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Breaking: 10 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Jenin in one day; 7 Israeli's killed today

Steal people's land, houses and commit atrocities and you will get exterminated.

Look dude.

I don't even blame Jews mainly for what is happening in Palestine but the whites who gave you guys someone else's land.

Best would have been after WW2 for you to have gotten maybe a large chunk of sparsely populated land of around 40,000 square kms in the US next to the ocean. Any US citizens could either stay on or move back to the US.

That way your people would be secure and Palestinians would not have been displaced from their own lands.
Israel is Jewish land, we don't care about land in the US

The culprits were given life sentences. Justice was served to the extent of the Israeli Constitution.
I don't see how that's justification for killing civilians.
In the US if someone invades your property or house you have the right to shoot them.
Then the Israelis will bomb the West Bank to pieces. We're talking about Second Intifada again,but this time with Palestinians less capable of fighting back and the Israelis able to smash them.

Did you guys see the Reuters building in Gaza getting pulverized? It was the Reuters building. That sent a message.

its been decades and it will become centuries and Palestine is becoming more and more strong

they are as strong as Hezbollah was in 2006 and have over 60,000 rockets

Hezbollah has close to 600,000 rockets

Israel does not want a war with Hezbollah

and soon not want a war with Palestinian resistance groups because of the massacres they can inflict on Israeli citizens

I mean you cant even secure centre of Jerusalem after 75 years of occupation

one guy with a gun can mow down dozens of people you guys cant even stop the knife attacks

even if you kill 5 for every 1 Israel you will still lose this war

pack your bags save your life go back to Ghettos of New York or Warsaw or wherever you came from
Killing praying people including kids in retaliation to Israel killing a bunch of armed Jihadist terrorists. Called a terror attack and will be met in kind.
In principle it sucks, but nothing close to a Holocaust or anything - as is always lamented here.
The Israelis don't behave much worse than many Orientals/Muslims in Europe.

Germans from the past would shoot 70 Palestinians (Males, 16-60), for 7 dead Germans under these circumstances.

Russians would probably kill "only" 40-50, but rape 50 women in front of their eyes.

Chinese wouldn't allow any arabic sign, beards, names and would force unmarried women to marry non muslim Chinese.

I get, that they are angry on you Jews but really ... it could be the above but as long as Jews/"ZiOnIsTs" are the perpetator, they will ignore the facts.

Americans/Israelis/Westerners are, even with all the hypocritical political interventions etc. much more nice than compared to Russians/Chinese.
They really don't get it ... IF Chinese/Russia would have the ability to project same amount of any force.

In this forum is too much good/bad.
But Samuel is much more objective than you @Beny Karachun , I mean ALL go always on you, sure you provoke a little bit and give them the food for the attacks but they aren't any better than you and in numbers.
I understand the Muslim view (to a certain view point) and yours too, especially when they ALL jump on you, you get emotional, you are too semetic, too emotional, not cold blooded European enough.
But as we Germans say a little bit more restraint (from your side), like Samuel, who is very neutral and realistic with his writing.
its been decades and it will become centuries and Palestine is becoming more and more strong

they are as strong as Hezbollah was in 2006 and have over 60,000 rockets

Hezbollah has close to 600,000 rockets

Israel does not want a war with Hezbollah

and soon not want a war with Palestinian resistance groups because of the massacres they can inflict on Israeli citizens
On the contrary,they are a shadow of their former selves.

I don't know how old you are,but I remember watching documentaries and reading many books back in the early and mid-2000s,about the conflict in Palestine and the Middle-East in general. Back then,all of the big militias and parties where stronger and far more organized.

I'll tell you why:

  • In the West Bank and Gaza,the Palestinians were not as fragmented and politically divided as they are now.
  • It was the height of the Second Intifada.
  • After 2008,the Palestinians were fragmented and divided into pro-Hamas and pro-Fatah factions. Gaza became Hamastan and the West Bank became Fatahland.
  • After the 2010s,the Israelis destroyed more tunnels from Egypt to Gaza.
  • When the war in Syria started,Hamas was further weakened because they lost support from Syria,since they turned their backs to Assad.
  • Hezbollah was further weakened by fighting in Lebanon and Syria for years and losing thousands of men.
  • After the economic and physical devastation of the wars in Palestine,Lebanon and Syria,a lot of people left.
  • Lebanon has gone bankrupt.
I mean you cant even secure centre of Jerusalem after 75 years of occupation
They can,but if they do it,they will have to eradicate and/or expel more Arabs from Jerusalem.

even if you kill 5 for every 1 Israel you will still lose this war

pack your bags save your life go back to Ghettos of New York or Warsaw or wherever you came from
Israelis can bomb entire neighborhoods easily. And I don't know if you have noticed,but the ones who are LITERALLY living in ghettos now,are the Palestinians.

If Israelis want,they can send the Apaches,UAVs and F-16s to bomb the Palestinians.

And which Arab or Muslim country will do anything about that? They stopped caring a long time ago.
Germans from the past would shoot 70 Palestinians (Males, 16-60), for 7 dead Germans under these circumstances.
Russians would probably kill "only" 40-50, but rape 50 women in front of their eyes.

Chinese wouldn't allow any arabic sign, beards, names and would force unmarried women to marry non muslim Chinese.
In general, any one of those nations would have massacred the Palestinians long ago.
In this forum is too much good/bad.
But Samuel is much more objective than you @Beny Karachun , I mean ALL go always on you, sure you provoke a little bit and give them the food for the attacks but they aren't any better than you and in numbers.
I understand the Muslim view (to a certain view point) and yours too, especially when they ALL jump on you, you get emotional, you are too semetic, too emotional, not cold blooded European enough.
But as we Germans say a little bit more restraint (from your side), like Samuel, who is very neutral and realistic with his writing.
Samuel likes to be objective, he just states his point and doesn't get into arguments, I like to make everyone that hates Israel mad even if that means talking about hypothetical scenarios that would never happen like some nuclear war or genocide. I am very realistic IRL, but when I talk with a bunch of idiots that give me unrealistic "all Muslim nations will unite and destroy you" I also become unrealistic
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