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Bulgaria refuses to join NATO Black Sea fleet against Russia

Romania GDP PPP per capita 20,787
Bulgaria 19,097

The difference is 8%. That means exactly what i said - you are the two most poorest EU shitholes with the same GDP per capita, same living standards and basically same economical conditions.

Russian GDP PPP per capita is $25K currently. In 1998 it was $9k, the same Romania had. Now you can see where you came since that time. So much for economical success and European dream :lol: And if you are talking about resources, then i suggest to compare how much Russia is getting export oil revenues per capita and how much Romania is getting EU financial aid per capita which is amounted to hundreds billions of euros.

:lol: you are such an economic genius :lol: of course if you are reducing your economic relations with the largest economy in Europe that should not harm your own economy in any way :lol: i understand how much butthart you are NATO-stronk smarass fanboy to hear this, but more and more people realize this. Licking NATO and US asses and pursuing anti-Russian policies means poverty. The neighborhooding to Russia Eastern Europe countries are prime example of that.

Lol what are you even on about dude ? Lol. Who focuses on PPP when making international comparisons ?

You dont even know what you are talking about.
Go check what all international bodies(including your Chinese buddies) consider when making international comparisons between countries.
In fact Russia's economy is so largely dependent on oil and gas that with falling oil prices and our sanctions , your economy has been shrinking year in year out, to the point that your nominal GDP per capital will soon be below that of China.:rofl:
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Lol what are you even on about dude ? Lol. Who focuses on PPP when making international comparisons ?

You dont even know what you are talking about.
Go check what all international bodies(including your Chinese buddies) consider when making international comparisons between countries.

:lol: :lol: this is hilarious. you must be an inventor of new economic science and using GDP PPP for something else than international comparision. maybe you are comparing pensions with salaries of medics in PPP dollars inside the country or something else? :lol:

In fact Russia's economy is so largely dependent on oil and gas that with falling oil prices and our sanctions , your economy has been shrinking year in year out, to the point that your nominal GDP per capital will soon be below that of China.:rofl:

yeah yeah so largely that in fact Russian nominal GDP per capita increased since the beginning of the year by 30%. just dont get a heart attack while reading this :lol:
Idiot, now lets compare the prices that are used to calculate nominal GDP.

Gasoline: Russia - $0,5 Romania - $1,1
Gas: Russia - $60 per 1000 m3, Romania - $300
Electricity: Russia: $50 per 1000 kwh, Romania - $150

I can go on with everything else. Water, transport, clothes, internet, medical care etc. This is your reality, not fantasy.

Idiot, do you really think the goal of economic development in a country is to increase the prices of everything so your nominal GDP would be as high as possible? :lol:

These are the prices only for oil and gas and their derivatives-they're cheaper in Russia ,just like they're cheaper in Saudi Arabia.For other products which Russia heavily imports,cars,home appliances,even food,etc,they're more expensive.

Yep, it was hundreds of billions if count everything you got from EU since 1991.

No,it was not.Romania started receiving funds since 2007 when it joined the EU.All in all,it received 10 billion euros in structural funds during 9 years.Bring some other numbers,proove them or shut up.Russia got official food aid in the 90's and the EU didn't even exist in the 90's

Yeah your both shitholes are "richer" than Russia while your average citizen can buy or receive for free 2-3 times less goods and services than average Russian

It can buy more goods than in Russia,except gasoline.

Yep, thats why average Russian salary increased from $50 in 1999 to $500 in 2016, while the increase of oil prices from $15 in 1999 to $35 in 2016 contributed to additional income from exports of oil of about $25 per month for every Russian (6 millions barrels per day and $20 difference). You are such a genius

In the past years the price per barrel was 80-100$.....Your income tanked after prices tanked.

Net average wage in Europe

Russia=372 euros

Romania=463 euros

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These are the prices only for oil and gas and their derivatives-they're cheaper in Russia ,just like they're cheaper in Saudi Arabia.For other products which Russia heavily imports,cars,home appliances,even food,etc,they're more expensive.

No,it was not.Romania started receiving funds since 2007 when it joined the EU.All in all,it received 10 billion euros in structural funds during 9 years.Bring some other numbers,proove them or shut up.Russia got official food aid in the 90's and the EU didn't even exist in the 90's

tens of billions of direct aid already received, ten billions farm subsidies, tens of billions of loans from EU central bank with basically zero interest rate

It can buy more goods than in Russia,except gasoline.

have you missed what i wrote? gasoline, electricity, natural gas, heating, drugs, medical care, clothes, cars, transport all of this cost 2-3 times more in Romania than in Russia.

In the past years the price per barrel was 80-100$.....Your income tanked after prices tanked.

