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Big blow for Maoists in Bihar-Jharkhand bastion

That is a smokescreen dear. Maoists have not gone far. They are not striking in WB because they found Jharkhand much safer for them. We must not forget that till recently Shibu Soren was in power in Jharkhand. Having said that Mamta's policy of appeasing the youth of Jangalmahal seems to be working, at least on the surface. We will have to wait for sometime and see how much the ground reality has changed. @ Joeshearer can describe better.
@Joe Shearer , Your inputs required here.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Mamata Bannerjee represents one of the biggest disasters to overtake the state. There is every possibility of the Left Front returning to power, thanks to her total incompetence.
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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Mamata Bannerjee represents one of the biggest disasters to overtake the state. There is every possibility of the Left Front returning to power, thanks to her total incompetence.
Not sure about the topic but in life I find this proverb to be very true and sometime it can be very ironic too :)
Not sure about the topic but in life I find this proverb to be very true and sometime it can be very ironic too :)

Are you unsure about the topic, or about the applicability of this proverb to the topic?
Are you unsure about the topic, or about the applicability of this proverb to the topic?

I will say a tad bit of both but I think the main point is to remember this proverb when going through life and I am glad you pointed that out because when i read teh proverb you mentioned, I had a eureka moment about something offtopic so merci. As far as topic on hand, how bad is this communist problem in inde and based on this thread, I guess it is always good to have two evils fight each other and one of them being an offshoot at that. Are there non state actors involved in commie problem because it is surprising that insurgent groups still are propagating this somewhat semi-failed theory in my humble opinion'e
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