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Buner falls without a fight

Actually your rants about zionist designs to dis member Pakistan is akin to what happened in 1971. Sorry to bring up that memory but if you see it seems History is repeating itself.

East Pakistan
1965 people fight gallantly against India with the PA
1965-1971 People feel let down by West Pakistani leaders and PA
1971 Bangladesh is born.

Swat, Buner, NWFP etc

1990 - people fight gallantly against russians with the PA
1997-2006 - people want to follow a different path from mainstream pakistan
2006 - 2009 People now fight against the PA
Again, thank you West and people like you sitting on the policy making chair.

Well you are here and i am here.
We'll see when your dream comes true.

P.S. The memory of 71 gives me nothing.
Oh an di forgot ..you wanted us to be nuetral..to get us sandwiched between afghanistan and india.
Remeber the famous sentence..Either you are with us or with them

Now you want us to fight with the sole super power who alone spends 50% of the world defnce budget it it's military. You are damn guud at policy making, i bet.

BTW..what went wrong with the English? Why did you change course? Why couldn't you keep you own identity safe against the americans

What went wrog after WW2?

Why the begging?

Why to have a joint consortium of NATO to protect you a** from the Russians?

What happened to the Dunkrik Treaty of March 1947

What was wrong with the Brussels Treaty?

Why the Western Union Defence Organization needed the patronage to the US?
Why on 30th April 1948 the Defnce Ministers and the Chiefs of Staff odf the five Brussels Treaty countries met in London to study their military equipment needs, with a view to determining how they could meet from their own production and how much supplementary aid should be requested from the US

No one told you to fight USA. The only reason USA threatened you is because they knew that U were happily in Bed with the Taliban for your vested reasons. Your ISI agents were embedded in the camps churning out Jihadis for kashmir. somewhere this backfired and suddenly you had no where to run. Blame Zia more than the West.


Ps : You are now fighting save your own country not the west so bear up and smile and fight hard. The west is not stopping you from entering Buner your so called TTP are
Again, thank you West and people like you sitting on the policy making chair.

Well you are here and i am here.
We'll see when your dream comes true.

P.S. The memory of 71 gives me nothing.

This is no dream but actual facts as they stand on the ground today. I don't know the future lies ahead so its better people of pakistan see the writing on the wall and introspect.

No one told you to fight USA. The only reason USA threatened you is because they knew that U were happily in Bed with the Taliban for your vested reasons. Your ISI agents were embedded in the camps churning out Jihadis for kashmir. somewhere this backfired and suddenly you had no where to run. Blame Zia more than the West.

Such a wishful thinking.

Oh and what about the many question marks kinda things that i wrote my previous post to which you replied with the above rant??
i guss, the situation in bunner isnt out of control yet, and PA can clean this mess, any time govt of pakistan wants! PEOPLE WHO CANT UNDERSTAND IT, PLZ JOIN THE THREAD "BATTLE OF BAJUR" yes PAKARMY by the grace of allaha , cleared 90% of the area with a lighting speed! but i guss its a , dangerous trend , which is bieng followed after swat valley in BUNNER.
GOP needs to hilight , the modren islamic values & surly stop political brand of extreme islam (TALIBANIZM)
what kind of bull is this?
the taliban left the area recently after a fight with a local jirga and lost 20 of their own men
please don't post false information in this forum
"It was agreed that non-local militants would leave the area in phases and replaced by local Taliban.

After the agreement, 60 Taliban left Buner on Sunday and 60 more on Monday."

Looks like the taliban intend, by agreement, to replace all non-local militants with local militant. If some are leaving, they're insuring that they do so with others in place.

Meanwhile your second link makes clear that at least one official denies that any police are being sent to Buner. Hope he's wrong.

Neither bits of news appear as encouraging as indicated from your post, wtf.
Imagine - being asked to show spine by those whom Pakistanis happily identify as their enemy while they capitulate to the real enemy:

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An open letter to Gen Kayani

View from the other side Col (r) Harish Puri

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dear Gen Kayani,

Sir, let me begin by recounting that old army quip that did the rounds in the immediate aftermath of World war II: To guarantee victory, an army should ideally have German generals, British officers, Indian soldiers, American equipment and Italian enemies.

A Pakistani soldier that I met in Iraq in 2004 lamented the fact that the Pakistani soldier in Kargil had been badly let down firstly by Nawaz Sharif and then by the Pakistani officers' cadre. Pakistani soldiers led by Indian officers, , he believed, would be the most fearsome combination possible. Pakistani officers, he went on to say, were more into real estate, defence housing colonies and the like.

