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Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

Do you mean India style democracy base on CASTE SYSTEM ?

I could feel you are hurt, embarrass , don't blame you though.

Why GOI keep denying Chinese incursion in your so call border?

The simple answer is GOI knew thats nothing she can do, so the

best solution is to deny to avoid further embarrassment and


Now even your bread and butter media rediff critisize GOI soft,

So if i were you, i will just shut the hell up and move on !!:smitten:

'India is soft on Chinese intrusions'


Caste System

The four divisions of society refers to the model of society in ancient China and was a meritocratic social class system in China, and other subsequently influenced Confucian societies. The four castes -- gentry, farmers, artisans and merchants -- are combined to form the term Shìnóngōngshāng (士農工商). The concept was first brought up in the Confucian classic Spring and Autumn Annals, and was influential in countries with Confusian influence. It has been adapted into Japanese as "Shi,nō,kō,shō" (士農工商, shinōkōshō?), in Korean as "Sa,nong,gong,sang" (사농공상), and in Vietnamese as "Sĩ, nông, công, thương (士農工商).

The ranking of the divisions was influenced by confucianist thinking: The wise ruler was at the top, followed by the farmer who produces the wealth of the society. The artisan only reuses the wealth created, while the merchant only distributes the goods. Interestingly, there is a parallel to the physiocratic school of François Quesnay and his contemporaries, who influenced the French Ancien Régime.
Talking of racism in India...a few facts about China....

Against Westerners
Main article: Anti-Western sentiment in China
洋鬼子 (yáng guǐzi) - "Foreign devil", a slur for White people
鬼佬 (guǐlǎo) - Borrowed from Cantonese "Gweilo", "ghost" or "ghost guy", a slur for white people

[edit] Against Japanese
小日本 (xiǎo Rìběn) — Literally "little Japan"(ese). This term is so common that it has very little impact left (Google Search returns 21,000,000 results as of August 2007). The term can be used to refer to either Japan or individual Japanese. "小", or the word "little", is usually construed as "puny", "lowly" or "small country", but not "spunky". In northern China, the phrase is often pronounced as 小日本兒 (xiǎo Rìběnr)
日本鬼子 (Rìběn guǐzi) — Literally "Japanese devils". This is used mostly in the context of the Second Sino-Japanese War, when Japan invaded and occupied large areas of China. This is the title of a Japanese documentary on Japanese war crimes druring WWII.
倭 (Wō) — This was an ancient Chinese name for Japan, but was also adopted by the Japanese. Today, its usage in Chinese is usually intended to give a negative connotation (see Wōkòu below). The character is said to also mean "dwarf", although that meaning was not apparent when the name was first used. See Wa (Japan).
倭寇 (Wōkòu) — Originally referred to Japanese pirates and armed sea merchants who raided the Chinese coastline during the Ming Dynasty (see Wokou). The term was adopted during the Second Sino-Japanese War to refer to invading Japanese forces, (similarly to Germans being called Huns). The word is today sometimes used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts.
日本狗 (Rìběn gǒu, Cantonese: Yat Boon Gau) — Literally "Japanese dogs". The word is used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts.
大腳盆族 (dà jiǎo pén zú) - Ethnic slur towards Japanese used prodominantly by Northern Chinese, mainly those from the city of Tianjin. Literally "Big Feet Bowl Race".
黃軍 (huáng jūn) - Literally "Yellow Soldier(s)", used during World War II to represent Imperial Japanese soldiers due to the colour of the uniform. Today, it is used negatively against all Japanese. Since the stereotype of Japanese soldiers are commonly portrayed in war-related TV series in China as short men, with a toothbrush moustache (and sometimes round glasses, in the case of higher ranks), 黃軍 is also often used to pull jokes on Chinese people with these characteristics, and thus "appear like" Japanese soldiers.
自慰队 (zì wèi duì) - A pun on the homophone "自卫队" (zì wèi duì, literally "Self-Defence Forces", see Japan Self-Defense Forces), the definition of 慰 (wèi) used is "to comfort". This phrase is used to refer to Japanese (whose military force is known as "自卫队") being stereotypically hypersexual, as "自慰队" means "Self-comforting Forces", referring to masturbation.

