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Black Jails in Red China

Your own article says these are illegal, private jails that are hired by provincial governments to prevent people from going to the central government. That is to say, they are actually against the CPC's policy.

However, forcing children to break rocks is a commonly accepted practice in India. These children cannot speak out, as they are not part of the top elite 7% bribe taking class in India that can go online.
Maybe everybody can calm down a bit.... its a forum not a cage fight.

China has massive human rights issues, as does India. They are two very different civilizations and political systems. I think that both countries could teach each other allot of important lessons. Theres no need to freak out on each other.
Vedio made by Falungong?A professional anti-China group financed by America and doing their performances all over the world.
However the fashion now is FreeTibet,they are a has-been and loser now:lol:
Vedio made by Falungong?A professional anti-China group financed by America and doing their performances all over the world.
However the fashion now is FreeTibet,they are a has-been and loser now:lol:

Yeah, Yeah every thing is so rosy in China!! I will have to agree with you..

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------

Maybe everybody can calm down a bit.... its a forum not a cage fight.

China has massive human rights issues, as does India. They are two very different civilizations and political systems. I think that both countries could teach each other allot of important lessons. Theres no need to freak out on each other.

So it's wrong to discuss human rights issue happening in China on this forum and the reason is???
Your own article says these are illegal, private jails that are hired by provincial governments to prevent people from going to the central government. That is to say, they are actually against the CPC's policy.

I have nothing against CPC. This is not the issue of CPC this is an issue of China which in turn is run by CPC on CPC policies..

However, forcing children to break rocks is a commonly accepted practice in India. These children cannot speak out, as they are not part of the top elite 7% bribe taking class in India that can go online

Child labor is rampant in India and there are atrocities on them but can you seriously use that as justification for killing your people in Black pits.. If that's the thinking then I must say you are a Genius and one more thing you are not alone you have many of your likes in the land of Dragon.
I have nothing against CPC. This is not the issue of CPC this is an issue of China which in turn is run by CPC on CPC policies..


Child labor is rampant in India and there are atrocities on them but can you use that as Justification for killing your people in Black pits.. I must say you are a Genius and China doesn't lack your likes!!

they aren't being killed, if even 1 gets killed, those guilty will be jailed or shot. they are being illegally kidnapped and imprisoned.
just like your county man doing BS about Kashmir ????

at least we can protest in our own counrty and raise voice against any thing wrong ... not like you those cant even talk in own country ...

To much advanced :rofl::rofl: sorry but we dnt want to be like you
I find you indian are always boast of you so called democrcy and freedom of speech, If you live USA I will envy you, but you are indian, liv in india. You can protest against government, but you still can chang you corrupt government, does it will help your life and country? It just can happy your mouth, that's all. And you as a high cast and rich, you can live well in indian, i accept that, much better than chinese rich. I also had seen indian series, your indian rich can live so good, even USA can't compare with them. If democracy and freedom can't work to promot your country and people life, it is not better than efficient dictation, I know you don't accept it, it doesn't matter. Who you live for is not only youslfe, but include your next generation, without action, talk only waste time.
they aren't being killed, if even 1 gets killed, those guilty will be jailed or shot. they are being illegally kidnapped and imprisoned.

Do you want to seriously debate on that line? Rapes and Killings are rampant in prisons in China.

New Report Released on China's 'Black Jails'

Also what happens to Falun Gong members we may not want to discuss here.. I have been through 100s of videos and don't want to post them here.. They are just too much for me to handle.. Btw, why do you guys kill Falun Gong members? I mean are they criminal or you just want to convert every one into Atheist..

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

I find you indian are always boast of you so called democrcy and freedom of speech, If you live USA I will envy you, but you are indian, liv in india. You can protest against government, but you still can chang you corrupt government, does it will help your life and country? It just can happy your mouth, that's all. And you as a high cast and rich, you can live well in indian, i accept that, much better than chinese rich. I also had seen indian series, your indian rich can live so good, even USA can't compare with them. If democracy and freedom can't work to promot your country and people life, it is not better than efficient dictation, I know you don't accept it, it doesn't matter. Who you live for is not only youslfe, but include your next generation, without action, talk only waste time.

Stop Trolling!!
Funny a well-known troll calling others trolling. :laugh: Posting staged pictures/videoes and spread speculations? Try harder next time.

Really, It hurts you so its trolling and you chinis got a license to troll.. prove that there are no Black jails in China and there is no atrocities happening there and I will myself ask Mods to delete this thread. If not, then learn to accept the fact.. You got a tons of problems at hand so you better watch out before laughing on others..

Also I am yet to see a single Chini on this forum who contribute constructively to any debate.. All you got to do is to call names if you are talking to Viets, Koreans , Japanese and then act stupid while posting book marked stuff in every other thread.

and if anyone post an article that is Anti-China, he becomes a troll.. Good going, gentlemen!
See this is how the Indian mind work:

When we explain that a local action is illegal by the Chinese law, Indians claim this is about China, and somehow CPC is actually responsible for every injustice happening in a society, and the ONLY reason these things are happening are because the communists are in power???

