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BIGGEST FAILURE; Primary education: In Pakistan 6.2m children still out of school


Apr 22, 2010
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United States
The total number of out-of-school children at primary level in the country has dropped from 6.7 million in 2012-2013 to 6.2 million, says the Pakistan Education Statistics Report 2013-2014 released on Tuesday.

As per the report, the total number of out-of-school children is 2.9 million in Punjab, 0.4 million in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P); 1.8 million in Sindh and 0.54 million in Balochistan.

The report for 2013-2014 is the second such report released this year. Interestingly, the report for 2012-2013 was also released earlier this year.

The latest report was released after the Minister of State for Federal Education and Professional Training Balighur Rehman stressed release of all such pending reports within the current year. He also directed releasing the reports on an annual basis and in time.

Though the report portrays a dismal state of education in the country in general but there is some encouraging development.

“The change is visible because of the four-year National Plan of Action (NPA) launched in 2013,” said Nasir Amin, director general of the Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM).

The Rs188 billion plan was aimed at ensuring enrollment of 5.1 million children between the ages of five and nine.

Out of the total 11.2 million male primary-school-age children in the country, 2.6 million are out of school.

Of the 2.6 million, about 53 per cent live in the Punjab.

In the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) 24,000 children are out of school, says the report.

Similarly, of the 10.4 million female primary-school-age children, 3.6 million are out of school.

About 43 per cent of the 3.6 million girls live in the Punjab.

According to the report, of all the primary-aged (5-9 years) children, 68 per cent are enrolled in schools.

The highest net primary enrolment recorded is 83 per cent in K-P followed by the ICT 71 per cent and the Punjab 70 per cent.

In Balochistan, the enrollment is slightly above 50 per cent, while in Sindh it is over 60 per cent.

The minister said that there were lots of good things happening in the education sector and the media should shed some light on the positive developments too.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 22nd, 2015.
Primary education: In Pakistan 6.2m children still out of school, says report - The Express Tribune
not enrolled in schools in 21 century, yes its happening in Pakistan

even though KPK is supposed to be a conservative society it seems to be higher no. of school going children than the capital

politicians cant safe there face saying that its society that doesnt want education, its the govt that cant provide it.

remember nothing can bring sustainable growth if your population is not educated, no motor ways, power plants or dams. if you have educated population sustainable growth will follow itself
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Don't intend to troll but I have been putting this question forward in other threads too.

Pakistan has been lagging behind in all level of education. Be it primary secondary or higher studies.

No matter how much investments you bring in, it will never ever be inclusive if your own people are not able to earn money out of it.

I am just asking, where will Pakistan bring engineers doctors and science personals in bulk to fulfil the requirement popping out of this investment?

There must be some roadmap? Just curious.
Pakistan's Education Budget is one of the lowest in the World... How can we progress??

Don't intend to troll but I have been putting this question forward in other threads too.

Pakistan has been lagging behind in all level of education. Be it primary secondary or higher studies.

No matter how much investments you bring in, it will never ever be inclusive if your own people are not able to earn money out of it.

I am just asking, where will Pakistan bring engineers doctors and science personals in bulk to fulfil the requirement popping out of this investment?

There must be some roadmap? Just curious.

Tell us about the Indian Model, how can we improve the educational standards and provide education to Maximum citizens???
leave aside going to schools our governments don't even know that how many kids are found in this land of the pure and the brave?
Pakistan's Education Budget is one of the lowest in the World... How can we progress??

Tell us about the Indian Model, how can we improve the educational standards and provide education to Maximum citizens???
Well, in India too we haven't created opportunity to 100% but we are half way there. Said that, our higher education system is highly competitive and is getting better every passing day. We have reached the stage where collaboration with top international universities is in planning stage and will be a success in coming years. But seeds of this were laid decades ago with establishment of IITs, IIMs, IIScs, IIIT, Regional colleges for engineering, law, medicine, etc. Now if you notice we are a good success in our higher education given the budget we have compared to other countries and all this have been achieved only coz of focus in the system development and even more focus on development of after market for these . That is, development of private sector and focus on creating the largest IT force in the world. The intent of focusing on IT was to provide these highly educated youth with respectable jobs and decrease the very famous brain drain trend.

But we have our set of challenges too. No doubt we are able to give this world engineers doctors and scientists in lakhs and crores but our population is in billion. Said that, still another crores of people don't even get basic primary education, fuget bout getting into higher Education institutions, they fail to get into secondary schools.

Now our gov't has taken steps in these direction and we hope that this will be a perfect stepping stone in educating this last group of population.

