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Bravo Javed Hashmi, Kh Saad, Kashmala and shame on the rest of you!


Aug 23, 2007
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Bravo Javed Hashmi, Kh Saad, Kashmala and shame on the rest of you!

Friday, April 09, 2010
Press Gallery

By Mohammad Malick

Islamabad: The House voted in the 18th amendment, a day earlier than expected but still 37 years late in coming. But like they say, better late than never. It was indeed a glorious day for democracy. Perched in the comfort of our gallery, we witnessed history in the making as an ecstatic parliament celebrated the historic righting of many wrongs done to our Constitution by one illegitimate military dictator after another.

Those belonging to my generation, who saw their teen years robbed by the stifling religious fundamentalism brought in by late Gen Ziaul Haq today had the perverse pleasure of watching his name purged from the Constitution. What was surprising was why Gen Musharraf wasn’t stripped of his place in the constitutional history in a similar manner. Could it be that late Gen Ziaul Haq’s ‘team players’ are long gone and his own sons are not exactly in the power corridors, so it was convenient to slice him out, whereas while Mush may be cooling his heels in Abu Dhabi, his ex-team mates are still hot as they continue to occupy some of the most formidably influential offices of the land? Your guess is as good as mine. But one can’t help remembering the days when Nawaz Sharif and company used to refer to late general as their ‘spiritual father’. I have witnessed most of these born-again democrats fawn and bow before even his little daughter Zain. Those were the days when PML-N’s Raja Zafrul Haq used to proudly tell everyone that the late general had dubbed him the “opening batsman” of his team. Ah, this curse of convenient morality!

I hate to sound a party pooper specially on such a democracy D-day but it would be criminal to remain silent on one of the biggest undemocratic crimes committed by our celebrating parliamentary mob. Here we are, fundamentally changing our Constitution in the name of democracy and what do our political gods do, they even remove the condition which made it mandatory for political parties to hold elections regularly for their party offices. We all know that our political leaderships are naked political dynasties and this law never really made any practical difference in the power structure of the biggest political parties but now even the fig leaf of implementing democratic norms within parties has been shamelessly blown away. Just what the heck is wrong with our political leaders? Do they have no shame when they act with such contemptuous disdain and refuse to allow democracy to prevail within their own ranks while exploiting the same ‘democracy’ phenomenon to lord over the rest of us. What’s wrong with us also that we allow these creatures of our own making to get away with such nonsense. Democracy is not an end, it’s a process and for it to strengthen it must be nurtured in the nurseries called political parties. But try telling that to Asfandyar Wali the carry-on of Wali dynasty, President Zardari the carry-on of the Bhutto dynasty, Nawaz Sharif launching his own Sharif dynasty, Chaudrys of Gujrat carrying on in the name of their late father, and the list reads on.

But hats off to Makhdoom Javed Hashmi (not really surprising) and Khwaja saad Rafique (a big surprise indeed) who defied their party line and voted against the removal of this condition. They knew that their votes wouldn’t make one bit of a difference and on the contrary would earn the ire of their own political demigods but at least they did the moral thing. Thank you gentlemen, and Lord have mercy on you for you have just earned the wrath of a leadership that neither forgets nor forgives, as many before you learned to their peril in the past. (Trust me ladies and gentleman, it’s not an easy burden to bear). Kashmala Tariq of PML-Q also made up for many past sins by demanding that the parties must remain legally bound to holding intra-party elections.

I am sparing you guys the details of the amendment itself because its already been reported threadbare and will also not tax your patience by boring you with quoting forgettable quotes of the prime minister and the leader of the opposition but must share a couple of things though.

With 18th amendment becoming part of the Constitution in a day or two after the Senate chimes in with its consent, a lot will change and the indications are already evident. With the third-time bar on becoming a prime minister also gone, the road to the PM House is now clear for Baray Mian Sahib in case there are mid-term polls and you will soon see PML-N really turning the heat on PPP government on ‘public importance issues’. Within weeks you will see the government being taken to task on the lack of power, absence of control on ever spiking inflation, rising unemployment, absence of any long-term economic plans, and the whole works. In fact come budget time and you will see some scary sparks fly.

