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Born To Fly: The Chinese Top Gun Maverick Copycat That Did a Vanishing Act


Jun 19, 2014
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In the People's Republic, there exists a national holiday of sorts. One that roughly translates to English as the Golden Week. A week in October when the bulk of the workforce is allowed to take time off. But not to relax at home, instead to partake in the viewing of mandatory cinematic and musical productions selected by the Communist party for their rosey portrayal of Chinese society.

The Chinese Communist party selected no less than four motion pictures at this year's Golden Week. Among them was supposed to be the film Born to Fly. It's not hard to immediately start drawing parallels between this Chinese film and the hit Hollywood blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick. But you won't find any F-14 Tomcats, F/A-18 Super Hornets, or Dark Star Hypersonic fighters in this CCP-approved flick.

Instead, the full trailer released on September 22nd features Chinese Air Force pilots in perfectly pressed uniforms. Chinese actor Wang Yibo stars as Lei Yu. You can think of him as your Pete "Maverick" Mitchell-type character. Except this time, the protagonist flies for the People's Liberation Army Air Force in a Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter.

There's all the pomp and circumstance that a good fighter pilot movie needs to attract a crowd. There are broad, sweeping shots of fighter jets rolling, turning, diving, and dogfighting, with plenty of close-up, gritty shots of the pilot's faces to really drive the drama of the trailer home. According to Jaynestars.com, the initial domestic buzz surrounding Born To Flywas mighty promising. With reports detailing how pre-release ticket orders were more than 100 Million Chinese Yuan, or exceeding $13 million.

Considering the film was more or less mandatory for a great many Chinese citizens, there was every reason to believe Born to Flywas destined for a top-shelf theatrical release in its home country. But just before the Golden Week festivities were about to commence, Chinese media announced the film was to be withdrawn from its scheduled theatrical release in spite of the initial warm feelings.

This abrupt and swift axing of an undoubtedly multi-million dollar motion flick starring an ensemble cast of native Chinese actors has media in the west speculating as to why this bizarre decision was made. Speculation is rampant that in spite of the strong pre-order ticket sales, screenings of the movie revealed less than-acceptable acting, dodgy cinematics, and computer-generated imagery that at times made films released 30 years ago look downright modern.

That's the only logical rationale we can think of. In truth, the obvious propaganda nature of the film and the surrounding cultural festival where it was due to be released has people believing Born To Fly has some of the style of Top Gun: Maverick, but with little to none of the substance that made that movie a guaranteed future classic.

The brilliance of the Top Gun franchise lies in that the overtly militaristic and patriotic undertones are buried under layers of top-notch acting and a
well-constructed hero's journey on the part of callsign Maverick and Goose, followed by Rooster in the second movie.

Born To Fly must be a classic example of what happens when the covenants that make all great action flicks are left by the wayside in favor of propaganda. You're left with a film that paradoxically hits with all the force of a wet noodle. But what do you think? Would you give Born to Fly a watch if given a chance? Or would you avoid the same way you'd avoid a copy of Mao's Little Red Book? Let us know in the comments down below.


From the trailer, it seems Born to Fly is way better than Top Gun Maverick.

More action and the action is excellent, or maybe it's just the trailer. Lol

Top Gun is more like a nostalgic drama movie with the jet fighter theme.

It's supposed to be more action scenes, a bigger war, from the beginning of the movie up to the end.

Disappointing actually.
In the People's Republic, there exists a national holiday of sorts. One that roughly translates to English as the Golden Week. A week in October when the bulk of the workforce is allowed to take time off. But not to relax at home, instead to partake in the viewing of mandatory cinematic and musical productions selected by the Communist party for their rosey portrayal of Chinese society.

The Chinese Communist party selected no less than four motion pictures at this year's Golden Week. Among them was supposed to be the film Born to Fly. It's not hard to immediately start drawing parallels between this Chinese film and the hit Hollywood blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick. But you won't find any F-14 Tomcats, F/A-18 Super Hornets, or Dark Star Hypersonic fighters in this CCP-approved flick.

