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Blast in Pune

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Abu Jindal :lol: isnt he the man who is Indian and India recently accepted that he is involved in Mumbai attacks and suddenly now he claimed this blast too.

And ohhhh he called from Miramshah lolzz my God the Indians failed to trace the call if it was from Pakistan.

and what a joke Indians are trying to cash the dead bodies by making the blast as revenge for sidding with US bwahahahahahha.

When was the last time India Practically took part in US war on terror???????????

hmmmm something is cooking up.

Not worth even a single penny. The sooner you come out of your hysteria, the more responsible you become. Shame on a Journalist like you. You have taken Journalism to its lowest levels. :frown:

Just Blah blah'ing for the cause of Blind Patriotism won't take you places. It actually have not taken you anywhere, nor will it in future.
Christina Amanpour - does it ring a bell somewhere?
Not worth even a single penny. The sooner you come out of your hysteria, the more responsible you become. Shame on a Journalist like you. You have taken Journalism to its lowest levels. :frown:

Just Blah blah'ing for the cause of Blind Patriotism won't take you places. It actually have not taken you anywhere, nor will it in future.
Christina Amanpour - does it ring a bell somewhere?

What Kind of Hysteria Indians need some more propaganda

Journalism in ToI is of very high standard you know, Shame on YOU

there is indeed a Abu Jindal involved in 26/11 have you forgotten?

Abu Jindal, Indian link to 26/11, identified
Nikhil Dixit / DNA
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 1:03 IST

Mumbai: Abu Jindal, one of the alleged masterminds of the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai, has been identified by the intelligence agencies. He is said to be Syed Zabiuddin Ansari, sources in the central intelligence agencies said.

This identification establishes the Indian link in the planning and execution of the terror attacks, for Ansari is an Indian hailing from Aurangabad district in Maharashtra. He is wanted in the Aurangabad arms haul case and also in the plot to assassinate Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

The lone arrested terrorist of the 26/11 terror attacks, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, had said in a statement to the special court that a person named Abu Jindal had taught Hindi to the 10 terrorists. Kasab also claimed that Abu Jindal was among the top functionaries of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Indian intelligence agencies, which have been trying to piece together the jigsaw puzzle, believe that Abu Jindal is Ansari.

According to intelligence sources, they have been able to identify
Ansari based on inputs from arrested terrorists and by matching the voice samples of Ansari and the 26/11 handler who was directing the terrorists through voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP). “We have information that there was an Indian in the LeT control room during the 26/11 terror attacks. Based on intelligence inputs and information provided by arrested terrorists in Kashmir, we believe that the Indian is Ansari, who fled the country in 2005,” said a senior central intelligence officer.

Ansari had escaped when a Mumbai police team had seized a huge cache of arms, ammunition and explosives from Aurangabad.

In the raid, the police arrested 11 people who were allegedly linked to LeT and the Students Islamic Movement of India (Simi), but Ansari managed to give them the slip.

“After fleeing from Aurangabad, Ansari went to Bangladesh and from there to Pakistan. He was reportedly last seen in Karachi,” the officer said. According to the police, Ansari also played a key role in an abortive plot to assassinate Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

Abu Jindal, Indian link to 26/11, identified - dnaindia.com
Unknown Pak group claims responsibility for Pune blast

ISLAMABAD: Laskhar-e-Taiba Al Alami, a hitherto unheard terror outfit, on Tuesday claimed it carried out the Pune blast because of India's refusal" to discuss the Kashmir issue with Pakistan.

The claim was made by a man who called Nirupama Subramanian, the Islamabad-based correspondent of The Hindu newspaper.

The caller identified himself as Abu Jindal and described himself as the spokesman of the LeT Al Alami (International).

The caller claimed his group carried out the attack in Pune that killed nine people because of what he described as India's "refusal" to discuss the Kashmir issue in forthcoming talks with Pakistan.

He also said his group had split from the Laskher-e-Taiba because it "took orders" from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency.

The man said India's "alliance" with the US was another reason for the attack.

Asked if there were any other reasons, he said: "These are the only two reasons."

"Joh bhi America ka ittehad hoga, hum uskey khilaf jang ladengey, chahey who India ho ya Pakistan (We will wage war against any ally of America, whether it is India or Pakistan)," the caller reportedly said.

Asked how the group had carried out the attack in Pune, the caller said his organisation had its "sources" in India and had activated them to carry out the strike.

Subramanian said the caller, who sounded like an educated youth in his late teens or early 20s, had told her he was calling from Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, and had declined to divulge the name of his group's leader.

She said the caller's telephone number had an area code used for the Waziristan tribal region and Bannu, an adjoining district in the North West Frontier Province.

When she tried calling the number, a recorded voice message said it was temporarily not in use.

During a recent meeting organised to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5, Jamaat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed had said the only solution to problems between India and Pakistan is the "liberation" of Jammu and Kashmir, failing which radical groups would resort to the "option of jehad".

Another meeting of radical and militant groups organised by the JuD in Azad Kashmir on February 4 had called for the lifting of a ban on jehadi organisations so that they could press on with their movement for the independence of Kashmir.

A declaration adopted at the meeting said: "If the rulers cannot help the Kashmiris, they should open the field for Kashmiri mujahideen instead of creating hurdles. They (mujahideen) will deal with India."
What Kind of Hysteria Indians need some more propaganda

Journalism in ToI is of very high standard you know, Shame on YOU

there is indeed a Abu Jindal involved in 26/11 have you forgotten?

Yeah there indeed is an Abu Jindal, an Indian - unfortunately sheltered by ISI now.

I do not follow ToI.

I thought you were sane!

Before jumping the barrel of a gun, make sure you understand the post.
Yeah there indeed is an Abu Jindal, an Indian - unfortunately sheltered by ISI now.

I do not follow ToI.

I thought you were sane!

Before jumping the barrel of a gun, make sure you understand the post.

youa re calling her a blah blah journalist.what wrong has she said ?

now where's the proof he's with ISI :rofl:
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