Already leader of the Opposition Ch Nisar has wasted no time in serving a warning as while congratulating the prime minister on the shifting of powers from the Presidency to the Prime Minister’s Office; he said that greater power also entailed greater responsibility and that now “the government had no more excuses” for its lack of governance. He also argued that the ruling dispensation had already wasted the first two years of its five-year mandate. Get the drift?

But PML-N’s unsaid political ambitions notwithstanding, which are perfectly legitimate by the way, it is a fact that with the passage of this amendment the prime minister too has lost a very convenient bogie called the president. In the past, the prime minister could conveniently pass the buck to the Presidency whenever something went wrong and the people were more than willing to believe(and for good reason too).

He had the golden chance to play peacemaker every time and earn plaudits for every other man-made crisis. His mettle will be put to real test for the first time now as the buck stops at his table. Now he has to answer why while he has all the power there is no power in our homes. He’ll have to tell why while he has the most important job, unemployment is rising alarmingly. The PM may have been presented with a spanking new swim suit, powerful rubber fins to propel him at rocket speed but he has also been thrown into shark infested deep waters. Let’s see how he survives the many bites he is about to get.

Because judging from the sorry lot of his present cabinet he’s looking at a very risky swim indeed. Oh by the way it was also a mantra of the PM’s faithful that they were stuck with ‘president’s men’ and couldn’t do much on the governance front. Well, now you have the wheel Mr prime minister, let’s see how you drive.

Bravo Javed Hashmi, Kh Saad, Kashmala and shame on the rest of you!
I have always respected Makhdoom Javed Hashmi sahib and this act of bravery further increases that level of respect.
For the reasons mentioned above, in another thread, I posted the following:

Chale chalo key wo manzil abhi nahin aai

Yeh daagh daagh ujaalaa, ye shab guzidaa sahar
Woh intazaar tha jis kaa, yeh woh sahar to nahin
yeh woh sahar to nahin jis ki aarzoo lekar
Chale thy yaar key mil jaayegii kahin na kahin
Falak kay dasht mein taaron ki aakhri manzil
Kahin to hogaa shab-e-sust mauj kaa saahil
Kahin tu jaa kay rukegaa safinaa-e-Gham-e-dil
Jawaan lahu ki pur-asaraar shaaharaahon sey
Chale jo yaar to daaman pe kitne haath parey

Dayaar-e-husn key bey-sabr Khwaab-gaahon sey
Pukartii rahiin baahein, badan bulaatey rahey
Bahut azeez thi lekin rukh-e-sahar ki lagan
Bahut qareen tha haseenaan-e-noor kaa daaman
Subuk subuk thi tamannaa, dabii dabii thii thakan

Sunaa hai ho bhi chukaa hai firaq-e-zulmat-e-nuur
Sunaa hai ho bhi chukaa hai wisaal-e-manzil-o-gham
Badal chukaa hai bahut ahl-e-dard kaa dastoor
Nishaat-e-wasl halaal-o-azaab-e-hijr-e-haraam
Jigar ki aag, nazar ki umang, dil ki jalan
Kisi pe chaaraa-e-hijraan kaa kuchh asar hi nahin
Kahaan se aaii nigaar-e-sabaa, kidhar ko gai
Abhi chiragh-e-sar-e-rah ko kuchh Khabar hii nahin
Abhi garaani-e-shab mein kami nahin aai
Najaat-e-deeda-o-dil ki ghadi nahin ai
Chale chalo key wo manzil abhi nahin aai

Faiz Ahmad Faiz (Marhoom)
I have always respected Makhdoom Javed Hashmi sahib and this act of bravery further increases that level of respect.

"Bravery" also landed him in Kot Lakhpat on a made up case, thanks to the Absconder Commando.
Oh yeh, this amendment made alot of difference to the people of Pakistan now didn't it............

Food price crisis......
Load shedding crisis...........
Corruption crisis.............
Unemployment crisis...........
Economical crisis...........

Crisis for crisis sake...................