As I look at two photographs of surrender that lie before me, I can't help recalling his words. The first is the celebrated event at Dhaka on Dec 16, 1971, which now adorns most Army messes in Delhi and Calcutta. The second, sir, is the video of a teenage girl being flogged by the Taliban in Swat -- not far, I am sure, from one of your Army check posts.

The surrender by any Army is always a sad and humiliating event. Gen Niazi surrendered in Dhaka to a professional army that had outnumbered and outfought him. No Pakistani has been able to get over that humiliation, and 16th December is remembered as a black day by the Pakistani Army and the Pakistani state. But battles are won and lost – armies know this, and having learnt their lessons, they move on.

But much more sadly, the video of the teenager being flogged represents an even more abject surrender by the Pakistani Army. The surrender in 1971, though humiliating, was not disgraceful. This time around, sir, what happened on your watch was something no Army commander should have to live through. The girl could have been your own daughter, or mine.

I have always maintained that the Pakistani Army, like its Indian counterpart, is a thoroughly professional outfit. It has fought valiantly in the three wars against India, and also accredited itself well in its UN missions abroad. It is, therefore, by no means a pushover. The instance of an Infantry unit, led by a lieutenant colonel, meekly laying down arms before 20-odd militants should have been an aberration. But this capitulation in Swat, that too so soon after your own visit to the area, is an assault on the sensibilities of any soldier. What did you tell your soldiers? What great inspirational speech did you make that made your troops back off without a murmur? Sir, I have fought insurgency in Kashmir as well as the North-East, but despite the occasional losses suffered (as is bound to be the case in counter-insurgency operations), such total surrender is unthinkable.

I have been a signaller, and it beats me how my counterparts in your Signal Corps could not locate or even jam a normal FM radio station broadcasting on a fixed frequency at fixed timings. Is there more than meets the eye?

I am told that it is difficult for your troops to "fight their own people." But you never had that problem in East Pakistan in 1971, where the atrocities committed by your own troops are well documented in the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report. Or is it that the Bengalis were never considered "your own" people, influenced as they were by the Hindus across the border? Or is that your troops are terrified by the ruthless barbarians of the Taliban?

Sir, it is imperative that we recognise our enemy without any delay. I use the word "our" advisedly – for the Taliban threat is not far from India's borders. And the only force that can stop them from dragging Pakistan back into the Stone Age is the force that you command. In this historic moment, providence has placed a tremendous responsibility in your hands. Indeed, the fate of your nation, the future of humankind in the subcontinent rests with you. It doesn't matter if it is "my war" or "your war" – it is a war that has to be won. A desperate Swati citizen's desperate lament says it all – "Please drop an atom bomb on us and put us out of our misery!" Do not fail him, sir.

But in the gloom and the ignominy, the average Pakistani citizen has shown us that there is hope yet. The lawyers, the media, have all refused to buckle even under direct threats. It took the Taliban no less than 32 bullets to still the voice of a brave journalist. Yes, there is hope – but why don't we hear the same language from you? Look to these brave hearts, sir – and maybe we shall see the tide turn. Our prayers are with you, and the hapless people of Swat.

The New York Times predicts that Pakistan will collapse in six months. Do you want to go down in history as the man who allowed that to happen

The writer is a retired colonel of the Indian army who lives in Pune. Email: hbpuri@hotmail.com

What do you think of this brave open letter? Are you surprised that in "democratic" Pakistan, no Pakistani with an abundance of mardanegi and ghairat could not muster what this col. did?

Indeed, this Col. is most impertinent. While Pakistan burns It's commanders visits "friendly" commands in the gulf, surely some good wil come from that

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ISLAMABAD: On a day of fast moving developments, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari late on Monday approved the imposition of Sharia laws in parts
of the country's restive northwest, including Swat, in return for a controversial deal with the Taliban for laying down their arms.

Zardari signed the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation after parliament approved the measure earlier on Monday, Geo TV quoted senior North West Frontier Province (NWFP) Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour as saying.

The regulation will see the imposition of Sharia laws in the Malkhand division of NWFP that comprises seven districts, including Swat, where the writ of the Taliban largely runs.

Zardari had given his nod for the Feb 16 deal between the NWFP government and Taliban-linked radical cleric Sufi Mohammad but balked at acceding to it in face of growing international pressure.

"We respect the mandate of the provincial government and congratulate the people," Geo TV quoted Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani as saying after the house cleared the measure, following a walkout by Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) members.

Speaking earlier on Monday after the pact was tabled in the National Assembly, Gilani said this had been done as the government wanted to build national consensus on the measure.

"We did not want to by-pass the house as the parliament is sovereign," APP news agency quoted Gilani as saying.

