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Beyond the headlines of terrorism, Pakistan’s economy is on the rise


May 17, 2015
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Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2013. (Mian Khursheed/Reuters)

Afshin Molavi is co-director of the emerge85 Lab and a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

Shortly after Egypt’s 2011 uprising ended with the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, prominent Egyptian investor Ahmed Heikal said: “If we get things right, we could be Turkey in 10 years. If we get them wrong, we could be Pakistan in 18 months.”

Everyone understood the subtext: Turkey was the model; Pakistan was the train wreck. After all, at that time Turkey had come off a decade of high growth, doubled its gross domestic product over the previous decade, tripled its per capita income and was still seen as an emerging-market darling. It even lent its first initial to the latest and newest acronym by Goldman Sachs’ Jim O’Neill (he of BRICS fame) — Turkey was the “T” in MINT: Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey.

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As for Pakistan, well, it was Pakistan, known mostly for terrorist attacks like the one perpetrated last week by an Islamic State suicide bomber that left at least 80 people dead and incited a furious government crackdown on militants. Headlines of terrorism, coups and instability, plus years of underdevelopment and poverty meant that no one was going to add Pakistan to a catchy acronym.

But not so fast. Look beyond the headlines and see Pakistan today. It boasted the best stock market in Asia in 2016. The high-flying Karachi Stock Exchange Index is up more than 52 percent over the past year — and rising. The exchange broke through the vaunted 50,000 mark last month — a first in history. What’s more, Pakistan is winning plaudits from the International Monetary Fund, and its economy is forecast for a healthy 5.2 percent growth rate in 2017, according to the World Bank.

As Pakistan turns a corner, Trump administration policymakers fixated on the terrorism threat just might miss this extraordinary opportunity in a country that has long been a terror bane. Three key factors are driving Pakistan’s economic awakening: an improved security climate even despite the most recent attack, relative political stability and a growing middle class. These three interlocking pieces are fueling Pakistan’s growth story — a vital story given the size and geopolitical weight of the nuclear-armed South Asian nation of nearly 200 million people.

In mid-May, the world’s largest research-based provider of index funds, MSCI, will officially “graduate” Pakistan from its frontier-market category to the more prestigious — and well-capitalized — “emerging market” index. It will join 23 other countries on the index that represents 10 percent of world capitalization.

Turkey is also on that index, but its fortunes are diverging rapidly. It is no longer the emerging-market economy on the rise, as it slows under the weight of political uncertainty, a deteriorating security situation, questions over its relations with the European Union and an intensified Kurdish militant insurgency in the southeast.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the generals may finally have gotten a reasonable handle on the deteriorating security climate — although attacks such as the suicide bombing at the Sufi shrine last week are likely to persist. And in 2013, when Sharif was elected, it marked the first democratic transition of power in the coup-prone country. Sharif entered office as the great global transformation taking place worldwide — of technological connectivity, rapid urbanization and rising middle class consumption — continued to churn. And Pakistan has not missed that train.

Robust middle classes are vital to healthy societies and growing economies, and Pakistan’s middle class may have reached a tipping point, with some estimates suggesting that it accounts for more than half the population. Brookings Institution scholar Homi Kharas argues that Pakistan’s consumer middle-class market could hit $1 trillion by 2030. To be sure, the country still suffers from deep pockets of poverty, a backward education system and the jihadist threat, but as the middle class grows, demands will grow for more opportunities, better services and more security and stability.

These middle classes are also attracting foreign investment. Ishrat Husain, former governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, told me that middle classes are driving impressive 25 percent rates of return for large multinational consumer companies such as Nestle and Procter & Gamble, and that the middle-class growth is sparking increased production of cement, steel, automobiles and the like. He sees it as one of the key reasons for current bullishness on Pakistan.

That bullishness has led Pakistan to enter the emerging-markets acronym vernacular. One of the latest post-BRICS acronyms of rising economies making the rounds: VARP, for Vietnam, Argentina, Romania and Pakistan. Yes, that Pakistan.

But the biggest test of whether Pakistan’s government can deliver might be something more simple: Will the lights stay on? Pakistan has an electricity problem. The country has long had electricity shortages with widespread rolling blackouts plaguing both urban and rural areas. In fact, Sharif made expanding electricity access a major campaign promise.

Enter China. Pakistan’s giant neighbor has pledged a whopping $46 billion program to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that will build new highways, overhaul railway and create new infrastructure to support 10,000 megawatts of additional power.

If Pakistan succeeds in taming its electricity gaps with China’s help, the virtuous circle of growth will continue, and a key South Asian, nuclear-armed power could be headed for a decade of normalcy. If this materializes, that would be a big relief to the international community in dire need of countries of Pakistan’s size to begin delivering more for their people.
Source: The Washington Post
The question is will Pakistan be able to end load shedding for good if done correctly Pakistan is well on its way to prosperity.
Something is cooking. Even when our economy was doing well in early to mid 2000s, the western media was never so kind. We had 8 billion in FDI in 2005, compared to much less now. The kind of growth we're seeing now isn't anywhere as good as that time. So then why all of a sudden is western media keeping tabs on their negative propaganda and writing positive stuff?
There is a little too much positivity coming from western economic publications for my peace of mind.
The question is will Pakistan be able to end load shedding for good if done correctly Pakistan is well on its way to prosperity.

I will let you guys know some easiest solution to fight with power crisis.