Instead, the full trailer released on September 22nd features Chinese Air Force pilots in perfectly pressed uniforms. Chinese actor Wang Yibo stars as Lei Yu. You can think of him as your Pete "Maverick" Mitchell-type character. Except this time, the protagonist flies for the People's Liberation Army Air Force in a Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter.

There's all the pomp and circumstance that a good fighter pilot movie needs to attract a crowd. There are broad, sweeping shots of fighter jets rolling, turning, diving, and dogfighting, with plenty of close-up, gritty shots of the pilot's faces to really drive the drama of the trailer home. According to Jaynestars.com, the initial domestic buzz surrounding Born To Flywas mighty promising. With reports detailing how pre-release ticket orders were more than 100 Million Chinese Yuan, or exceeding $13 million.

Considering the film was more or less mandatory for a great many Chinese citizens, there was every reason to believe Born to Flywas destined for a top-shelf theatrical release in its home country. But just before the Golden Week festivities were about to commence, Chinese media announced the film was to be withdrawn from its scheduled theatrical release in spite of the initial warm feelings.

This abrupt and swift axing of an undoubtedly multi-million dollar motion flick starring an ensemble cast of native Chinese actors has media in the west speculating as to why this bizarre decision was made. Speculation is rampant that in spite of the strong pre-order ticket sales, screenings of the movie revealed less than-acceptable acting, dodgy cinematics, and computer-generated imagery that at times made films released 30 years ago look downright modern.

That's the only logical rationale we can think of. In truth, the obvious propaganda nature of the film and the surrounding cultural festival where it was due to be released has people believing Born To Fly has some of the style of Top Gun: Maverick, but with little to none of the substance that made that movie a guaranteed future classic.

The brilliance of the Top Gun franchise lies in that the overtly militaristic and patriotic undertones are buried under layers of top-notch acting and a
well-constructed hero's journey on the part of callsign Maverick and Goose, followed by Rooster in the second movie.

Born To Fly must be a classic example of what happens when the covenants that make all great action flicks are left by the wayside in favor of propaganda. You're left with a film that paradoxically hits with all the force of a wet noodle. But what do you think? Would you give Born to Fly a watch if given a chance? Or would you avoid the same way you'd avoid a copy of Mao's Little Red Book? Let us know in the comments down below.

1. The Chinese government has never forced citizens to see any film. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should understand that if the Chinese government does what you say, the global box office list will be occupied by all Chinese films.

2. During the National Day holiday, 26 films will be released in Chinese cinemas, instead of 4. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should know how to use Google. China releases 600 new films every year. How can there be only four films during the National Day Golden Week?

3. SARFT requires <Born To Fly> to modify the release time of the film, rather than prohibiting the release.

4. The reason of SARFT is that the image of Wang Yibo in the film is too feminine. This is not in line with the requirements of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) to prohibit abnormal aesthetics.

5. "Born To Fly" is suspected of plagiarizing the 2017 Chinese film "Sky Hunter" instead of "Top Gun2". The release time of "Top Gun2" is 2022. Don't think that only the United States has made fighter theme movies.

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1. The Chinese government has never forced citizens to see any film. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should understand that if the Chinese government does what you say, the global box office list will be occupied by all Chinese films.

2. During the National Day holiday, 26 films will be released in Chinese cinemas, instead of 4. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should know how to use Google. China releases 600 new films every year. How can there be only four films during the National Day Golden Week?

3. SARFT requires <Born To Fly> to modify the release time of the film, rather than prohibiting the release.

4. The reason of SARFT is that the image of Wang Yibo in the film is too feminine. This is not in line with the requirements of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) to prohibit abnormal aesthetics.

5. "Born To Fly" is suspected of plagiarizing the 2017 Chinese film "Sky Hunter" instead of "Top Gun2". The release time of "Top Gun2" is 2022. Don't think that only the United States has made fighter theme movies.

The face is too feminine.

Yup, that's what I want to say as well.

Too many Chinese movies are using feminine face male actor, and the makeup is too visible.

It's actually destroying the movie itself.