[edit] Against Koreans
高丽棒子 (Gāolì bàng zǐ) - Derogatory term used against all ethnic Koreans. 高丽 (Traditional: 高麗) refers to Ancient Korea (Koryo), while 棒子 means "club" or "corncob", referring to how Koreans would fit into trousers of the Ancient Koryo design. Sometimes 韓棒子 (hán bàng zǐ, "韓" referring to South Korea) is also used. Additionally, 死棒子 (sǐ bàng zǐ), Literally "dead corncob", is used.
二鬼子 (èr guǐ zǐ) - A disparaging designation of puppet armies and traitors during the Anti-Japanese War of China.[12][13]Japanese were known as "鬼子" (devils), and the 二鬼子 literally means "second devils". During World War II, some Koreans were involved in Imperial Japanese Army, and so 二鬼子 refers to hanjian and ethnic Koreans. The definition of 二鬼子 has changed throughout time[original research?], with modern slang usage entirely different from its original meaning during World War II and the subsequent Chinese civil war.[citation needed]

[edit] Against Indians
阿三 (ā sān) - Derogatory term used against Indians, literally meaning 'The Third'. As in the 1960s, India claimed herself to be the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, ranking No. 3 in all world powers after United States and Soviet Union. As general Chinese consider China defeated India in the Sino-India border conflict, 'The Third' was used to laugh at Indian' self-recognition.

[edit] Against Russians
毛子 (máo zi) - literally 'body hair', it is a derogatory term against people in Gaocasoid Race. However, because most white people in contact with China were Russians before the 19th century, 毛子 became a derogatory term specifically against Russians.
Caste System

The four divisions of society refers to the model of society in ancient China and was a meritocratic social class system in China, and other subsequently influenced Confucian societies. The four castes -- gentry, farmers, artisans and merchants -- are combined to form the term Shìnóngōngshāng (士農工商). The concept was first brought up in the Confucian classic Spring and Autumn Annals, and was influential in countries with Confusian influence. It has been adapted into Japanese as "Shi,nō,kō,shō" (士農工商, shinōkōshō?), in Korean as "Sa,nong,gong,sang" (사농공상), and in Vietnamese as "Sĩ, nông, công, thương (士農工商).

The ranking of the divisions was influenced by confucianist thinking: The wise ruler was at the top, followed by the farmer who produces the wealth of the society. The artisan only reuses the wealth created, while the merchant only distributes the goods. Interestingly, there is a parallel to the physiocratic school of François Quesnay and his contemporaries, who influenced the French Ancien Régime.

umm that system is different from the indian system, there are no "untouchables" each of those castes are a class of people just as we have blue collar and white collar workers and how we have politicians and engineers. each of them plays a part to keep the society going and no one is unwanted(that is not to say the system is good or bad in theory the ruler should be wise and farmer hard working and merchants honest) however when people criticize the Indian system is not that India once has the caste system, nations have had plenty of bad policies in the past(slavery anyone?) however it is that the castes system though outlawed now still has such a large influence in places in india, where as elsewhere these discriminating views are whether caste system or white supremacy are far less common
Mam if america decides to end china then that would be end of china. Russia done same mistake by taking head on america and ended up braking itself. Mam you are taking india lightly. Way too lightly. Please do see 1967 chacola war in which india shown china what india made of. It was revenge of 1962. China backed off in 1967 in chacola war. Please do some research. India good at defending mam.

hehaaa wow great logic IF i remember there used to be a Japanese Empire which never lost a war except one after that they never fought a war ;) Americans dont have strength to engage China u know that pretty well , so the ppl Americans used to take soviets head on are now a problem for America itself, they are engaged in a battle against their own Frankenstein, that's y americans got badly beaten in Iraq & are getting some real treatment in Afghanistan, China is not Russia
i m not taking any one lightly, i m just replying to the simple fact that Indians involve Pakistan in every debate which is purely about India & China... Avoid dragging in Pakistan every where..
Talking of racism in India...a few facts about China....

