the growth engines together with US, EU and China of the world economy
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