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Blinken says US is ready to strengthen diplomacy with China in 'charged moment for the world'


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Blinken says US is ready to strengthen diplomacy with China in 'charged moment for the world'​

By Kylie Atwood, Michael Conte and Jennifer Hansler, CNN

Updated 1517 GMT (2317 HKT) May 26, 2022

[The stream is slated to start at 10 a.m. ET. Please refresh if you do not see a player above at that time.]

Washington (CNN)US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US is ready to strengthen diplomacy and increase communication with China "across a full range of issues" in a speech on the administration's policy towards the country on Thursday.

"This is a charged moment for the world. And at times like these, diplomacy is vital," said Blinken who was speaking at George Washington University. "We stand ready to increase our direct communication with Beijing across a full range of issues."

But Blinken also warned, "we can't rely on Beijing to change its trajectory. So we will shape the strategic environment around Beijing to advance our vision for an open and inclusive international system."

Blinken outlined the Biden administration's strategy as "invest, align, compete."

"We will invest in the foundations of our strength at home -- our competitiveness, our innovation, our democracy. We will align our efforts with our network of allies and partners, acting with common purpose and in common cause. And harnessing these two key assets, we'll compete with China to defend our interests and build our vision for the future," said Blinken.

He made clear the Biden administration is not seeking conflict with China.

"We are not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. To the contrary, we're determined to avoid both," Blinken said as he unveiled a much-anticipated speech laying out the Biden administration's China policy.

Blinken explained that the US and China "have to deal with each other for the foreseeable future." And he committed to a continued focus on that relationship -- and the threats that China poses to international world order -- even as Russia's war on Ukraine rages on.

"Even as President Putin's war continues, we will remain focused on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order -- and that's posed by the People's Republic of China," Blinken said.

Blinken added that the Biden administration has worked to develop and implement a "comprehensive strategy" to aimed at working on national strengths and working with partners and allies to "realize the future that we seek." That future does not require blocking China, he explained.

"We don't seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China -- or any country for that matter -- from growing their economy or advancing the interests of their people. But we will defend and strengthen the international law, agreements, principles, and institutions that maintain peace and security, protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and make it possible for all countries -- including the United States and China -- to coexist and cooperate," Blinken said.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

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Blinken says China is a serious long-term challenge, but the U.S. does not want a new Cold War​


  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined the Biden administration’s policy toward China, describing Beijing as the “most serious long-term challenge to the international order.”
  • “Beijing’s vision would move us away from the universal values that have sustained so much of the world’s progress over the past 75 years,” Blinken said in a speech at George Washington University.
  • “We will compete with China to defend our interests and our vision for the future,” Blinken said.
WASHINGTON – Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday described China as the “most serious long-term challenge to the international order,” even as the world grapples with Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“China is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order – and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it,” Blinken said in a speech at George Washington University.

“Beijing’s vision would move us away from the universal values that have sustained so much of the world’s progress over the past 75 years,” Blinken said.

The speech, which outlined the Biden administration’s policy toward China, comes as the U.S. warns the world’s second-largest economy to not help Moscow blunt global sanctions for the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. It also follows a Biden administration effort to calm Beijing’s anger over Biden’s comment that the U.S. was willing to use its military to defend Taiwan.
Blinken acknowledged that the U.S. will have to compete with China on multiple fronts, but took steps to avoid ratcheting up tensions between the countries.

“We will align our efforts with our network of allies and partners acting with a common purpose and common cause and harnessing these two key assets, we will compete with China to defend our interests and our vision for the future,” Blinken said.

Blinken said that the U.S. will continue to make strategic investments in education, research, advanced manufacturing and infrastructure in order to challenge areas where Beijing attempts to lead the globe.

“We can get this done and it can’t wait,” Blinken added, calling on U.S. lawmakers to pass relevant legislation such as a bill to boost semiconductor manufacturing.

The top U.S. diplomat acknowledged that the U.S. and China will have a pivotal role to play in the global economy in one of the most “complex and consequential relationships” the U.S. has with any country. As the world’s two largest economies will have to deal with each other “for the foreseeable future,” the U.S. wants to avoid “conflict or a new Cold War,” Blinken said.

“We don’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China – or any country – from growing their economy or advancing the interests of their people,” he added.
The Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

Tensions between Beijing and Washington soared during the Trump administration. Former President Donald Trump placed blame squarely on China for a wide range of grievances, including intellectual property theft, unfair trade practices and the coronavirus pandemic.

Blinken on Thursday tried to downplay the strain between the two countries.

“We have profound differences with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government, but those differences are between governments and systems and not between our people,” Blinken said.

“We respect their achievements and history, their culture, and deeply value the ties of family and friendship that connect us. And we sincerely wish for our governments to work together on issues that matter,” he added.

President Joe Biden has previously said that his administration is ready for “extreme competition” with China but that his approach would be different than his predecessor. He has also placed greater emphasis on working more closely with allies in order to push back against China — rather than taking steps to counter Beijing alone.

“We will confront China’s economic abuses,” Biden said during his first visit to the State Department in February. “But we’re also ready to work with Beijing when it’s in America’s interest to do so. We’ll compete from a position of strength by building back better at home and working with our allies and partners,” he added.

The president has also said that during his political career he has spent more time with China’s Xi Jinping than any other world leader.

It’s pretty fucking easy to have good relations with China. Just stop treating it like an enemy and create room to accommodate its interests.

