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Brutal Pics Inside Minhaj Markaz LAHORE


Sep 7, 2008
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Brutal Pics Inside Minhaj Markaz LAHORE

Will post more pics as they are being released by people who were there.


Even though I don't agree with Dr.Thair ul Qadri, I don't approve of this either. The Punjab govt. screwed up big, this time! They should have resorted to non-lethal ways to quell the protestors, instead of the atrocities they carried out!
Only in Pakistan, a country according to my Pakistan Studies Book modeled after the Government of Hazrat Umar, can any ruler so blatantly rid of someones right to life and not be answerable for it.
The same thing happening in Pak that happened and is still happening in BD? Government authorities going into Masjids and darbars and opening fire. Trust me lives will be rid and no one will be answerable to it because that's how a taghoot government is. We have Shiekh Hasina, we know.

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