Against Westerners
Main article: Anti-Western sentiment in China
洋鬼子 (yáng guǐzi) - "Foreign devil", a slur for White people
鬼佬 (guǐlǎo) - Borrowed from Cantonese "Gweilo", "ghost" or "ghost guy", a slur for white people

[edit] Against Japanese
小日本 (xiǎo Rìběn) — Literally "little Japan"(ese). This term is so common that it has very little impact left (Google Search returns 21,000,000 results as of August 2007). The term can be used to refer to either Japan or individual Japanese. "小", or the word "little", is usually construed as "puny", "lowly" or "small country", but not "spunky". In northern China, the phrase is often pronounced as 小日本兒 (xiǎo Rìběnr)
日本鬼子 (Rìběn guǐzi) — Literally "Japanese devils". This is used mostly in the context of the Second Sino-Japanese War, when Japan invaded and occupied large areas of China. This is the title of a Japanese documentary on Japanese war crimes druring WWII.
倭 (Wō) — This was an ancient Chinese name for Japan, but was also adopted by the Japanese. Today, its usage in Chinese is usually intended to give a negative connotation (see Wōkòu below). The character is said to also mean "dwarf", although that meaning was not apparent when the name was first used. See Wa (Japan).
倭寇 (Wōkòu) — Originally referred to Japanese pirates and armed sea merchants who raided the Chinese coastline during the Ming Dynasty (see Wokou). The term was adopted during the Second Sino-Japanese War to refer to invading Japanese forces, (similarly to Germans being called Huns). The word is today sometimes used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts.
日本狗 (Rìběn gǒu, Cantonese: Yat Boon Gau) — Literally "Japanese dogs". The word is used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts.
大腳盆族 (dà jiǎo pén zú) - Ethnic slur towards Japanese used prodominantly by Northern Chinese, mainly those from the city of Tianjin. Literally "Big Feet Bowl Race".
黃軍 (huáng jūn) - Literally "Yellow Soldier(s)", used during World War II to represent Imperial Japanese soldiers due to the colour of the uniform. Today, it is used negatively against all Japanese. Since the stereotype of Japanese soldiers are commonly portrayed in war-related TV series in China as short men, with a toothbrush moustache (and sometimes round glasses, in the case of higher ranks), 黃軍 is also often used to pull jokes on Chinese people with these characteristics, and thus "appear like" Japanese soldiers.
自慰队 (zì wèi duì) - A pun on the homophone "自卫队" (zì wèi duì, literally "Self-Defence Forces", see Japan Self-Defense Forces), the definition of 慰 (wèi) used is "to comfort". This phrase is used to refer to Japanese (whose military force is known as "自卫队") being stereotypically hypersexual, as "自慰队" means "Self-comforting Forces", referring to masturbation.

[edit] Against Koreans
高丽棒子 (Gāolì bàng zǐ) - Derogatory term used against all ethnic Koreans. 高丽 (Traditional: 高麗) refers to Ancient Korea (Koryo), while 棒子 means "club" or "corncob", referring to how Koreans would fit into trousers of the Ancient Koryo design. Sometimes 韓棒子 (hán bàng zǐ, "韓" referring to South Korea) is also used. Additionally, 死棒子 (sǐ bàng zǐ), Literally "dead corncob", is used.
二鬼子 (èr guǐ zǐ) - A disparaging designation of puppet armies and traitors during the Anti-Japanese War of China.[12][13]Japanese were known as "鬼子" (devils), and the 二鬼子 literally means "second devils". During World War II, some Koreans were involved in Imperial Japanese Army, and so 二鬼子 refers to hanjian and ethnic Koreans. The definition of 二鬼子 has changed throughout time[original research?], with modern slang usage entirely different from its original meaning during World War II and the subsequent Chinese civil war.[citation needed]

[edit] Against Indians
阿三 (ā sān) - Derogatory term used against Indians, literally meaning 'The Third'. As in the 1960s, India claimed herself to be the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, ranking No. 3 in all world powers after United States and Soviet Union. As general Chinese consider China defeated India in the Sino-India border conflict, 'The Third' was used to laugh at Indian' self-recognition.

[edit] Against Russians
毛子 (máo zi) - literally 'body hair', it is a derogatory term against people in Gaocasoid Race. However, because most white people in contact with China were Russians before the 19th century, 毛子 became a derogatory term specifically against Russians.

first about westerners, we're suppose to like the poeple who forced opium on the country and tried to pry the country apart piece by piece? there is a history to these names, it is as they attacked the country the the term white devils becomes common.

on japan, historically japanese people were small, this is not used to discriminate them.on japanese devil. really now, WWII millions of chinese are dying at the hands of the japanese, just as westerners called germens "jerry" and other names. cant really expect the chinese to be nice at a time liek taht.

