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BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

What airstrikes you talking about bro?
US has the capability to use drones, fighter jets, etc to attack their targets with good accuracy without even remotely close to the war theater...this is just my gut feeling that the west will NOT make a "cake walk" for Taliban in Afghanistan even after it seems they have left ... boom suddenly in the news you will hear airstrikes on Taliban compounds etc ... mind you there is less regard of collateral damage as we have witnessed in the past ...
US has the capability to use drones, fighter jets, etc to attack their targets with good accuracy without even remotely close to the war theater...this is just my gut feeling that the west will NOT make a "cake walk" for Taliban in Afghanistan even after it seems they have left ... boom suddenly in the news you will hear airstrikes on Taliban compounds etc ... mind you there is less regard of collateral damage as we have witnessed in the past ...

Lmao. You are being silly and do what? Kill civilians because does airstrikes won't be killing any Talibans. They have already held their airstrikes and have cut their losses short and getting their people out even before deadline. It is absolutely over. There is really nothing that can deter Taliban unless you are willing to put in another 300k ground forces and start a major war allover again rinse and repeat but everything else is fruitless conventionally they understand this
Save my posts here on this thread...ONLY time will tell if Taliban or their interests will be hit in surprise airstrikes in the future... we will talk then ...

Lmao. You are being silly and do what? Kill civilians

Were you living under the rock for last two decades "KILL CIVILIANS"!!!... do you know from where this term "Collateral Damage" is originated from...? I can cite so many references where a target full of innocent civilians have been bombed and or attacked in the name of hunting Taliban fighters resulting in countless innocent lives... dah
Save my posts here on this thread...ONLY time will tell if Taliban or their interests will be hit in surprise airstrikes in the future... we will talk then ...

You don't undersetand how conventional war or even probability of engagements unfolds. What do you think an airstrike is a hydrogen bomb:lol: Airstrikes are not meant to win wars they have very little capacity effect but they can't deter someone like Taliban whos in advatageous terrain..If you ain't putting 300k foot soldiers on the ground there is really not much you can do conventionally and even they will be spitted out in couple years depleted and defeated rinse and repeat
Gifted to Afghans, not terrorists. The Afghan Taliban have not commited any acts of terrorism anywhere.
Let us be patient and watch how the situation unfolds. There are some very real fears that TTA's takeover could provide a boon to the TTP. Let us not make fools out of ourselves before the Indians in case TTA turns a blind eye to TTP's campaign of terror in our tribal districts using Afghanistan as a launchpad. As our govt says it is neutral, we as citizens must be the same. Wait to see how things unfold before swooning on any combatant party. A request.
You don't undersetand how conventional war or even probability of engagements unfolds. What do you think an airstrike is a hydrogen bomb:lol: Airstrikes are not meant to win wars they have very little effect but they can't deter someone like Taliban whos in advatageous terrain much..If you ain't putting 300k foot soldiers on the ground there is really not much you can do conventionally
OK again save my post because I am and we will surely come back and debate when what I have written will happen ... and BTW the objective is NOT to win war here, the objective is to keep the region in a chaos ....
OK again save my post because I am and we will surely come back and debate when what I have written will happen ... and BTW the objective is NOT to win war here, the objective is to keep the region in a chaos ....

How are you gonna keep a region in which the people are tired of fighting why do you think the ANA is surrendering they dread this continous war more than anything else on earth.. This what happens to people that are war-weary. They are surrendering and defected in masses because they understand this is a lost war and forever they don't wanna participate in it.. All Afghans outside of Taliban are extremely war-weary.. Just watch the remaining cities will keep falling without much fighting they don't have the stomach to engage taliban in an forever conflict
You don't undersetand how conventional war or even probability of engagements unfolds. What do you think an airstrike is a hydrogen bomb:lol: Airstrikes are not meant to win wars they have very little capacity effect but they can't deter someone like Taliban whos in advatageous terrain..If you ain't putting 300k foot soldiers on the ground there is really not much you can do conventionally and even they will be spitted out in couple years depleted and defeated rinse and repeat
Airstrikes turned the tide in Syria and Iraq because there were combatant forces on the ground (Iraqi army that had remnants from Baathist days and the fanatical Shia militias, SAA, and the battle-hardened Iranian proxies). In the case of ANA, the will to resist was just not there. 30-50k commandos who had some fight in them could not maintain the status quo in a country as large as Afghanistan. So, airstrikes could not replicate what these did in 2001 at the eve of the invasion when AT positions on the ground were pummeled by USAF and the Northern alliance swept southwards routing AT.
I am just thinking out loud here what IF when Taliban is close to secure major cities including Kabul they will be attacked via sustained airstrikes in which they sustain huge jaani nuqsaan what will they do then...? You know at present they do not have air cover ... and after that sustained air strikes campaign the UN suddenly jump in the middle and put orders of a peace keeping force or a political reconciliation effort including all the players in Afghanistan, by then Taliban badly hurt and with reduced influence in cities where they were bombed will agree to the terms of their opposition... do you foresee such a scenario happening? and if NOT why...?

