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British Empire vs American Imperialism


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
Who was more powerful the British Empire or the United States of America in its modern form of Empire (post ww2).

Please adjust for the difference in time/tech.

I think it's hard to call, but I vote for the British Empire. Will present my reasoning later.
You can quantify different time periods. There is technologies now there wasn't then. There is mass manufacturing etc etc.
You can quantify different time periods. There is technologies now there wasn't then. There is mass manufacturing etc etc.

I know which is why I think we should consider it based on those constraints.

In my opinion the British Empire wins hands down.

1. It controlled more territory.
2. It did it at a time of multiple large international powers.
3. It had so little resources to start with.
4. Its impact is longer lasting - the spread of English for example.
5. The USA is in fact a product of the British Empire.
I know which is why I think we should consider it based on those constraints.

In my opinion the British Empire wins hands down.

1. It controlled more territory.
2. It did it at a time of multiple large international powers.
3. It had so little resources to start with.
4. Its impact is longer lasting - the spread of English for example.
5. The USA is in fact a product of the British Empire.

Clearly the British had more direct control over people's daily lives. There's a big difference between writing local laws vs having a big aircraft carrier.
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Clearly the British had more direct control over people's daily lives. There's a big difference between writing local laws vs having a big aircraft carrier.

It's incredible really. The British had direct control, but it's hard to differentiate. I know Americans won't like me describing your foreign policy as imperial but the sway the USA has globally can't be under looked.

In my opinion it probably still is the British empire that comes out on top but America definitely has more reach. The number of countries it can't influence is tiny.
I know which is why I think we should consider it based on those constraints.

In my opinion the British Empire wins hands down.

1. It controlled more territory.
2. It did it at a time of multiple large international powers.
3. It had so little resources to start with.
4. Its impact is longer lasting - the spread of English for example.
5. The USA is in fact a product of the British Empire.

The world isnt imperalist or you cant invade countries like before because of UN etc etc so its different.

Most countries UK controlled where empty barren land by weak natives. We know how difficult it was when they faced other europeon powers i.e. napoleonic wars etc etc. Theres a difference between fighting australian natives or africans with bows in 1800s vs fighting a more powerful nation.

I wouldnt say the gap in British Empires peak was bigger than now of USA vs others. I think its much smaller.
Prussia wasnt far off British, or some other powers.

A massive factor against USA is that I think their going to last very short just like the British. I think they peaked already.
For cunningness British win hands down.
For mindless destruction and fire power Americans win hands down.
Capitalism is the highest stage of imperialism. Therefore, world capitalism now runs the largest empire in the history of mankind. Both UK and USA are slaves of the world capitalist syndicate which is not confined in a single land. The only country which has successfully resisted the capitalist monster so far, is DPRK led by Chairman Kim.
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