1. Going for uniform syllabus in science, social sciences, maths and technology even if the boards are different. This leads to uniform mental development leading to unidirectional career and economic growth.

2. RTE-Right to education act passed by parliament.

It says, every Indian citizen will be subject to primary and secondary education irrespective of his ethnic, cultural or economic background.

3. Beti bachao beti padhao movement- This is one of the pet projects of Modi. In India, because of lack of sanitary facilities for female, girls refrain from going to schools. Heavy investments in building sanitary facilities is on way. Till 2020 more than crores of toilets will be built with latest technologies, in some applications even the bio toilets.

3. Process of certifying different educations to be eligible for higher education system is underway. This will include Hindu gurukuls, Muslim madrasas, etc students to go through a common national test and be eligible for higher education. This is to link al sections of society with uniform higher education.

4. Extreme focus on skill development to give boost to manufacturing sector. Please notice that India is first creating educated youth and ways to provide them necessary skills before blindly getting into investments.

Point is simple, any investment is a waste and one times without being sustainable for future if its not supported by human resources.

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Don't intend to troll but I have been putting this question forward in other threads too.

Pakistan has been lagging behind in all level of education. Be it primary secondary or higher studies.

No matter how much investments you bring in, it will never ever be inclusive if your own people are not able to earn money out of it.

I am just asking, where will Pakistan bring engineers doctors and science personals in bulk to fulfil the requirement popping out of this investment?

There must be some roadmap? Just curious.
well in reality if you have 50% educated world class engnr and 50% uneducated people who dont even know how to read or write than you cant prosper
a country with probably a 100% education with less engnr and doctors willl grow as growth has many dimensions. you cant train an uneducated class, similarly banking and services sector doesnt gow in uneducated society that are key to growth. foreign investment and investment in health doesnt come. last but not the least, stability and awareness lacks in an uneducated society.

look at any country tat went on on a sustainable growth pattern, noone has acheived without universal primary education. in south asia srilanka is best example with worse civil war they were able to achieve amazing things n standard of life, they didnt achieved that by dams, metros or anything but education. unfortunately both our people and politicians are blind. same is true for India

no matter how shinny india might seems it has doing only slightly better than pakistan HDI. in developing countries list srilanka stood at 50, India at 100 and Pakistan at 108!

mark my words that even though srilank has nothing but it will be the hub of everything in south asia only and only due to there superior education. this what has happened in case of korea, taiwan and every other country
Good to see KPK leading in primary enrollment compared to rest of the provinces, that too with big margin. Well done, KPK govt, keep up the good work.
well they have done much better in education sector , as its there motto.
i think bigger issue faced by KPK is that center is refusing to pay it its shares since 1990. the money is not much just 6-8 billion rupees per year but it has pilled up to over 200 billion rupees and is causing a lot of dissent in province irrespective of any party. the money eventually goes to Punjab because its is added to NFC award which distributes it according to population. multiple times the enter gets a deal done and writes off any interest in promise of paying and simply doesnt pay. this is real reason for economical problems of the province making KPK the poorest province of the country even poorer than
Indian and Pakistanis are biggest data Manipulator. (or Liar)

In India a person is called literate if he can write his name (WTF)...
In Pakistan (and India as well) Madarsas are considered as school...

Imagine what will be the data if correctly taken..
Don't intend to troll but I have been putting this question forward in other threads too.

i am just asking, where will Pakistan bring engineers doctors and science personals in bulk to fulfil the requirement popping out of this investment?

There must be some roadmap? Just curious.
surprisingly we have very good ration for secondary education not much different than india, i know for fact we have more percapita doctors than india and more colleges than india, i dont know about engrs but it shoudnot be much different
so i dont think its the no. of skilled professionals required for these project but the problem lies what to do with vast uneducated mass
Indian and Pakistanis are biggest data Manipulator. (or Liar)

In India a person is called literate if he can write his name (WTF)...
In Pakistan (and India as well) Madarsas are considered as school...

Imagine what will be the data if correctly taken..
Not anymore. Parameters have changed Please give latest data.
Indian and Pakistanis are biggest data Manipulator. (or Liar)

In India a person is called literate if he can write his name (WTF)...
In Pakistan (and India as well) Madarsas are considered as school...

Imagine what will be the data if correctly taken..
in pakistan it is defined a person who can read a news paper and understands it in urdu
in Pakistani madarras most of them you are taught how to read and write so the are considered educated but yes lack of economics, history and sciences is an issue
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