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Breaking: Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Chinese Oil Sales

Right now countries have to convert to dollar in order to buy energy. Petro dollar is the last thing keeping the dollar from being monolopy money. With the amount of dollars printed and the 80% of all dollars being overseas, the dollar would reach hyperinflation status very fast. US have fought wars for a lot less.

The US will fight a war very soon but not against who you assume but Iran. Israelis and co are also pressuring them hence they will gain OIL from it and it is favourable. Hence they will attempt to raid Venezuela and Iran.. Making an alliances that is how they will attempt to keep the dollar flowing.. Because Venezuela, Iran and Russia are already bypassing the Dollar hence KSA alone can't keep the dollar alive but it has to be done collectively and Russia taking Ukraine has activated an attempt to de-dollarize from China which is a major customer.

But the obvious move is an Iran war followed by a Venezuela raid... The US will not go into conflict deemed above the treeshold for a conflict hence the Iran war is next because they have alot of reserves and the nuclear deal will be used as excuse
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Saudi wants better deals to the U.S, it is bluffing. Yuan is not a free traded currency, so it wont happen anytime soon. Trading with Yuan is more like political than commercial means.
The US will fight a war very soon but not against who you assume but Iran. Israelis and co are also pressuring them hence they will gain OIL from it and it is favourable. Hence they will attempt to raid Venezuela and Iran.. Making an alliance with KSA that is how they will attempt to keep the dollar following.. Because Venezuela, Iran and Russia are already bypassing the Dollar hence KSA alone can't keep the dollar alive but it has to be done collectively and Russia taking Ukraine has activated an attempt to de-dollarize from China which is a major customer.

But the obvious move is an Iran war followed by a Venezuela raid... The US will not go into conflict deemed above the treeshold for a conflict hence the Iran war is next because they have alot of reserves and the nuclear deal will be used as excuse
Current US administration is weak and predictable. Predictably weak if you will. It'll be at least 3 more years before the US will commit to a war. Venezuela probably fine. South American are undergoing somewhat of a socialist revolution atm and will not take kindly to the US acting against Venezuela. Threat to Iran is more serious. But after Iraq and Afghanistan, it'll be a hard sell to the American public.

Saudi wants better deals to the U.S, it is bluffing. Yuan is not a free traded currency, so it wont happen anytime soon. Trading with Yuan is more like political than commercial means.
Xi is going for a state visit in May so I wouldn't dismiss this completely. Also the Saudis aren't stupid. After seeing Russian reserve account frozen, Saudis will definitely want to diversify.
This is a bluff by the Saudi to "encourage" Biden to allow MBS to be the next Dictator King of the House of Saud.

Xi is going for a state visit in May so I wouldn't dismiss this completely. Also the Saudis aren't stupid. After seeing Russian reserve account frozen, Saudis will definitely want to diversify.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the House of Saud.... Remember Dessert Storm and the Saudis inviting the Wolf to defend them from the Big Bad Saddam???
You are looking at rebalancing measures:

1. Global trade with USA will be in USD.
2. Global trade with China will be in Yuan.

Predicted effects:

1. USD globally depreciates.
2. Yuan globally appreciates.

Americans will welcome a weaker USD in fact. They want to decouple from China and revive domestic manufacturing and improve their EXPORTS by extension.

Russia under Putin have made this possible.

If printing a local (non-global) currency was a good thing, Pakistan would have been one of the richest countries.

Decoupling from China is one thing, loosing the grip on global financial system and ability to print as much global currencey as they want is another thing.
Current US administration is weak and predictable. Predictably weak if you will. It'll be at least 3 more years before the US will commit to a war. Venezuela probably fine. South American are undergoing somewhat of a socialist revolution atm and will not take kindly to the US acting against Venezuela. Threat to Iran is more serious. But after Iraq and Afghanistan, it'll be a hard sell to the American public..

I could see both happening and it won't matter about declaring anything to the public. There is alot of campaign behind the scenes to bring Trump back into the scene in 2024 with mass lobbies working on this but in the same time they are trying to convince Biden Admin and co from within the deep state. France seemed to have been against this but the British are always gung-ho and ready for a good scrap and throw-down and somehow they are also lobbying for the conflict Boris and Truss are war hawks hence they fall right into the lobbies and share same ideas. The Germans just follow the lead.

But the Americans know that this is gonna happen and hack could even happen this year in itself
All oil sheikh have helped China during the earliest days of reform. I remember hearing rumors that Bank of Kuwait deposit a large sum of monies in Chinese banks to help China buy equipments during early Deng days.

No matter how reactive these oil sheikhs are and how much China against Wahhabi, China and oil sheikhs have good relationship.
You are looking at rebalancing measures:

1. Global trade with USA will be in USD.
2. Global trade with China will be in Yuan.

Predicted effects:

1. USD globally depreciates.
2. Yuan globally appreciates.

Americans will welcome a weaker USD in fact. They want to decouple from China and revive domestic manufacturing and improve their EXPORTS by extension.

Russia under Putin have made this possible.
Brother you are forgetting the fa t that largest commodity of USA is dollar itself. Increase in manufacturing will be nothing in comparison to threat of loosing dollar as a commodity.

So it is highly unlikely that depreciation of dollar is going to effect the us economy positively.
Yes it will be if that happen.

Why saudis discussing it for 6 years unless something holding them off.
I don't know how serious Saudis talked about it in the past, but this time it seems they really mean it.
Mr Al Sheikh, big boss of Wahabbi having in this family business for hundreds of years. They were once natives of Nadj, far removed from civilization. Suddenly fortune changes during 1923 when British decided to support Ibn Saud and kick Hashimite.

Besides why we talking theology in an oil trade thread? @waz @LeGenD @The Eagle
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Xi is going for a state visit in May so I wouldn't dismiss this completely. Also the Saudis aren't stupid. After seeing Russian reserve account frozen, Saudis will definitely want to diversify.
one question, where would Saudis going to spend billions of Yuan from oil? apart shopping in China where else should they spend?``````as you said, Saudis are not stupid, they wont sell their oil for free````
one question, where would Saudis going to spend billions of Yuan from oil? apart shopping in China where else should they spend?``````as you said, Saudis are not stupid, they wont sell their oil for free````
Almost everything, cause almost everything is made in China, even American brands like Tesla and Iphone, China is also Saudis biggest trading partner.


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Almost everything, cause almost everything is made in China, even Tesla and Iphone, China is also Saudis biggest trading partner.
so you are suggesting that every single Saudi Arabian who wants to by an Iphone, a Tesla, a kitchen wire or even a pleasure vibrating gadget have to travel all the way to China to buy?``````

mate, let me tell you one fact, no matter whether its made in Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou or Dalian, they all traded in international currencies``````period
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