No, and the reason being China and Russia, this rising threat to the US & Co., has forced a strategic and tactical shift to the East. If they do any sort of act as you mentioned it’ll violate the agreement and will give full rights to the Taliban to react and hit US soft targets across the world. At this point in time they don’t want anything to stop their anti-China coalition building by being bogged down in the desert or mountains.
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Airstrikes turned the tide in Syria and Iraq because there were combatant forces on the ground (Iraqi army that had remnants from Baathist days and the fanatical Shia militias, SAA, and the battle-hardened Iranian proxies). In the case of ANA, the will to resist was just not there. 30-50k commandos who had some fight in them could not maintain the status quo in a country as large as Afghanistan. So, airstrikes could not replicate what these did in 2001 at the eve of the invasion when AT positions on the ground were pummeled by USAF and the Northern alliance swept southwards routing AT.
Very good point
How are you gonna keep a region in which the people are tired of fighting why do you think the ANA is surrendering they dread this continous war more than anything else on earth.. This what happens to people that are war-weary. They are surrendering and defected in masses because they understand this is a lost war and forever they don't wanna participate in it.. All Afghans outside of Taliban are extremely war-weary.. Just watch the remaining cities will keep falling without much fighting they don't have the stomach to engage taliban in an forever conflict
I just don't see west accepting defeat so easily ... well I have saved this thread so we will see...
No, and the reason being China, this rising threat to the US & Co., has forced a change strategic and tactical shift to the East. If they do any sort of act as you mentioned it’ll violate the agreement and will give full rights to the Taliban to react and hit US soft targets.
Sir, time will tell so far China is just acting as a spectator to all this even they know they have a big stake in the peace in Afghanistan as well...
Airstrikes turned the tide in Syria and Iraq because there were combatant forces on the ground (Iraqi army that had remnants from Baathist days and the fanatical Shia militias, SAA, and the battle-hardened Iranian proxies). In the case of ANA, the will to resist was just not there. 30-50k commandos who had some fight in them could not maintain the status quo in a country as large as Afghanistan. So, airstrikes could not replicate what these did in 2001 at the eve of the invasion when AT positions on the ground were pummeled by USAF and the Northern alliance swept southwards routing AT.

Let’s not forget besides special forces the bulk of the fighting in the initial stages were done by the Northern Alliance who had motivation and will like the TAs, the Americans just rode on their backs. You put one American in battle rotation after 1-2 tour he’s a PTSD patient for life, you can’t hustle a single man for 20+ years in the states they feel they have to much to lose, the Afghans have nothing to live for.
I just don't see west accepting defeat so easily ... well I have saved this thread so we will see...

I explain to you why they chose to withdraw.. There is no stragetic signficiance for them in Afghanistan it is a pointless backyard that suks money out these competing for it plus there was nothing to gain from Afghanistan for them really except being a black-hole forever war.. They were losing alot money on it plus China and other countries were overtaking the US while spending in this blackhole it would have jeodardized them elsewhere while China, RUssia etc etc and everyone else was satisfied seeing the US get suked into that black-hole that is Afghanistan. They should have pulled out long time ago but they finally realized that they were fooled here by other powers and made a deal with Taliban that they won't host elements against them and than signed that agreement because they know Taliban logistically can't threaten them hence the war itself was stragetically pointless, demanding, money suking and enemies benefiting from it.. The decision of them pulling out is very important from stragetical point of view so that they can focus on the real threats facing them mainly China.. China could take Australia even Europe tomorrow if it really decided they won't be able to counter it this is why they pulled out to prepare defense and use the money on their defense and bolster their ranks for couple of decades
Pakistan is neutral in this fight, without any favorites
Almost - We have no love lost for Amrullah Saleh, Hamdullah Mohib and their ilk.

They will continue to spew poison against Pakistan and support and promote anti-Pakistan activities so long as they are able to.
The USA failed in China (1927-1949), Vietnam (1954-1976), Cuba, Cambodia (1970-1975), etc. Why repeat it in Afghanistan? A government without the support of the people will perish sooner or later, even if it has the support of Americans.

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