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BREAKING: India tests Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile, part of country’s ballistic mi

India was test flying LCA 17 years ago. Today, it’s no different.
There was a channel 4 (uk) interview with an indian diplomat 2 days before Pakistan tested it's nuke claiming that it was impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance and that Pakistan would be destroyed by india if we didn't accept indian diktat. He was a sikh guy. Another indian politician claimed it was impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance because Pakistan could not manufacture matches so it was impossible to manufacture nukes. I am going to try to find those interviews and upload them here.

I heard your mum prefers the goat's one as your dad's one is too smalll.........:lol::


Here it goes again..Pakistan and it's weird obsession with Indian penises!
Please FFS stop lowering quality of your own forum with such posts.
Are you DUMB or what? huh..........I was asking what are Pakistani SAM and AESA radar that have you people have made ..instead of that he writes the same repetitive post in different sentences ....Is it essay writing or active passive going on here or what?
IT's like saying
@PAKISTANFOREVER likes to fucX goats
Goat fucxing is liked by @PAKISTANFOREVER
we ne'er made any and we never boosts of any world advance weapon either.
but Indians make super things.
Here it goes again..Pakistan and it's weird obsession with Indian penises!
Please FFS stop lowering quality of your own forum with such posts.

Naahhh......it's just explains why indians hate Pakistan, Pakistanis, Muslims and Islam so much..........lol........ .:lol:
@PAKISTANFOREVER likes to fucX goats
Goat fucxing is liked by @PAKISTANFOREVER
Both of you, please retract your abuses or negative ratings will be issued with in 36 hours!
P.S: Abuses never help during civilized discussions. Your posts are going to be reported.
Both of you, please retract your abuses or negative ratings will be issued with in 36 hours!
P.S: Abuses never help during civilized discussions. Your posts are going to be reported.

Will do.
Ask the pakistani patients who come to india for medical treatment .
advancment in medical is a completely other thing and it is our govt neglegance it dont have expert docs in the field

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