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BYD showoff revoluationary off-road SUV, leaving Tesla and Benz G series in the dust


Sep 9, 2016
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BYD announce Luxury brand Yang-Wang (means Look-up-to), the SUV offer revoluationary tech, including 4 independent electric motor to digitially and intelligent control the four wheels, offer total 1100 housepower power (the power is enough to power main battle tanks), and their new e^4 next-gen electric platform.

The SUV is the very definition of next-generation vehicle, the SUV can travel on water like a boat, and turn 360 degree with zero radius like many fourth generation tanks, and the SUV can also climb steep gradient, can travel safely at 120km/hour even when two of their wheels are broken, and move like a crab.

This is one hell of an off-road SUV.

BYD now offer pre-order to Chinese buyers, and the price tag is rumored betwen 800k RMB to 1500k RMB depend on configurations of models (125k to 220k US dollar).

Check the video below, BYD showoff the capability of this next-gen SUV:

1100hp is overdoing it. This is really awesome engineering but as luxury SUVs, most of these vehicles will never see any off-roading.

Not bad actually
Why does BYD need 4 electric engines to get to 1100 horsepower when the Tesla Model X Plaid has over 1000hp with only 3 engines?


The 4 electric engine vehicle is being reserved for the Tesla Roadster...1341 hp.
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BYD announce Luxury brand Yang-Wang (means Look-up-to), the SUV offer revoluationary tech, including 4 independent electric motor to digitially and intelligent control the four wheels, offer total 1100 housepower power (the power is enough to power main battle tanks), and their new e^4 next-gen electric platform.

The SUV is the very definition of next-generation vehicle, the SUV can travel on water like a boat, and turn 360 degree with zero radius like many fourth generation tanks, and the SUV can also climb steep gradient, can travel safely at 120km/hour even when two of their wheels are broken, and move like a crab.

This is one hell of an off-road SUV.

BYD now offer pre-order to Chinese buyers, and the price tag is rumored betwen 800k RMB to 1500k RMB depend on configurations of models (125k to 220k US dollar).

Check the video below, BYD showoff the capability of this next-gen SUV:

I wish I was a rich mofo so I could get one of these. Damn! This thing is a beast and a half!
1100hp is overdoing it. This is really awesome engineering but as luxury SUVs, most of these vehicles will never see any off-roading.
More horses! MOAR!
Why does BYD need 4 electric engines to get to 1100 horsepower when the Tesla Model X Plaid has over 1000hp with only 3 engines?

View attachment 910311

The 4 electric engine vehicle is being reserved for the Tesla Roadster.
LMAO what a silly cope.
Why does BYD need 4 electric engines to get to 1100 horsepower when the Tesla Model X Plaid has over 1000hp with only 3 engines?

View attachment 910311

The 4 electric engine vehicle is being reserved for the Tesla Roadster.
More torque required in off-road vehicle maybe.. so having four motors would help in better off-road capability.
Like BYD needing 4 motors to get to 1100hp.

BYD Han EV needs two motors to get to 517hp. So using 4 to get to 1100 makes sense.
Tesla motor is inferior. 3 motor consume more electric power compare to 4 BYD motor with same hp.
What I find funny about all these "CCP cOmPaNieZ mAke BESTEST X pRoDuCt" posts on PDF recently is that they are trying so hard to project their strength, but all it will take is daddy USA to do the same to them as they did to Huawei and they are all going to go back to making bicycles.
Stop this small d!ck energy posts.
Deng once said "Walk softly but carry a large stick"
Unfortunately the current CCP leadership is doing the exact opposite.
What I find funny about all these "CCP cOmPaNieZ mAke BESTEST X pRoDuCt" posts on PDF recently is that they are trying so hard to project their strength, but all it will take is daddy USA to do the same to them as they did to Huawei and they are all going to go back to making bicycles.
Stop this small d!ck energy posts.
Deng once said "Walk softly but carry a large stick"
Unfortunately the current CCP leadership is doing the exact opposite.
Lol.. like how US ban China from ISS and guess what? It didn't stop China space advancement. And we have our own China space station. While ISS now have to deal with leaking problem. US ban on Huawei is just temporary setback. Huawei will be back stronger like China space agency. Go ahead and ban anything on China. It will only make us stronger. :enjoy:

If that was the case the BYD Han EV would have 4 engines instead of having an inferior design of two consuming more battery.
Why need 4 engine when 2 consume less what? I dont know what u are talking about with your gibberish. BYD Han is not design to be like a land Rover for off road. Your analogy failed. Even your Tesla used BYD blade battery. More or less show your shitty Tesla technology.

So don't try tell us BYD motor is inferior to Tesla. Just becos one spec is worse doesn't make other spec inferior. If by your theory, turbojet shall be superior than turbofan becos it can produced higher thrust at high attitude but we all know turbojet drink fuel like no tomorrow....
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Lol.. like how US ban China from ISS and guess what? It didn't stop China space advancement. And we have our own China space station. While ISS now have to deal with leaking problem. US ban on Huawei is just temporary setback. Huawei will be back stronger like China space agency. Go ahead and ban anything on China. It will only make us stronger. :enjoy:

Why need 4 engine when 2 consume less what? I dont know what u are talking about with your gibberish. BYD Han is not design to be like a land Rover for off road. Your analogy failed. Even your Tesla used BYD blade battery. More or less show your shitty Tesla technology.

So don't try tell us BYD motor is inferior to Tesla. Just becos one spec is worse doesn't make other spec inferior. If by your theory, turbojet shall be superior than turbofan becos it can produced higher thrust at high attitude but we all know turbojet drink fuel like no tomorrow....
Address the basket case that is Huawei. You trolls are getting stale and need to up your training.
but all it will take is daddy USA to do the same to them as they did to Huawei and they are all going to go back to making bicycles.
LOl, Huawei is ok and grew last year, must be a terrible news for you, isn't it? besides, Since when US became your daddy, what's about your own biological daddy?

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