Not to mention the many of these reports courtesy of CIA sponsorship are simply not true, but hey, ANYTHING is better than CPC propaganda right?

But when we post "bookmarked" things about the injustice and cruelties of Indian society, suddenly it all goes out of line. And anything bad about India must be false story made up by 50 cents.

And even if is true, even if musilims continue to get killed, or children continue to starve. It still doesn't matter! Because Indians are living in a DEMACRATIC society and that's automatically better than authoritarian communists.

Maybe we can start replacing the work democracy with the word Narnia to understand where Indian logic comes from. :lol:
Indian Brain, Western propaganda.. Nice Chini way to duck any burning issue in the land of the sons of Dragon.

Local officials who are the agents of the Central CCP themselves pay for the operation of these Black Jails. Now obviously Hu Jintao will not come and run these $hit holes - he will have it done via his agents..

CCP for ages has denied existence of Black jails in China like our online chini warriors here but then now reality became uncontrollable and they had to accept the fact and announce a crack down on the illegal detention centers.. So much for Black Jails being illegal in China.

Read this -

Domestic critics often blame China’s governance problems on the wanton behavior of local governments rather than mismanagement by the central government. This tends to happen for two reasons. First, criticizing local agents of the state instead of the central government in Beijing or the government as a whole is more politically acceptable in China. Second, governance problems often manifest themselves more acutely at the local level.

Pointing the finger at local governments is easy, but without a close examination of the role of upper-level governments, diagnoses of problems are likely to be superficial and prescriptions ineffective.

Among the best examples is the abusive treatment of petitioners by local authorities – an issue recently brought back into the spotlight by the announcement of a new six-month campaign to crack down on Beijing’s “black jails.”

“Black jails” refers to ad hoc detention centers where troublesome out-of-town petitioners are illegally detained until they are forcibly taken back to their home provinces. Petitioners taken to these detention centers have reported being subjected to everything from extortion to torture and are held without formal legal proceedings.

Beyond the black jails, there have also been reports of local government officials beating up petitioners and even locking them up in mental hospitals to prevent their complaints from reaching authorities in Beijing.

Officially, central authorities frown on such practices, with state-run media carrying numerous commentaries that urge local governments to stop infringing petitioners’ rights. Earlier this year, for instance, a People’s Daily editorial lambasted local officials who “do everything possible to hide problems and block petitions” instead of addressing the root issues that drove people to submit petitions. The editorial was a response to the case of a tourist who, mistaken for a petitioner, was kidnapped from his hotel room in Beijing in the middle of the night, beaten unconscious, and sent back to his home city in Henan by force (in Chinese). “To protect rights is to protect stability,” the editorial said.

While that sounds good, there is little evidence that local authorities who use illegal means to suppress petitioners have received due punishment from upper levels.

In September last year, Chinese media exposed a Beijing security company, Anyuanding, that operated an extensive network of black jails in Beijing. Anyuanding was reportedly paid handsome sums by a number of local governments to provide this service, while petitioners suffered physical and other forms of abuse at the hands of the company’s employees. After the media exposé, Anyuanding’s chairman and general manager were arrested (in Chinese), but there were no reports of the local governments who hired the company being held to account.

As the announcement of a new crackdown reveals, the Anyuanding case did not end the existence of black jails in Beijing, with other security companies stepping in to service local government clients. Last week, Beijing police announced that it had taken action against several black jails in the past two years. In one black jail that was closed down in August, according to local media reports, an employee who had tried to persuade the manager to stop the illegal practices was beaten to death by the manager and other employees. This black jail had contract with five local governments to help capture and lock up their petitioners. While criminals operating the illegal jails have been brought to justice, again there has been no mention of penalties being imposed on local governments who hired them.

One of the goals of the new crackdown, the Beijing Public Security Bureau says, is to achieve “zero participation of Beijing security companies in intercepting petitioners from outside Beijing.” That’s laudable, but local governments have used other means of driving petitioners out of Beijing in the past, including doing the job themselves through their Beijing representative offices or dispatching their law enforcement personnel to Beijing to round up petitioners.

As long as the central government remains strong in asking local governments to control the number of petitioners flowing into Beijing but weak in meting out punishment when local governments achieve their targets through dubious means, it does not look likely that abuse of petitioners would stop.

The tendency to make local governments shoulder the blame for China’s problems and suggestions that efforts to bring improvement should be directed at the local level only serve to foster cynicism among local officials. It does not solve the problems. What China needs most urgently is not another speech by central leaders urging local officials to mend their ways, or another directive from Beijing setting more good governance targets for local governments. Beijing, rather than local governments, holds the key to good governance in China. Any serious attempt to meet China’s mounting governance challenges should begin with more discussions of the central state’s responsibilities.

Black Jails: Time to Start Blaming Beijing - China Real Time Report - WSJ
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