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BJP aligns with the Muslims league for the election gains


Jul 27, 2012
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BJP aligns with the Muslims league for the election gains

What is the real face of the BJP???

BJP always talks :blah: :blah: but in reality its stunningly opposite to the things it talks or stands that it takes.

a.) BJP aligns with the Muslims league for the election gains.

To retain power, BJP aligns with Muslim League - Hindustan Times


Nagpur corporation: BJP inducts Muslim League

b.) LK Advani worships jinnah

c.) Jaswant Singh worships jinnah

d.) BJP says it will take immediate and strong actions against illegal Bangladeshis but when in power not a single was sent back.

e.) BJP talks about cow issue but in BJP's regime beef export was at its peak.

f.) Dilip Singh Judeo when in Atal Behari Vajpayee govt. was caught taking bribe he was saying "Paisa khuda to nahi, par khuda se kam bhi nahi"

g.) BJP's National President caught on camera for taking bribe for defense scam

So the question arises:

1. What is the real face of the BJP???

2. Why its just opposite to what it stands for? (or claims to be)

Obviously we south asians are emotional to the fanatic level that's why many will cry for my blood and accuse me as congress supporter but present congress is the same as BJP if not the worst.

So hell with the congress.

Plz, talk on the topic only.
BJP always talks :blah: :blah: but in reality its stunningly opposite to the things it talks or stands that it takes.

Its true for all politicians as they all say one thing and do another that's why they are in politics :P

But what's big worries for you if they make coalition with Muslim league for political gain
There's a saying, if you keep repeating a lie overtime, it becomes truth.

But in reality, it becomes politics :D
In politics, no permanent friends, no permanent enimies, only permanent self-interest.
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