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BSF tells Pakistan Rangers not to fire along International Border


Jun 28, 2014
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Amid frequent violations ofceasefireby Pakistan, the BSF on Saturday told Pakistani rangers not to fire along the International Border (IB) as "it is not good for general public of both the sides".

"We have told them (Pak Rangers) in the morning (during patrolling) don't fire it is not good for general public of both the sides," Inspector General (IG) BSF, Jammu Frontier, Rakesh Sharma told PTI in Jammu.

"Why are you (Pak Rangers) firing? If you fire, we will also fire," is what has been conveyed to Pak rangers during patrolling of IB by BSF troops this morning, he said.

Pakistan Rangers had resorted to firing and mortar shelling along IB on night of August 2 and August 3 in Pargwal and Arnia forward belts of Jammu district resulting in injuries to 2 people.

"Pakistan has habit for firing on IB and LoC without rhyme and reason," the IG said, adding that, firing has not be on the level which we have seen in August this year.

"The situation is normal and peaceful this time," he said. Pakistani troops resorted to firing and shelling mortar bombs along LoC in Sabjian forward belt in Poonch district in which one girl has been killed and 10 others injured.

Link:BSF tells Pakistan Rangers not to fire along International Border | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Amid frequent violations ofceasefireby Pakistan, the BSF on Saturday told Pakistani rangers not to fire along the International Border (IB) as "it is not good for general public of both the sides".

"We have told them (Pak Rangers) in the morning (during patrolling) don't fire it is not good for general public of both the sides," Inspector General (IG) BSF, Jammu Frontier, Rakesh Sharma told PTI in Jammu.

"Why are you (Pak Rangers) firing? If you fire, we will also fire," is what has been conveyed to Pak rangers during patrolling of IB by BSF troops this morning, he said.

Pakistan Rangers had resorted to firing and mortar shelling along IB on night of August 2 and August 3 in Pargwal and Arnia forward belts of Jammu district resulting in injuries to 2 people.

"Pakistan has habit for firing on IB and LoC without rhyme and reason," the IG said, adding that, firing has not be on the level which we have seen in August this year.

"The situation is normal and peaceful this time," he said. Pakistani troops resorted to firing and shelling mortar bombs along LoC in Sabjian forward belt in Poonch district in which one girl has been killed and 10 others injured.

Link:BSF tells Pakistan Rangers not to fire along International Border | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

This reminds me of a scene from a Mallu movie War and Love....... BSF and rangers and the way the communicate between each other
Yes, it's always Pakistan Rangers. Kudos. If BSF wants to act extra smart, try your Bangladeshi border.
Its go right ahead. Keep killing Kashmiri's. It will serve a better purpose for India. Thanks.
BSF stop with your crybaby ness if you fire, we fire back.
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