"We want that our hands should be strengthened and that the whole nation is behind us," he added.

"The president gave his consent (to signing the accord). He gave a go ahead to have an agreement with the local authorities. The agreement was done with our consent," Gilani maintained.

Observers here saw the statement as Gilani's bid to downplay reports that the Swat accord had become a hot potato for Zardari, who had tossed this into parliament's court, instead of ratifying it.

At the same time, it is a fact that parliament was not consulted when Zardari gave his nod for the accord.

According to The News, "Zardari does not want to be held responsible for any negative fallout if this deal backfires in future, as then parliament will be responsible".

Many Western nations, including the US termed the deal a "retrograde" step as it was seen as bowing before the Taliban and getting in return too little for giving up too much.

The deal appeared to have come unstuck last week with Sufi Muhammad winding up his peace camp and leaving Swat to protest Zardari's delay in acceding to the accord. He then clarified the pact was intact but was dependent on Zardari signing it.

Gilani, The News noted, "was also said to have been caught off guard when he received the copy of Nizam-e-Adl from the presidency to table it before parliament as he, too, like rest of the politicians was expecting the president to sign the agreement".

What apparently tipped the balance was parliamentary affairs minister Babar Awan, who advised the president against taking responsibility for the deal.

"Awan was of the view this deal should be sent to parliament for discussion, debate and subsequent approval or rejection," The News said, adding the minister said that if parliament, representing the people of Pakistan, was ready to ink the deal with Taliban, the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) government "would not be singled out in case the deal went wrong at any stage".

Protracted fighting between the Pakistani security forces and the Taliban has forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee Swat. Estimates vary, but human rights monitors believe that up to 800,000 of the valley's 1.8 million people may have left.

Zardari approves Sharia laws for Swat - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
We are all on the same side & will sink & sail together. The sooner we realise this the better.

We are anything but on the same side, infact we are inversely proportional to each other, one of us falls down, other gets stronger. I had a pretty lengthy discussion with you once in an another thread. If Pakistan falls India gets stronger and vice verse. As for the US well its just a third player who's interests for now matches with those of India and hence the support.
i really love my Pakistan:pakistan: but i don't know what is going on. Why army and goverment is not fighting with heart with taliban. I just saw news on GEO that taliban have full control on bunner now and next will be haripur and than every body knows how much islamabad is from haripur.
i think if Army and goverment will not fight now Pakistan will fall in taliban hands.:angry::cry:
I really want everyone to pray alot for Pakistan.
I Know ALLAH is saving Pakistan, but we are not doing enough.
Many people in this forum say that things are not that bad, but they are bad and geting more and more bad.
We are anything but on the same side, infact we are inversely proportional to each other, one of us falls down, other gets stronger. I had a pretty lengthy discussion with you once in an another thread. If Pakistan falls India gets stronger and vice verse. As for the US well its just a third player who's interests for now matches with those of India and hence the support.

a misconception in present scenario ....
Peshawar CCPO to lead action against Buner militants

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Javed Aziz Khan

PESHAWAR: The capital city police officer (CCPO) Peshawar Safwat Ghayyur will lead the operation against militants in Buner as 360 cops of the city police force, including many of the sub-divisional police officers (SDPOs), have been put at his disposal to leave for the volatile town anytime.

There were reports that militants have occupied several towns in Buner and were gaining strength gradually. “A contingent of around 360 cops of Peshawar Police was about to leave for Buner on Monday to take on militants. However, their departure was suddenly halted and they were directed to be on a stand-by position,” a source confided to The News.

Many were surprised to know as to why the CCPO Peshawar, who is supposed to head the police force of Peshawar, Charsadda and Nowshera only, was leading the contingent. Not only the CCPO but also many of the SDPOs of Peshawar were directed to be on stand-by for any call from the government.

A number of policemen of the capital city and Elite Police Force (DPF) had earlier refused to perform duty in Buner. Some of them had preferred even dismissal to posting in Buner of Swat.

The EPF cops had done the same when they were being posted in Swat last year. The authorities then posted them in Peshawar and other troubled towns after their refusal to go to Swat.Large-scale desertion has been reported in Swat police and Frontier Constabulary, deployed in the valley since 2006. Thirty-two policemen were reported to have been suspended in Bannu after they refused to leave for Buner, the town getting more and more troublesome.

Buner is part of the turbulent Malakand Division, which comprises of Swat, Buner, Upper and Lower Dir, Shangla and Chitral districts. The town has recently got violent after militants attacked many towns and occupied the famous shrine of Pir Baba.

Peshawar CCPO to lead action against Buner militants
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