I dont think the people really actually give a Sh*t about the GoP and vis versa.......all the politicians are making amendments for this and that, actually believing the people of Pakistan are really taking an interest.

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choor hei kanoon banatry hain apney leyay aur phir apney leyay taliyan bajatey hain..amazing i was watching it on dunya tv news online..
"Bravery" also landed him in Kot Lakhpat on a made up case, thanks to the Absconder Commando.

In that case, Nawaz Sharif should have made him the Chariperson of PML-N and also change the name to PML-J because while Javed Hashmi was in jail, Nawaz Sharif bhagora was in Sarwar Palace :)

BTW, he was sentenced to 23 yrs in prision by Pakistani judiciary and CJP Iftikhar rejected his bail plea in 2006. Lets not blame everything on Gen. Musharraf.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

What was Imran Khan doing the whole time? Fighting with MQM and explaining people why he supported Gen. Musharraf. :lol:
In that case, Nawaz Sharif should have made him the Chariperson of PML-N and also change the name to PML-J because while Javed Hashmi was in jail, Nawaz Sharif bhagora was in Sarwar Palace :)

BTW, he was sentenced to 23 yrs in prision by Pakistani judiciary and CJP Iftikhar rejected his bail plea in 2006. Lets not blame everything on Gen. Musharraf.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

What was Imran Khan doing the whole time? Fighting with MQM and explaining people why he supported Gen. Musharraf. :lol:

It was clear that the cooked up charges of inciting mutiny were done at the behest of the military junta. By the ever so common logic that the man at the top is responsible for every bad thing (as people here leave no doubt that it is Zardari indeed who is collecting the WHT on cellular services), the commando should be held responsible for Javed Hashmi's sentence. Gen Msuharraf must hav agreed to prosecuting him for it was not a small step. It wasn't like a middle level officer of the MoLJ came up with the idea that Hashmi be prosecuted for producing a "fake" letter. High ups came up with the idea and it can be claimed with a high probability that Gen Musharraf agreed to it.

The court session was held in-camera inside Adiala Jail. Javed Hasmhi claimed that he got the letter through mail and presented it to the media. His lawyer took the position that this in no way can be used to charge him under PP 131 and 132 (Abetting mutiny inside the armed forces) and claimed that the forgery charges were inapplicable as the source was never cited and never claimed to be a certified source. The trial was a farce and he was granted release in the Court Room no 1 of the SC of Pakistan, by the CJP, so you can tuck in your CJP hatred as well.

Also : - It is entirely possible that the letter itself was sent as part of a scheme to let him produce it before the media and later prosecute him.

It was clear that this was state oppression and a plain move at silencing critics. Parliamentary immunity from arrest without the consent of the Speaker nor was he ever granted the legal right of production in the NA for important votes (the speaker has this power of production order).

There is no point in defending wrong acts.
I was not defending anything, I was suggesting that all can't be blamed on Gen. Musharraf.

Regardless of our diff opinions I am glad that all of us respect and appreciate the right behaviour of our politicians.
I am also an admirer of Javed Hashmi. Hard to believe a dullard like Nawaz Sharif is his boss.
By the way the clause to hold intra-party elections has not made any difference over the years and would not make any difference in the foreseeable future. So no use dwelling over this 'principled' stand at the expense of the great news of the passage of the 18th Constitutional Amendment Bill.
As to those who are belittling the new Bill in name of jobs, cheap food etc, I would like ask them: When was the last time there was such a broad consensus on so many major national issues? Yes, 1973. And I would also like to point out that most problems in Pakistan are a result of deviance from the Constitution of Pakistan. And so any changes in the sacred-document are of profound importance in all matters of governance--matters which not-so-eventually lead to the issues of food-prices, load-shedding, jobs.... Even General Zia ul Haq merely put the Constitution in 'abeyance' on 5 July 1977 because he knew the importance of that document, his public stance not-withstanding.
So, my fellow countrymen, learn to rejoice once in a while at least. And don't be too cynical against the political 'process'. Pakistan's salvation lies in an evolving political process; recognize this and NEVER welcome another coup!
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