Net average wage in Europe

Russia=372 euros

Romania=463 euros


Wake up, buddy. That was 6 months ago. Go get some updated info.
Lol what are you even on about dude ? Lol. Who focuses on PPP when making international comparisons ?

You dont even know what you are talking about.
Go check what all international bodies(including your Chinese buddies) consider when making international comparisons between countries.
In fact Russia's economy is so largely dependent on oil and gas that with falling oil prices and our sanctions , your economy has been shrinking year in year out, to the point that your nominal GDP per capital will soon be below that of China.:rofl:

Of course you use PPP when looking at living standards. Nominal is only important to the average citizen if they are going on holiday abroad or buying imported goods a lot.

For Russia nominal matters very little as it is almost wholly self-sufficient, be it in oil and gas, agriculture and many industrial goods.
tens of billions of direct aid already received, ten billions farm subsidies, tens of billions of loans from EU central bank with basically zero interest rate

No it didn't.Post your info if it exists,but it doesn't .All in all Romania got 10 billion euros from the EU.It got more but it also paid as a member and these 10 billion is the net surplus.Tens a billions is a ridiculous number that only a Russkie propagandist can come up with

have you missed what i wrote? gasoline, electricity, natural gas, heating, drugs, medical care, clothes, cars, transport all of this cost 2-3 times more in Romania than in Russia

No....clothes,cars,even food are more expensive in Russia as it imports them and does not have a free trade agreement like Romania has in the EU.

Wake up, buddy. That was 6 months ago. Go get some updated info.

Russian economy also shrinked in the first quarter of 2016.You're living in la la land.30% up lol,great entertainment.Does Sputnik also tell you that Putina shits gold ?

For Russia nominal matters very little as it is almost wholly self-sufficient, be it in oil and gas, agriculture and many industrial goods.

Russia imports food and industrial goods.Cheap oil/gas /electricity prizes in the internal market are subsidized by revenue of oil/gas exports.
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Hmmm what would happen if no one wanted russian oil gas....

Glorious Rodina Army goes back to pick cabbage for sustinence...

No it didn't.Post your info if it exists,but it doesn't .All in all Romania got 10 billion euros from the EU.It got more but it also paid as a member and these 10 billion is the net surplus.Tens a billions is a ridiculous number that only a Russkie propagandist can come up with

No....clothes,cars,even food are more expensive in Russia as it imports them and does not have a free trade agreement like Romania has in the EU.

Domestically produced clothes and cars. For example Ford Focus in Russia in minimal configuration cost $10k. In Romania - $15k. I can go on future with trucks, trains, ships, planes, planes, helicopters, cranes, machine tools, metals, chemicals, polymers and many more. Everything of that Russia is producing domestically and Romania import from abroad. Russia import no more than 10% of consumed food.

Russian economy also shrinked in the first quarter of 2016.You're living in la la land.30% up lol,great entertainment.Does Sputnik also tell you that Putina shits gold ?

Clown, do you understand how is nominal GDP calculated? It is based on exchange rate between Ruble and USD. You can check that on any other site not just Sputnik.
Russia - the leading exporter of wheat in the world. In addition, Russia has more then 40% of the world market of building of new nuclear power stations.
Russia has a lot of strengths. Anyone who thinks that Russia sells only oil and gas - is ignorant.
Why are you posting pictures of Romanians? :lol:


Domestically produced clothes and cars. For example Ford Focus in Russia in minimal configuration cost $10k. In Romania - $15k. I can go on future with trucks, trains, ships, planes, planes, helicopters, cranes, machine tools, metals, chemicals, polymers and many more. Everything of that Russia is producing domestically and Romania import from abroad. Russia import no more than 10% of consumed food.

Clown, do you understand how is nominal GDP calculated? It is based on exchange rate between Ruble and USD. You can check that on any other site not just Sputnik.

That's your nominal GDP per capita,deal with it.And no,cars aren't cheaper in Russia than in Romania,certainly 50 cheaper,lol.Prices of food skyrocketed in Russia after a ban for food from the EU was instated.Russians went to get the same EU food from Belarus.Your heavy industry relies on Western tech and machines which are imported,even your tanks need French/Turkish optics,FCS.You imported tech from Israel for UAV's and when US shot that market down you went to the Emiratis for drones.I can go on and on.You're drunk,go to sleep.
Why is Russia so hated by Europe?

We love them how they love us xD Why do you hate India?

Russia - the leading exporter of wheat in the world. In addition, Russia has more then 40% of the world market of building of new nuclear power stations.
Russia has a lot of strengths. Anyone who thinks that Russia sells only oil and gas - is ignorant.

If you look in the link i gave you you will see more then 60 % Russia export is Oil/Gas ... so looking on exp/import you would be in like 100B deficit and thats a fact.
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