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Black wolves VS White wolves : Pro China ( PRC ) and Pro Taiwn ( ROC ) crowds face off over US Pelosi's Taiwan visit in Taipei


Nov 4, 2011
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Black wolves VS White wolves : Pro China ( PRC ) and Pro Taiwn ( ROC ) crowds face off over US Pelosi's Taiwan visit in Taipei

English language
The reporter herself is pro Taiwan independence

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Taiwan's public are always divided between pro independence and pro unification, but how many pro independence people are really ready to fight for it in Taiwan? Check what this Taiwan girl has to say about it.
Q: If the mainland crossed the strait and attacked Taiwan, what would you do?
A: I'll shout I m all for reunification, long live motherland China. But before they come, I will say we want darn independence.

Just hear her English, we already know which side the reporter is.


The real democracy, the real voice of the people is the pro-China group.

The CIA-controlled NGOs are the anti-China group.

The pro-China group protested without an organizer and without funds, they all came with their own will, heart, and their own money.

The protest is for friendship among humanity and world peace (including for USA).

While the anti-China protesters are because of money, selfishness, hatred, and stupidity.

See the age of the protesters, we already know who is the wise and who is the idiot.

Older and mature people are far more experienced.

While young people are lack real-world experience, self-idealist (unrealistic), and easy to be provoked.

If you want to see real democracy, this protest is a real and ideal democracy.

Democracy that builds from wisdom, not a short-sighted angry mob.

Direct democracy is the most dangerous form of government, that's why all countries adopt indirect democracy, to let the wiser lead the country.

But it's too bad that many of the politicians today are unwise, selfish, short-sighted, etc, but an expert to fool the people (including Nancy Pelosi) which leads to many problems, including Sri Lanka's bankruptcy for example.

These crazy politicians in USA, lead the country into bankruptcy and almost lead the world into World War 3, a global catastrophe, that makes them even far more dangerous than Hitler.
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The white wolves are the americans.

The taiwanese are just cannon fodders.
Just hear her English, we already know which side the reporter is.


The real democracy, the real voice of the people is the pro-China group.

The CIA-controlled NGOs are the anti-China group.

The pro-China group protested without an organizer and without funds, they all came with their own will, heart, and their own money.

The protest is for friendship among humanity and world peace (including for USA).
This is the only English video on the protest made by the locals I found, many Chinese languge street interviews are very pro China, but very few people here understand Chinese.
This is the only English video on the protest made by the locals I found, many Chinese languge street interviews are very pro China, but very few people here understand Chinese.

I understand Chinese.

Send the video plz!!! 🙏
Democracy that builds from wisdom, not a short-sighted angry mob.

You mean like the millions of rabid Chinese nationalists (including many on PDF) who are having crazy fits over the Pelosi visit and basically are wondering how she was allowed to visit without her plane getting shot down? They are calling the CCP a paper tiger and demand they do something...that's pretty much the definition of a short-sighted angry mob.
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Chinese government is very even minded, they are not always being led by dominant public views like so often the case in the west. The public opinions can be very wrong and bring a nation to disasters.

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