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Boeing Unveils New Stealthy F-15 (F-15SE)

^^^^To my credit I just logged on and noticed this thread, and in the New Posts section there was nothing. Sh** happens bro, it's up to the mods to merge where required.
Before we overestimate this aircraft's capabilities :

To be fair, Boeing acknowledges the F-15SE’s stealth improvements do not help against ground-based radar systems, which are critical for waging offensive strikes against opponents armed with surface to air missile systems. Lowering the F-15SE’s thermal signature -- a critical stealthy feature for the Lockheed Martin F-22 – is also not part of Boeing plans.

But Boeing said the F-15SE is aimed at international customers more likely to use the aircraft for defensive, counter-air missions, rather than offensive strikes in defended airspace where all-aspect stealth is necessary for survival.

PICTURES: Boeing unveils upgraded F-15 Silent Eagle with fifth-generation features-17/03/2009-Washington DC-Flight International

Impressive nonetheless that they pulled all this out of an F-15. One big question though which begs to be asked...will Boeing offer this to India for MMRCA ?
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Its definitely one of the best fighters out there, no doubt about that! Boeing has it F-18 superbug in the Indian MRCA competition, but if, thats a big IF, India asks for this particular plane, then considering the $$$ involved, I would doubt Boeing would refuse the MoD. Also Obama and Co recently re-approved the sale of Boeing's P-8I aircraft to India.
If India goes for this aircraft, which I absolutely adore next to the MKI ofcourse, then it would be India specific with IAF going for in-house/+ Israeli avionics and weapons! Now wouldnt that be an awesome combo? Israelies were the first ones to add CFTs to their F-15s and they are the largest operators of this aircraft outside the US.
F-15SE for Indian MRCA FTW!!!!!

ps: reading comments about these news, almost everyone asks if Boeing's gonna offer this to India. Wow!
From a Larger Perspective:
This is BIG trouble for the F-22 and F-35 programs. The entire reason the Advanced Tactical Fighter and Joint Strike Fighter programs were started was to replace ageing F-15s, F-16s and F-18s in the early part of the 21st century to counter Soviet leap in technology (Su-27 and variants). The facts that the cold-war has ended, the US is involved in more unconventional warfare and the economic crisis have combined to bring the ATF and JSF programs down. F-22s and F-35s will still be used, but to a much lesser extent (we are down to estimated total number of F-22s between 100-200 from initial estimates of 700-800). Therefore, the lifetime of the F-15, F-16 and F-18 aircrafts have been extended, as they are more than capable of meeting any threats the US faces from every possibly hostile country, except Russia. The biggest loser here, then, is Lockheed Martin. Boeing collaborated with LM on the F-22 whereas the F-15 and F-18 are purely Boeing, so they win either way. Boy! they must be thrilled that they lost the Joint Strike Fighter contract to LM, because now LM has to deal with two unprofitable programs (F-22, F-35) with only one program extension (F-16). In this situation, LM will be dying to find international customers for F-16s and F-35s, and the only thing stopping them from literally exporting them like cars is the US government.

Lockheed Martin and Boeing have been engaged in an defence aviation dogfight for some time, and now, after years of persistence, Boeing has the advantage.

All of that said, this is one sick plane. I can't wait to see it fly. And do not worry. If, by some miracle, India gets their hands on this aircraft, we will simply counter it with stealth modifications to the FC-20, so no worries there.
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I have to say quite an initiative taken by Boeing interms of competing with 5th generation fighter jets. Moreover countries like SA, Israel who are already using F-15 can benefit from the program however Israel is more interested in the JSF, imo if boeing could have brought this jet a bit earlier when F-35 was still in the development phase, surely it would have captured market over any current 4.5th generation fighter. Internal bay gives it quite a bit of stealthiness as compared to its counterparts such as the EF, rafale and the F-16s.
nice to see some thing new on the eagle :enjoy:

ok lets start

1 how many missiles can it carry internally ( from the pics its not>4) so how good will it be compared to f-35

2 by what factor its rcs has been reduced compared to the older f-15e i.e, any extensive RAM coatings ...and compared to jsf rcs how good will it be ...THEY COULD HAVE DITCHED THE CONICAL NOSE :):tdown:

3 i seriously dont think it will be offered for INDIAN MMRCA coz its HEAY cat. and anyway flight trials will start in 2 months

But Boeing said the F-15SE is aimed at international customers more likely to use the aircraft for defensive, counter-air missions, rather than offensive strikes in defended airspace where all-aspect stealth is necessary for survival.


