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British SAS vs Iraqi Troops

I think this is taken from bravo 2 zero and it turned out to be a fantasy.

THE REAL BRAVO 2 ZERO By Michael Asher
Ashers reconstruction of McNabs B20 mega mech infantry **** fight is a laugh, worth the cost of the book, unlike McNabs description of APC's and hundreds of Iraqi troops, it now seems more likely they were opposed by two brothers with AK's and their seventy year old dad with his 5 shot mauser.
Asher ends up getting access to some of the patrols gear, packs and FN MINIMI's, and even that gives evidence to punch more holes in Mc Nabs classic.
Some who doubt the reliability of the Arab witnesses speak of the unliklihood that 3 armed civilians could put the patrol to flight from the original location, but they didn't, the mission had already gone wrong and the patrol executed a pretty textbook bug-out, just as they should have, in the later stages under fire from the 3 Arabs who included 2 very experienced Iran-Iraq war vets. No shame there, just good, solid soldiering, concluding with a successful "break contact". No need to make up a tale of a massive firefight with APCs taken out and vanloads of Iraqi soldiers going down in a hail of gunfire. But it seems likely that's what they did - they made it up. Or McNabb did, and others followed.

The Real Bravo Two Zero: Amazon.co.uk: Michael Asher: Books
I did not expect to watch any surprise, as usual . . .Since the days of Rambo until today . . .nothing has changed . . always Western armies supermens . . and always enemy soldiers from Oriental . . .Whether they are Arabs or Iranians or Afghans or Vietnamese, chinese, . . . etc. . . It give them a picture that They are a bunch of idiots . . Firing thousands of bullets without injuring any British or U.S. troops . . .While the one British soldiot could defeat the entire army . . Alone :pop:
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They can make all the videos they want to pump up British Adeline levels however the reality is that they were defeated by gurellia insurgents.
SAS is the best in the business take the Iranian embassy siege for example.
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lol... BTW i did saw there real videos in Afghanistan, and the way they cry...
Iraqi Snipers
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These are young soldiers defending their country, they are probably shocked to see such devistating deaths, you go to war yourself or even take a trip to Afghanistan, I wonder how long you would last their, I understand the whole point is too make profit, but thats just their way of making a living, and as for the SAS.. they are the bravest soldiers in the world.
Didnt realize that the SAS do the job for free and dont get paid.

My friend, May be my brother Bangladeshi think They are volunteers to spread peace and democracy . . as Bush and Blair said to their people !!!! :blah:
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