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British Holocaust Denier arriving Appears In Court


Oct 8, 2005
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British Holocaust Denier arriving Appears In Court

February 20, 2006

VIENNA, Feb 20, 2006 (AFP) - British historian David Irving appeared in court Monday at the start of his trial for denying the Holocaust, saying his views had changed since he denied the genocide in remarks 17 years ago.
Handcuffed and wearing a blue business suit, Irving appeared calm when he told reporters before formal proceedings began: "I am not a Holocaust denier. My views have changed. History is a constantly growing tree. The more you learn, the more documents are available, the more you learn, and I have learned a lot since 1989."
However, Irving said he would enter a guilty plea, adding: "I have no choice."
He said however it was "ridiculous for me to be standing here on trial for something I expresed 17 years ago."
Asked about the Holocaust, he said: "I would call it the Jewish tragedy in World War II."
Irving, 67, risks a 10-year prison sentence under an Austrian law that prosecutes those who "deny the genocide by the National Socialists or other National Socialist crimes against humanity."
Irving was arrested in November after a routine check on a highway in Austria on a 1989 warrant.
The warrant was issued by a Vienna court against Irving for having allegedly denied at meetings in Austria around 1989 that the Nazi regime used gas chambers in concentration camps.
APA said Irving had also said the November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews was not the work of the Nazis but "unknown" people who had dressed up as storm troopers and that Hitler had in fact protected the Jews.

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Its OK do Deny God
Its OK to Deny Jesus
Its OK to Deny Muhammad
Its OK to Deny Islam

But its NOT ok to Deny Holoucast, something is wrong here, why freedom of speech dosnt applies to jews?

Like someone said the one who controlls the Media controls the state !

(Ps, now I am not saying that what Hitler did was right, keep that in mind)
LOL let me enlighten you guys here.

Holocaust deniers make the following claims, though not all Holocaust deniers make all of the claims listed:

Nazis did not use gas chambers to mass murder Jews. Small chambers did exist for delousing and Zyklon-B was used in this process.

Nazis did not use cremation ovens to dispose of extermination victims. The amount of energy required to fire the ovens far exceeded what the energy-strapped nation could spare in wartime. The cremation ovens that existed would have been too small for this purpose and the reason there were cremation ovens at all was they were put in to provide cremation services for the deaths from natural causes and disease epidemics that could reasonably be expected in a high-density work camp.

The figure of 5-6 million Jewish deaths is an irresponsible exaggeration, and many Jews who actually emigrated to Russia, Britain, Palestine and the United States are included in the number.

Many photos and much of the film footage shown after World War II was specially manufactured as propaganda against the Nazis by the Allied forces. For example, one film, shown to Germans after the war, of supposed Holocaust victims were in fact German civilians being treated after Allied bombing of Dresden. Pictures we commonly see show victims of starvation or typhus, not of gassing.

Claims of what the Nazis supposedly did to the Jews were all intended to facilitate the Allies in their intention to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and are currently used to garner support for the policies of the state of Israel, especially in its dealings with the Palestinians.

Historical proof for the Holocaust is falsified or deliberately misinterpreted.

There is an American, British or Jewish conspiracy to make Jews look like victims and to demonize Germans. Also, it was in the Soviet interest to propagate wild stories about Germany in order to frighten related nations into accepting Soviet rule (Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.). The amount of money pumped into Israel and reparations from Germany alone give Israel a strong incentive to maintain this conspiracy.

The overwhelming number of biased academics and historians are too afraid to actually admit that the Holocaust was a fiction; they know they will lose their jobs if they speak up.

In any event, the Holocaust pales in comparison to the number of dissidents and Christians killed in Soviet gulags, which Holocaust deniers usually attribute to Jews.

Additionally, two other common claims of Holocaust deniers are easily confused with the legitimate debate of functionalism versus intentionalism:

Although crimes were committed, they were not centrally orchestrated and thus the Nazi leadership bore no responsibility for the implementation of such a policy.

Documents such as the Wannsee Conference protocols, the Einsatzgruppen reports, and many other original materials have overwhelmingly demonstrated the centralized planning and knowledge of the Holocaust by most upper echelons of the Nazi leadership. Historians continue to debate how widespread the knowledge of the Holocaust was in German society and government, and how the decisions to implement the Final Solution evolved, but the centrally-planned nature of the Holocaust, and the role of the Nazi leadership in its planning and execution, has not been subject to any doubt by scholars or historians.

There was no specific order by Adolf Hitler or other top Nazi officials to exterminate the Jews.

While to date no such specific "Führerbefehl" has been found, there is no necessity for it to exist in order to establish that Hitler was aware of the Holocaust. In addition, particularly in the context of the Wannsee Conference, it has been proven that the upper echelons of the Nazi regime did indeed give orders that resulted in the Holocaust.
one more question did they ever found hitler's body?
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