but i will not sugar coat it, in imperial times when china was strongest in asia the japanese were considered pirates and word used to discribe them are often associated with being barbarianism and other uncivilized acts but especially after WW2 japan becomes a large concern and people still remember the millions killed

actually most of whats in ur post is names that have directly or indirectly come from WW2 consider again that millions are kill it is not supprising nickname are made for the peoples that have committed such atrocious acts, others like russians are names of something physical, also on a side note names with 阿 are faily common and is used as a nickname allover china
Caste System

The four divisions of society refers to the model of society in ancient China and was a meritocratic social class system in China, and other subsequently influenced Confucian societies. The four castes -- gentry, farmers, artisans and merchants -- are combined to form the term Shìnóngōngshāng (士農工商). The concept was first brought up in the Confucian classic Spring and Autumn Annals, and was influential in countries with Confusian influence. It has been adapted into Japanese as "Shi,nō,kō,shō" (士農工商, shinōkōshō?), in Korean as "Sa,nong,gong,sang" (사농공상), and in Vietnamese as "Sĩ, nông, công, thương (士農工商).

The ranking of the divisions was influenced by confucianist thinking: The wise ruler was at the top, followed by the farmer who produces the wealth of the society. The artisan only reuses the wealth created, while the merchant only distributes the goods. Interestingly, there is a parallel to the physiocratic school of François Quesnay and his contemporaries, who influenced the French Ancien Régime.

Man, you have serious IQ challenge!

In Hindu caste system, if born as Brahmin he/she is foreverf Brahmin. If he/she is a Dalit by birth, he/she is condemned to remain so in his/her life time.

In Chinese society, people can change their social echelon by studying/working harder or less so. A lot of people born in abject poverty had become emperors' teacher!

Be wise, and study more!
China thinks its enough to pi.ss them off :partay:

Pakistan { jana } is Pissed off evrynow & then by whole world even by the GCC countries which they refer as their friends , As per China is considered we know their behaviour & we are always cautious about them, hence the world powers are trying to keep control over China by having more friendly relations with Japan , S. korea..............:cheers:
the more aggresive china better for india.......everybody is keeping tabs on china..everbody is observing.....that sometime chinese dragon will show its real face to the world...apart from its communist face......well if china does this often..india will get more stronger support from EU and US..automatically....gud for india

in china case...it is threat to all......perhaps everbody knows this..stronger china means less US and EU monopoly...further in future asia is going to be the happening place....in terms of trade routes, development...china india brasil russia share a common platform BRIC......i dont think china will like to derail all its economic development and tarnish its repute by involving in these issues......this is not going to happen.....perhaps what people say otherwise i assume they want to satisfy their personal objectives

Very good point , a far sighted view !!!!!
only 1.5km....if i was the commanding officer i would've taken the infiltration almost 40-50km just to teach them a lesson

That would be a dangerous thing to do because for such people the Indian army arranges a meeting with God:lol:
China visited disputed area again?what a great news.please do something, india

sure we can, we could use this opportunity to obtain more sophisticated weapons from the US and also to gang-up against china :agree:
Man, you have serious IQ challenge!

In Hindu caste system, if born as Brahmin he/she is foreverf Brahmin. If he/she is a Dalit by birth, he/she is condemned to remain so in his/her life time.

In Chinese society, people can change their social echelon by studying/working harder or less so. A lot of people born in abject poverty had become emperors' teacher!

Be wise, and study more!

No gpit that's not true. In reality the hindu caste system was based on duties rather than birth. if a person performed the duties of a brahmin then he was regarded as a brahmin, likewise a kshatriya, vaisya and shudra. But ovetime some brahmins distorted the truth and propagated the false belief of birthwise caste system.This was done to promote their vested interests.
自慰队 (zì wèi duì) - A pun on the homophone "自卫队" (zì wèi duì, literally "Self-Defence Forces", see Japan Self-Defense Forces), the definition of 慰 (wèi) used is "to comfort". This phrase is used to refer to Japanese (whose military force is known as "自卫队") being stereotypically hypersexual, as "自慰队" means "Self-comforting Forces", referring to masturbation.

Mam if america decides to end china then that would be end of china. Russia done same mistake by taking head on america and ended up braking itself. Mam you are taking india lightly. Way too lightly. Please do see 1967 chacola war in which india shown china what india made of. It was revenge of 1962. China backed off in 1967 in chacola war. Please do some research. India good at defending mam.

i think you are referring to the chola incident, a sino-indian skirmish that took place in 1967, aren't you?
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