4 they published articles previously to bring out another version of f-18 and they would make the jump to 6 gen YES 6 GEN doing away with 5 gen ....now i can see it materialize with the f-15 .....waiting to see something similar on the super hornet

5 LM and BOEING rivaly is HUGE they dont like the sight of each other found it out personally in AERO INDIA 2009

so what u guys think :azn:

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Its definitely one of the best fighters out there, no doubt about that! Boeing has it F-18 superbug in the Indian MRCA competition, but if, thats a big IF, India asks for this particular plane, then considering the $$$ involved, I would doubt Boeing would refuse the MoD. Also Obama and Co recently re-approved the sale of Boeing's P-8I aircraft to India.
If India goes for this aircraft, which I absolutely adore next to the MKI ofcourse, then it would be India specific with IAF going for in-house/+ Israeli avionics and weapons! Now wouldnt that be an awesome combo? Israelies were the first ones to add CFTs to their F-15s and they are the largest operators of this aircraft outside the US.
F-15SE for Indian MRCA FTW!!!!!

ps: reading comments about these news, almost everyone asks if Boeing's gonna offer this to India. Wow!
India needs true Multi Role Fighter..F15 Eagle is an air superiority fighter.
i like the concept from an upgrade (not brand new) point of view and the plane does look sexy.

but that is like trying to make the su-30mki stealthy. it would be easier to convince israel to withdraw to the Green Line :P
Already there are so many upcoming and advance fifth generation fighters in making and production but you arr hardly finding any buyers for them!
Whats the point of making another - expensive gadget which cost almost same as f-35?
Well, the Point is price as well.
India is also keen for AESA and US has issues with it even on F18.

So Forget any US Thingy .. look They even Hindred the Engines ( to make them Operational ) delivered by GE on the new Stealth Frigate. "Shivalik"
nice to see some thing new on the eagle :enjoy:

ok lets start

1 how many missiles can it carry internally ( from the pics its not>4) so how good will it be compared to f-35

Internally (current planned weapons for integration):
up to two air-to-air missiles and two air-to-ground weapons (up to two 2,000 lb bombs in A and C models; two 1,000 lb bombs in the B model) in the bomb bays. These could be AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-132 ASRAAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) — up to 2,000 lb (910 kg), the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) — a maximum of four in each bay, the Brimstone anti-armor missiles, Cluster Munitions (WCMD) and High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM). The MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile is currently being adapted to fit internally in the missile spots and may be integrated into the F-35. The UK had originally planned to put up to four AIM-132 ASRAAM internally but this has been changed to carry 2 internal and 2 external ASRAAMs. It has also been stated by a Lockheed executive that the internal bay will eventually be modified to accept up to 6 AMRAAMs.

At the expense of being more detectable by radar, many more missiles, bombs and fuel tanks can be attached on four wing pylons and two wingtip positions. The two wingtip pylons can only carry AIM-9X Sidewinders, while the AIM-120 AMRAAM, Storm Shadow, Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM) cruise missiles and 480 gallon fuel tanks can be carried in addition to the stores already integrated. An air-to-air load of eight AIM-120s and two AIM-9s is conceivable using internal and external weapons stations, as well as a configuration of six two thousand pound bombs, two AIM-120s and two AIM-9s. With its payload capability, the F-35 can carry more air to air and air to ground weapons than legacy fighters it is to replace as well as the F-22 Raptor.
The main selling point of SE is 'stealth'. How much stealthy it is? well it is yet to be seen. The plane Boeing has unveild is a concept prototype originally based on F-15E1 http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2004/q1/nr_040220t.html. The prototype is outfitted with the conformal tanks and the canted tails (which are not really welded but for the demonstration purposes). Stealth coating and engine intake blockers are also not added yet. The first prototype with all the 'stealth' features wont fly until early 2010 and that too IF there is an order placed. So it is really too early to speculate about the 'stealthiness' of SE. All is on the drawing board and not tested.

At the price tag of $100 million, I dont see much of a future for F-15 SE. A retrofit kit including the conformal fuel tanks, DEWS and coatings may be a cheaper option but only for the existing users of F-15E. We'll have to wait to see if this bird really flies in the market with cheaper yet technologically as much advanced alternatives.
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