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Blast in Lahore's Mall road

The red line is the border between the Kunar and Mohammad Agency. Kunar is where the attacker was trained Mohammad agency is where the leader of the group belonged

you cannot stop them from crossing the border it is a mountainous terrain
The red line is the border between the Kunar and Mohammad Agency. Kunar is where the attacker was trained Mohammad agency is where the leader of the group belongedView attachment 376885
Yes keep this red line sacred and let the red blood flow on the roads as it is much cheaper..
We can't stop them..Good this is what i was saying
Yes keep this red line sacred and let the red blood flow on the roads as it is much cheaper..
Pakistan needs drones with thermal surveillance to monitor the crossing or to make it simple track the leader and send few jets and bomb the hell out of jamaat ul ahrar
Pakistan needs drones with thermal surveillance to monitor the crossing or to make it simple track the leader and send few jets and bomb the hell out of jamaat ul ahrar
If we got the Military or Civil leaders with some genetics of bravery..
Common thing between Showbaz Sharif and Imran Khan, they are both Taliban apologists. Until we have these apologists, suicide bombing will not end. And Army who distinguish between good taliban and bad taliban.
If the grand daddy is willing to fund he will groom others. We have to make this type of funding costly for the grand dad their
If the grand daddy is willing to fund he will groom others. We have to make this type of funding costly for the grand dad their

India will continue to sow terror as long as the ground is fertile. Remove Afghans and seal the border to the best ability. This is a quick win. This is a long battle and we have a long way to go. The first significant step would be to remove 60% of the tumor at home and at the border.
18 dead and 85 injured I think. a great loss
Thank you for the update.
A great loss and may the Saheed's find peace up in heaven and may their families gain the strength to bare through such a big loss.
Common thing between Showbaz Sharif and Imran Khan, they are both Taliban apologists. Until we have these apologists, suicide bombing will not end. And Army who distinguish between good taliban and bad taliban.
Non of them is taliban apologist they have to go out in public surrounded by thousands of people they don't want to die this way so they keep their rhetoric down very clever way to survive under the circumstances.
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On FB there is a video circulating of the immediate aftermath of this attack. Allah swt protect us from our terrorist neighbors.
India will continue to sow terror as long as the ground is fertile. Remove Afghans and seal the border to the best ability. This is a quick win. This is a long battle and we have a long way to go. The first significant step would be to remove 60% of the tumor at home and at the border.
Step up the operations in Afghanistan get rid of USA and India in Afghanistan. Improve ties with Russia and do joint operations to block TTP and wipe them out this is what will change the game in long run. Zarb-e-azb was cleaning Pakistan. Now we have to clean Afghanistan.
India will continue to sow terror as long as the ground is fertile. Remove Afghans and seal the border to the best ability. This is a quick win. This is a long battle and we have a long way to go. The first significant step would be to remove 60% of the tumor at home and at the border.
The ground will remain fertile for a long time the terrain of pak afghan border is such that it is impossible to seal.

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