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Calling All Pakistanis


Oct 28, 2008
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Calling All Pakistanis

On Feb. 6, 2006, three Pakistanis died in Peshawar and Lahore during violent street protests against Danish cartoons that had satirized the Prophet Muhammad. More such mass protests followed weeks later. When Pakistanis and other Muslims are willing to take to the streets, even suffer death, to protest an insulting cartoon published in Denmark, is it fair to ask: Who in the Muslim world, who in Pakistan, is ready to take to the streets to protest the mass murders of real people, not cartoon characters, right next door in Mumbai?

After all, if 10 young Indians from a splinter wing of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party traveled by boat to Pakistan, shot up two hotels in Karachi and the central train station, killed at least 173 people, and then, for good measure, murdered the imam and his wife at a Saudi-financed mosque while they were cradling their 2-year-old son — purely because they were Sunni Muslims — where would we be today? The entire Muslim world would be aflame and in the streets.

So what can we expect from Pakistan and the wider Muslim world after Mumbai? India says its interrogation of the surviving terrorist indicates that all 10 men come from the Pakistani port of Karachi, and at least one, if not all 10, were Pakistani nationals.

First of all, it seems to me that the Pakistani government, which is extremely weak to begin with, has been taking this mass murder very seriously, and, for now, no official connection between the terrorists and elements of the Pakistani security services has been uncovered.

At the same time, any reading of the Pakistani English-language press reveals Pakistani voices expressing real anguish and horror over this incident. Take for instance the Inter Press Service news agency article of Nov. 29 from Karachi: “ ‘I feel a great fear that [the Mumbai violence] will adversely affect Pakistan and India relations,’ the prominent Karachi-based feminist poet and writer Attiya Dawood told I.P.S. ‘I can’t say whether Pakistan is involved or not, but whoever is involved, it is not the ordinary people of Pakistan, like myself, or my daughters. We are with our Indian brothers and sisters in their pain and sorrow.’ ”

But while the Pakistani government’s sober response is important, and the sincere expressions of outrage by individual Pakistanis are critical, I am still hoping for more. I am still hoping — just once — for that mass demonstration of “ordinary people” against the Mumbai bombers, not for my sake, not for India’s sake, but for Pakistan’s sake.

Why? Because it takes a village. The best defense against this kind of murderous violence is to limit the pool of recruits, and the only way to do that is for the home society to isolate, condemn and denounce publicly and repeatedly the murderers — and not amplify, ignore, glorify, justify or “explain” their activities.

Sure, better intelligence is important. And, yes, better SWAT teams are critical to defeating the perpetrators quickly before they can do much damage. But at the end of the day, terrorists often are just acting on what they sense the majority really wants but doesn’t dare do or say. That is why the most powerful deterrent to their behavior is when the community as a whole says: “No more. What you have done in murdering defenseless men, women and children has brought shame on us and on you.”

Why should Pakistanis do that? Because you can’t have a healthy society that tolerates in any way its own sons going into a modern city, anywhere, and just murdering everyone in sight — including some 40 other Muslims — in a suicide-murder operation, without even bothering to leave a note. Because the act was their note, and destroying just to destroy was their goal. If you do that with enemies abroad, you will do that with enemies at home and destroy your own society in the process.

“I often make the comparison to Catholics during the pedophile priest scandal,” a Muslim woman friend wrote me. “Those Catholics that left the church or spoke out against the church were not trying to prove to anyone that they are anti-pedophile. Nor were they apologizing for Catholics, or trying to make the point that this is not Catholicism to the non-Catholic world. They spoke out because they wanted to influence the church. They wanted to fix a terrible problem” in their own religious community.

We know from the Danish cartoons affair that Pakistanis and other Muslims know how to mobilize quickly to express their heartfelt feelings, not just as individuals, but as a powerful collective. That is what is needed here.

