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Burqa-clad women prone to vitamin D deficiency: Doctors

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May 27, 2010
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Burqa-clad women prone to vitamin D deficiency: Doctors

HYDERABAD: In an alarming trend, an increasing number of women from across the city who wear the burqa or observe purdah are being diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency on account of inadequate exposure to sunlight. Exposure of at least hands or feet to sunlight every day for 15-20 minutes is necessary for the vital compound to be absorbed into the body, advice doctors.

"Around 15 per cent of the body should be exposed to sunlight for around 20 minutes a day. It could be hands or feet," National Institute of Nutrition deputy director Dr N Lakshmaiah told TOI. "Otherwise supplements in the form of conventional tablets should be used regularly."

Scientists from the NIN, who are now working on a study on vitamin D deficiency, said women wearing the veil are prone to the deficiency, more than ones who do not. Studies have also been carried out in Saudi Arabia which showed deficiency levels between 76 per cent and 85 per cent among women there, NIN scientists pointed out.
City doctors also voiced concerns, pegging the susceptibility levels to around 35 per cent more than those who do not wear the burqa.

They estimate roughly 65 out of 100 patients who complain of muscle pains are those who wear the veil.

"Many burqa-clad women do not venture out. That coupled with the garment directly blocking sunlight makes them suffer from osteoporosis and various psychosomatic disorders. Based on my experience, I would say that these women have a 30 to 40 per cent increased chance of being vitamin D deficient," says Mazharuddin Ali Khan, a senior orthopaedic surgeon at Owaisi Hospital.

Khan says that medication is pre-emptive as getting a test done is expensive costing around 2,500 rupees. Exposure to sunlight is also a 'mood elevator' apart from stimulating improvement in bones and muscles.

"Around 65 per cent such patients I receive wear the burqa. The reason is the same. The deficiency is because the burqa blocks most of the sunlight," Dr Ahrar Ahmed Feroz from Olive Hospital said.

He said number of cases have increased in the past couple of years when patients have been diagnosed with muscle and bone pain and even dementia on account of low vitamin D intake.

Doctors said they are not advising patients to shed the burqa, but maintain women should expose themselves to sunlight everyday. Feroz said exposure to sunlight causes 'mild pinkness to the skin and is equal to 20,000 international units of vitamin D.'

He said though deficiency is noticed in burqa clad women, those using sunscreens or staying indoors for too long also suffer from it.

Burqa-clad women prone to vitamin D deficiency: Doctors - The Times of India
Looks like there will be some serious profit in Vitamin pills.
What is news in that? I learnt this from my textbooks in school days long ago.
nange ho jao behtar he :lol:

vitamin d hi vitamin d

Too much of direct exposure to sun causes skin cancer. Too less exposure to sun causes vitamin D deficiency. Basically excess of anything is bad. So give up support for extremism.

ahahahhahaaahha!!!!!!! i cant believe some of the most stupid articles are posted here. none other by our good Indian friends.... vitamin D? lolololol :lol:

It is not funny. You may laugh but women have to suffer consequences in silence.

Islamic Dress and Health
Since almost all the daily intake of Vitamin D is from sunlight, exposure there is significant concern for women who wear the burqa or "full hijab". This style of dress, leaving only a very small portion of skin around the eyes exposed, greatly reduces the surface area of the body which sunlight is exposed to and hence reduces the amount of Vitamin D synthesized. Such low rates of Vitamin D production will quickly exhaust the bodies excess emergency stores of Vitamin D contained in the fat and the person will likely go into a deficient state.
Due to this reason, serious vitamin D deficiency is wide-spread in many Muslim majority countries. A study performed by doctors at King Fahd University Hospital in Saudi Arabia, showed that out of all 52 women tested, all had seriously deficient levels of Vitamin D and were at risk of many serious health problems, despite living in one of the sunniest places on the planet.[10] Furthermore, in a study undertaken in Jordan, 83.3% of women wearing the most covering style of Islamic dresses were found to be deficient in summer time. This is rather striking when compared to the fact only 18.2% of Jordanian men studied were found to be deficient.[11] Jordan, like Saudi Arabia, holds the distinction of being one of the sunniest places on the planet, so the effect of wearing the burqa on Vitamin D levels and health is profound.
use supplements.. :meeting:
this mentality of Islamists is the problem, you don't know where to find a balance between being nude and being completely burqua clad.

wearing cloths causes vitamin D deficiency, better to go nude with sunscreen :lol:

Too much of direct exposure to sun causes skin cancer. Too less exposure to sun causes vitamin D deficiency. Basically excess of anything is bad. So give up support for extremism.

It is not funny. You may laugh but women have to suffer consequences in silence.


apply sunscreen, problem solved
My lord Sun is mighty lord of power and health.... Goverment around world dont want humans to be healthy so they made world scared by saying about skin cancer.... Sun rays eliminates 17 types of cancer.... Vitamin D Very important for human. Its a cure for depression and makes bones including immune system strong.... Lord sun mantra is OM SURYAYA NAMAH and also OM ADITYA NAMAH. 108 times everyday reciting it gives power name fame and health....
This is a well known problem.

It's also a potential gold mine for anyone who designs a cheap fabric which conceals visible light but allows UV rays to go through.
This is a well known problem.

It's also a potential gold mine for anyone who designs a cheap fabric which conceals visible light but allows UV rays to go through.

one solution is slight modification of house which gives necessary sunlight inside the room, like a sunroof :)
This is a well known problem.

It's also a potential gold mine for anyone who designs a cheap fabric which conceals visible light but allows UV rays to go through.

A much simpler solution (for those who cannot do without the burqa) , is that, women who wear burqas or whatever, are able to expose themselves within the confines of their houses. but, this is feasible only if you have a bungalow or so, where there is an open space within the walls.
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