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Breaking News : Afghan Vice President Has Reportedly Escaped To Tajikistan

No surprise here…..

By the by, he’ll keep on foul mouthing Pak even while being in Jehennem….
Surprised he didn't run off to New Delhi, shows what little trust the Afghans have in the Indians.

Reports: US embassy in Kabul tells staff to destroy sensitive documents
Friday, 13 August 2021 10:54 PM [ Last Update: Friday, 13 August 2021 11:52 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

The US embassy in Kabul on Friday directed its staff to destroy sensitive documents and computers as well as other material.
The US embassy in Afghanistan's capital has directed its staff to destroy sensitive documents and computers as well as other material that could be used against the United States, according to American media outlets.
The directive was given in a memo written for staff at the US embassy in Kabul and shared with NPR on the condition of anonymity.
The memo called on diplomats to destroy computers and other sensitive documents before they leave, as well as items featuring the American flag, embassy logos, and other articles that "could be misused in propaganda efforts," CNN reported.
The memo comes as the Taliban are reportedly preparing to attack Kabul. It also comes one day after the Pentagon announced it was deploying 3,000 American troops to Afghanistan to evacuate most of the embassy personnel from Kabul, leaving only "a core diplomatic presence" in the country.
"Let me be very clear about this: The embassy remains open and we plan to continue our diplomatic work in Afghanistan," Ned Price, the State Department's chief spokesman, said Thursday.
The Biden administration announced on Thursday that it will evacuate all but a “core” staff from the American Embassy in Kabul.
The US military is deploying 3,000 troops back to Afghanistan to help with the evacuation. They will be stationed at the Kabul airport.
“We're taking the situation seriously and that's one of the reasons why we're moving these forces into Kabul to assist with this particular mission because we know that time is a precious commodity,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said on Friday.
He confirmed the US is deploying troops around the Kabul airport, adding that the US military is prepared to airlift “thousands” of people, who include both American diplomats and Afghans who have applied for Special Immigrant Visas.
Rapid Taliban gains 'deeply concerning' to US
The Pentagon said on Friday the Taliban’s rapid takeover of large parts of Afghanistan is “deeply concerning” to the United States after the militants seized the country’s second-and third-biggest cities.
According to reports, the possibility the capital Kabul could fall in the next weeks has grown stronger with the Taliban's gains, and that the fall of the government in Kabul could happen much more quickly than previously anticipated.
Kirby acknowledged the Taliban are trying to isolate Kabul. “We are certainly concerned by the speed with which the Taliban has been moving,” Kirby told reporters.
“We're obviously watching this just like you're watching this and seeing it happen in real-time, and it's deeply concerning,” he added. “This is a moment for the Afghans to unite, the leadership and the military. No outcome has to be inevitable.”
The US invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and removed the Taliban from power. American forces occupied the country for about 20 years on the pretext of fighting against the Taliban. But as the US forces are leaving Afghanistan, the Taliban are set to invade Kabul, weakened by foreign occupation.
The Taliban on Friday solidified its sweep through Afghanistan’s north, south, and west weeks before the official end of the US military occupation of the country. The Taliban now control most of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals and about two-thirds of the country as a whole.
Republican lawmakers condemn Biden over Afghanistan situation
Republican lawmakers condemn Biden over Afghanistan situation
Republican members of the US Congress have slammed President Joe Biden over withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

On Friday, the Taliban claimed control of the capital of Logar province, putting them just about 80 kilometers away from Kabul, the capital of the country.
Kirby claimed that the Afghan capital is “not, right now, in an imminent threat environment.”
Still, Kirby said, the Taliban “clearly” is “trying to isolate Kabul.”
“What they want to do if they achieve that isolation, I think, only they can speak to,” he added. “But you can see a certain effort to isolate Kabul. It is not unlike the way they've operated in other places of the country, isolating provincial capitals and sometimes being able to force surrender without necessarily much bloodshed.”
Kirby also stated that Afghan forces still have the capacity to repel the Taliban attack.
“They have greater numbers. They have an air force. A capable air force, which, oh, by the way, is flying more airstrikes than we are, every day. They have modern equipment. They have an organizational structure. They have the benefit of the training that we have provided them over 20 years. They have the material, the physical, the tangible advantages,” Kirby said. “It's time now to use those advantages.”
The Taliban has been pushing back the Afghan military and overtaking significant areas of territory as American troops withdraw from the country following 20 years of war there.
An Afghan government official confirmed on Friday that Kandahar, the most important city in the south, was under the control of the Taliban as occupying forces complete their withdrawal.
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FYI; “Deeply concerning” is belt way talk for we don’t know what to do, when it comes to decision making coming out of DC.
That is true. Afghanistan needs to be merged with Pakistan. I don't think Iranians or any of the Central Asian states can stomach invading and conquering Afghanistan.

Pakistan has an edge due to the historic Pashtun pop. residing within Pakistan along with 5-10% of Afghanistan's population residing as refugees in Pakistan.

Tbh, Afghanistan will gain a lot by merging with Pakistan, out of the many things it'll gain will be a port and a nuclear umbrella. No one will dare invade Afghanistan again.

But, this is all a pipe dream for now. :D
Nah we don't want anything to do with Afghanistan
Nah we don't want anything to do with Afghanistan

That's not up to you or me. Taliban will one day look to expand. Either that or Afghanistan is integrated into Pakistan, leading to a bolster of manpower available for war. Along with the much needed strategic depth. Did I mention more than 5 Trillion worth of minerals and ores?
That's not up to you or me. Taliban will one day look to expand. Either that or Afghanistan is integrated into Pakistan, leading to a bolster of manpower available for war. Along with the much needed strategic depth. Did I mention more than 5 Trillion worth of minerals and ores?
Our country has the potential for 5 trillion $ gdp per year if we spend our energies in the right place and concentrate on our Human devolpment/skills

Conquering an already troubled region will further drain our precious resources leading to same economic situation we find ourselves in today

Butt of every joke, a fall from grace
Our country has the potential for 5 trillion $ gdp per year if we spend our energies in the right place and concentrate on our Human devolpment/skills

Conquering an already troubled region will further drain our precious resources leading to same economic situation we find ourselves in today

Butt of every joke, a fall from grace

Less of a conquering and more a of a Union. Think of it like the UK or EU.

Either way, there are as many, if not more, benefits for Pakistan if Afghanistan is under it's rule or if Pakistan has access to its resources and land for use.
Cant believe this Bhainga was their spy master. We already knew this was to be the fate of Parachuted Afghan leadership. Abdullah Abdullah might be able to make some space for himself but ghani and his stooges are dead meat.
LOL don't pretend you don't care. I know why you avoid such humiliating topics. Give us an explanation why this Afghan fed on US taxpayers money ran off.
Because he can no longer feed on US taxpayer moneys?
No surprise here…..

By the by, he’ll keep on foul mouthing Pak even while being in Jehennem….
We have have very good relations with Tajikistan and I hope we will shut this monkey when required....Days are numbered.
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