Because, I repeat, this kind of murderous violence only stops when the village — all the good people in Pakistan, including the community elders and spiritual leaders who want a decent future for their country — declares, as a collective, that those who carry out such murders are shameful unbelievers who will not dance with virgins in heaven but burn in hell. And they do it with the same vehemence with which they denounce Danish cartoons.
We know from the Danish cartoons affair that Pakistanis and other Muslims know how to mobilize quickly to express their heartfelt feelings, not just as individuals, but as a powerful collective. That is what is needed here.

Thats pure garbage. How many people as a percentage of the city populations were on the streets protesting the cartoons?

And what percentage of the total population of Pakistan was protesting these cartoons on the streets?

Did Friedman try and analyze who protested, and why others wouldn't? Did he try and understand the dynamics behind low political activism in countries like Pakistan?

This is just a continuation of the disguised Islamophobic rhetoric some 'intellectuals' in the West continue to spout. Why aren't the Iraqi's out in the millions protesting the suicide bombings in their cities?

Oh, thats right, according to the likes of Friedman, they probably secretly like seeing their friends and family blown up.

This is nothing but cheap intellectually shallow pandering to the 'general public' in the West by playing the 'all things in the world are black or white' card.
Thomas Friedman is very biased in favor of Israel. His writings in the New York Times are always pushing the USA to do things in the world that weaken those whom he sees as enemies of Israel. He is typical of the Jewish American journalist that puts his religious brethren before his country's interests. You should read his writings knowing that he has his own agenda in trying to mold American public opinion toward his cause.
What rubbish, complete BS. People die violent deaths all the time, including in India. The only reason there it is such a big deal is because:
1) People who were killed/injured were rich, not some low caste locals.
2) The attack was insulting to the already overly self aggrandizing nation state of India.

Pakistanis hardly mobilize when Pakistanis die in violent terror, WTF do you think Indians are? A country that threatens Pakistan with war, a country that many believe is responsible for terror again Pakistan...Why the hell would Pakistanis or Muslims sanction themselves for you when there is absolutely no proof that the killers were Muslim or acting in the name of Islam?
^^ Poor show.

There is a reason for the current perceptions in the world about Pakistan and Muslims and your post enforces precisely that.

This is called denial, the same one that believes that Jews caused 9/11 and all of them were absent on the day. The reality, it seems is that 12% of the dead were Jews. Almost all of Pakistan media was singing this tune and this belief is shared by too many Muslims.

Human life seems to have no value for you. Not everyone thinks like that.

And you are wrong that it has anything to do with the status of those killed or their "caste". No analysis has been done along those lines AFAIK.
What rubbish, complete BS. People die violent deaths all the time, including in India. The only reason there it is such a big deal is because:
1) People who were killed/injured were rich, not some low caste locals.

All people were not rich. The people in CST station where more than 60 people shot are all middle or low class people.
This article is living proof a whole new level of assholism.
Zionists think that their stench is undetectable, even their closest allies are tired of taking orders from them. They control the markets and the media so naturally 95% of available opinion is worse than trash.
Calling All Pakistanis

But while the Pakistani government’s sober response is important, and the sincere expressions of outrage by individual Pakistanis are critical, I am still hoping for more. I am still hoping — just once — for that mass demonstration of “ordinary people” against the Mumbai bombers, not for my sake, not for India’s sake, but for Pakistan’s sake.

Yes, they did that, here

This coming from a country where conspiracy theories rule the airwaves....
The problem is, we've spent years educating the type of Pakistanis that would take to riot as that made us look like insane idiots. And now they want a riot as proof of our sanity?

Assholism at its best.
The problem is, we've spent years educating the type of Pakistanis that would take to riot as that made us look like insane idiots. And now they want a riot as proof of our sanity?

Assholism at its best.

Can you distinguish between riot and peaceful protest?
Yes its pathetic... But don't be holier than thou, Indians have been burning Pakistani flags everyday now.

Well, and we have legitimate reasons to be angry against Pakistan.

Pray, why the triple-flag burning? Me smells Hindu-Zionist conspiracy theory.
Why dont Indians come out and protest against their troops killing Kashmiri every week?
Unlike some lone English speaking terrorist who in custody claimed he is from Faridkot, these troops actually represent your India.

Defend Kashmiri Muslims for a change and Muslims might give a damn.

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