Maybe it has a good story, but the actor doesn't fit well.
The face is too feminine.

Yup, that's what I want to say as well.

Too many Chinese movies are using feminine face male actor, and the makeup is too visible.

It's actually destroying the movie itself.

Maybe it has a good story, but the actor doesn't fit well.
In fact, there is no problem with the real looks of these actors.

The problem is that during the post-processing of the film, the technicians used feminine filters for these actors.

SARFT has always made it clear that China is not interested in playing LGBT political games with the West. Chinese films require men to be like men and women to be like women. If you like two moms, please go to America to see a movie.
lOL, What the hell is this?
Western media dare to tell such a simple lie. That means Westerners have been brainwashed and even lost their basic judgment. Or because of the low IQ and the lack of basic logical analysis ability.

From the trailer, it seems Born to Fly is way better than Top Gun Maverick.

More action and the action is excellent, or maybe it's just the trailer. Lol

Top Gun is more like a nostalgic drama movie with the jet fighter theme.

It's supposed to be more action scenes, a bigger war, from the beginning of the movie up to the end.

Disappointing actually.
This is ridiculous - even in the few second trailer i can see it is plagiarized from old Top Gun(80s) - atleast took inspiration from.

the pen flipping scene is a direct lift . the old instructor talking about olden times is remarkable similiar. Even the famous fist bump given by tom cruise on a bike seems to be copied ..the bike changed to suv.

It seems someone in chinese govt later realized how ridiculous this and had enough sense to pull the rug on it.

Equally they are still dumb enough to trust these filmmakers to make original content.

This is the stuff which makes chinese a laughing stock in west.

From the trailer, it seems Born to Fly is way better than Top Gun Maverick.

More action and the action is excellent, or maybe it's just the trailer. Lol

Top Gun is more like a nostalgic drama movie with the jet fighter theme.

It's supposed to be more action scenes, a bigger war, from the beginning of the movie up to the end.

Disappointing actually.
I believed it is a trolling robot.
1. The Chinese government has never forced citizens to see any film. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should understand that if the Chinese government does what you say, the global box office list will be occupied by all Chinese films.

2. During the National Day holiday, 26 films will be released in Chinese cinemas, instead of 4. Even if your IQ is only 82, you should know how to use Google. China releases 600 new films every year. How can there be only four films during the National Day Golden Week?

3. SARFT requires <Born To Fly> to modify the release time of the film, rather than prohibiting the release.

4. The reason of SARFT is that the image of Wang Yibo in the film is too feminine. This is not in line with the requirements of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) to prohibit abnormal aesthetics.

5. "Born To Fly" is suspected of plagiarizing the 2017 Chinese film "Sky Hunter" instead of "Top Gun2". The release time of "Top Gun2" is 2022. Don't think that only the United States has made fighter theme movies.

American are not allow to think. Any small voice for support of China policy and system will be silence. But American love showmanship. They like to put on fake show to claim they have real freedom and democracy to pretend they have superior system despite high crime rate like mass shooting , looting and violent attack rampage in USA.
What bots have been made to believe by Papa Xi-

- Chinese actors are more macho than any actor anywhere in the world.
-Chinese movies are the best.
- Entire world copies plots from Chinese movies, never vice versa.
- Chinese people don’t have fear of loosing internal organs, while they go in hoards to watch movies with nationalistic plots. They wait year round just for this wonderful opportunity.
- High IQ Chinese can’t be brainwashed. Low IQ population of rest of the world has been brainwashed.
What bots have been made to believe by Papa Xi-

- Chinese actors are more macho than any actor anywhere in the world.
-Chinese movies are the best.
- Entire world copies plots from Chinese movies, never vice versa.
- Chinese people don’t have fear of loosing internal organs, while they go in hoards to watch movies with nationalistic plots. They wait year round just for this wonderful opportunity.
- High IQ Chinese can’t be brainwashed. Low IQ population of rest of the world has been brainwashed.
More like bots are program to come and smear China but paid to praise Modi and Biden despite we all know shxt both countries have and the decline they going thru now.. :enjoy:

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