China’s foremost interests are its commercial interests so it has no reason to desire war with the western world unless it is pushed into a corner.
US will go soft after they eventually come to know how weak they are now
Even softer than an impotent man trying trying to raise his dong as USA spiral into abject bankruptcy . :pleasantry:

And Blinken must go Tiananmeng square to crawl 3 times on hands and knees before Xi Dada receive him to listen to all his miserable apologies:pleasantry:


Not just Pompeo. All the Americans in power in USA lied and cheated and steal regardless if Republican or Democrats or Independent.

:D Perhaps all Americans follow in footsteps of Pompeo and Pelosi

How can diplomacy be ever possible with entity known and shown not to keep agreements from time when they stole the land from American Indians to present day.

Where at whims and fancy they will tear up and void any agreements

Only way to talk to them will be with DFs in language loud and clear.

What USA want is that USA/NATO and rest of underlings can annex Ukraine and Russia should
leave that alone.

And step aside and smile as Ukraine Nazis armed by USA/NATO and encourage and instigated to go on killing and terrorising Russian speakers in Ukraine TO POKE THE BEAR IN THE EYE.


Russia got more honour and dignity in her last finger than all of USA and NATO axis of evil


And China and much of rest of the world standing with Russia

John Mearsheimer explained so clearly and succinctly that the crassness and stupidity of USA in formenting and instigating
the war on Russia is making Russia and China to get a lot closer and in tighter friendship as both saw they facing a ruthless backstabbing evil untrust worthy common enemy USA out to try to destroy both of them.


WhatsApp Image 2022-05-24 at 12.59.24 PM.jpeg

Not just Pompeo. All the Americans in power in USA lied and cheated and steal regardless if Republican or Democrats or Independent.

:D Perhaps all Americans follow in footsteps of Pompeo and Pelosi

How can diplomacy be ever possible with entity known and shown not to keep agreements from time when they stole the land from American Indians to present day.

Where at whims and fancy they will tear up and void any agreements

Only way to talk to them will be with DFs in language loud and clear.

What USA want is that USA/NATO and rest of underlings can annex Ukraine and Russia should
leave that alone.

And step aside and smile as Ukraine Nazis armed by USA/NATO and encourage and instigated to go on killing and terrorising Russian speakers in Ukraine TO POKE THE BEAR IN THE EYE.


Russia got more honour and dignity in her last finger than all of USA and NATO axis of evil


And China and much of rest of the world standing with Russia

John Mearsheimer explained so clearly and succinctly that the crassness and stupidity of USA in formenting and instigating
the war on Russia is making Russia and China to get a lot closer and in tighter friendship as both saw they facing a ruthless backstabbing evil untrust worthy common enemy USA out to try to destroy both of them.


WhatsApp Image 2022-05-24 at 12.59.24 PM.jpeg
I stand with Russia 🇷🇺
They normally only go softblike this when they need our cooperation to not cooperate with Russia.
EU will end up getting shafted by the Americans as well...Eu energy embargo will eventually crash Euro since energy and labor cost make up 50% of manufacturing costs. German car manufacturing sector has to face intense competition from Tesla and China as well. If VW cannot hold the fort, Euro crash essentially guarantees American dollar as pre-eminent fiat currency for the next millennium. This is compounded by the fact that 3/4 of EU zone has massive fiscal deficits and unproductive economies with double digit inflation. US plays a devious game of thrones in Ukraine, align with EU to divide Russia and EU, divide China and EU as well. But tells EU they will cooperate with China to isolate Russia but expect EU trade to delink from China. Lets see how this plays out.

Blinken says US is ready to strengthen diplomacy with China in 'charged moment for the world'​

By Kylie Atwood, Michael Conte and Jennifer Hansler, CNN

Updated 1517 GMT (2317 HKT) May 26, 2022

[The stream is slated to start at 10 a.m. ET. Please refresh if you do not see a player above at that time.]

Washington (CNN)US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US is ready to strengthen diplomacy and increase communication with China "across a full range of issues" in a speech on the administration's policy towards the country on Thursday.

"This is a charged moment for the world. And at times like these, diplomacy is vital," said Blinken who was speaking at George Washington University. "We stand ready to increase our direct communication with Beijing across a full range of issues."

But Blinken also warned, "we can't rely on Beijing to change its trajectory. So we will shape the strategic environment around Beijing to advance our vision for an open and inclusive international system."

Blinken outlined the Biden administration's strategy as "invest, align, compete."

"We will invest in the foundations of our strength at home -- our competitiveness, our innovation, our democracy. We will align our efforts with our network of allies and partners, acting with common purpose and in common cause. And harnessing these two key assets, we'll compete with China to defend our interests and build our vision for the future," said Blinken.

He made clear the Biden administration is not seeking conflict with China.

"We are not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. To the contrary, we're determined to avoid both," Blinken said as he unveiled a much-anticipated speech laying out the Biden administration's China policy.

Blinken explained that the US and China "have to deal with each other for the foreseeable future." And he committed to a continued focus on that relationship -- and the threats that China poses to international world order -- even as Russia's war on Ukraine rages on.

"Even as President Putin's war continues, we will remain focused on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order -- and that's posed by the People's Republic of China," Blinken said.

Blinken added that the Biden administration has worked to develop and implement a "comprehensive strategy" to aimed at working on national strengths and working with partners and allies to "realize the future that we seek." That future does not require blocking China, he explained.

"We don't seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China -- or any country for that matter -- from growing their economy or advancing the interests of their people. But we will defend and strengthen the international law, agreements, principles, and institutions that maintain peace and security, protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and make it possible for all countries -- including the United States and China -- to coexist and cooperate," Blinken said.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Everyone is getting about the new world disorder, the major powers need to take a step back and change the dangerous rhetoric chorus of war and supremacy. Eurosavages have brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before and they must stop their stupid brinkmanship.
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