1) Use LED lamps. They will consume just 10% to 15% electricity used in lighting. You can contact Indian government. We have seen a rapit fall in price of LED lamps of 9 Watts (More than sufficient to light a room) from Rs 400 to just Rs 65 in about an year or an year and half. Indian government has an estimate that it will save 20000 MW electricity in just 50 Indian cities. If pakistan adopts this, they can easily save 2000 to 3000 MW. It is like saving 20000 crore in power plants and saving of about 200000 PNR every day in fuel cost.

2) Use high volt transformers and that will bring down transmission loss drastically.

3) Use more and more power factor correction devices. That will save a lots of wastage of electricity.

4) Immediate solution of power crisis is to install Solar plants. We did it in big way. Our teriff started from rs 11-13 and it has come down to Rs 4.15 per unit.
Pakistan can adopt this model and can straight way have the teriff in the range of some Rs 6 PNR. This eletcricity will come without an eota of pollution or even a drop of water being uses.

I will discuss further many points in my thread : "How to develop Pakistan very fast and in decenl way" which I think of opening here in PDF.
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I will let you guys know some easiest solution to fight with power crisis.

1) Use LED lamps. They will consume just 10% to 15% electricity used in lighting. You can contact Indian government. We have seen a rapit fall in price of LED lamps of 9 Watts (More than sufficient to light a room) from Rs 400 to just Rs 65 in about an year or an year and half. Indian government has an estimate that it will save 20000 MW electricity in just 50 Indian cities. If pakistan adopts this, they can easily save 2000 to 3000 MW. It is like saving 20000 crore in power plants and saving of about 200000 PNR every day in fuel cost.

2) Use high volt transformers and that will bring down transmission loss drastically.

3) Use more and more power factor correction devices. That will save a lots of wastage of electricity.

I will discuss further many points in my thread : "How to develop Pakistan very fast and in decenl way" which I think of opening here in PDF.

Solid suggestions and all should be implemented. I would add that Kalabagh Dam needs to be completed.

The problem in Pakistan is not just from a technical/engineering and demand/supply point of view --- there needs to be major reform/restructuring of the Ministries and other govt entities involved in the power sector, the circular debt needs to be addressed and line losses/theft needs to be majorly controlled.

Pakistan's existing installed capacity can apparently meet the demand --- if the govt has the cash for it.
I will let you guys know some easiest solution to fight with power crisis.

1) Use LED lamps. They will consume just 10% to 15% electricity used in lighting. You can contact Indian government. We have seen a rapit fall in price of LED lamps of 9 Watts (More than sufficient to light a room) from Rs 400 to just Rs 65 in about an year or an year and half. Indian government has an estimate that it will save 20000 MW electricity in just 50 Indian cities. If pakistan adopts this, they can easily save 2000 to 3000 MW. It is like saving 20000 crore in power plants and saving of about 200000 PNR every day in fuel cost.

2) Use high volt transformers and that will bring down transmission loss drastically.

3) Use more and more power factor correction devices. That will save a lots of wastage of electricity.

I will discuss further many points in my thread : "How to develop Pakistan very fast and in decenl way" which I think of opening here in PDF.

Nice post, thanx for the information brother.
Terrorism will die down on its own in the next 2-3 years. Karachi has been secured from the MQM militancy, militants hideouts and infrastructure in Waziristan has been dismantle largely. Sectarian outfits have been targeted like never before in the last 3-4 years, Balochistan has been almost cleaned from the local insurgency. Now the only challenges we faced to make militancy really minimal is to secure Afghanistan border, take out militants sleeping cells in Pakistan, which won't be an easy task especially if we cannot stop their funding. Also keep going after sectarian groups especially LeJ and their political leaders whom likes of Chaudry Nisar and Rana Sanuallah are still in bed with.

LED lamps,tube lights are pretty common in bigger cities now. Most of the 'home and living' consumers use LED devices to lighten up their houses.
Great News , Well done GOP
The question is will Pakistan be able to end load shedding for good if done correctly Pakistan is well on its way to prosperity.
I will let you guys know some easiest solution to fight with power crisis.

1) Use LED lamps. They will consume just 10% to 15% electricity used in lighting. You can contact Indian government. We have seen a rapit fall in price of LED lamps of 9 Watts (More than sufficient to light a room) from Rs 400 to just Rs 65 in about an year or an year and half. Indian government has an estimate that it will save 20000 MW electricity in just 50 Indian cities. If pakistan adopts this, they can easily save 2000 to 3000 MW. It is like saving 20000 crore in power plants and saving of about 200000 PNR every day in fuel cost.

2) Use high volt transformers and that will bring down transmission loss drastically.

3) Use more and more power factor correction devices. That will save a lots of wastage of electricity.

I will discuss further many points in my thread : "How to develop Pakistan very fast and in decenl way" which I think of opening here in PDF.

load shedding is happening due to corruption i.e k-electric have 37% efficiency and is the same for other power producing companies if they could boost up their efficiency at 70%-80% and with the help of new clean power projects we will not going to need coal power plants or thermal power plants and can reduce price to 5-8 per unit
I will let you guys know some easiest solution to fight with power crisis.

1) Use LED lamps. They will consume just 10% to 15% electricity used in lighting. You can contact Indian government. We have seen a rapit fall in price of LED lamps of 9 Watts (More than sufficient to light a room) from Rs 400 to just Rs 65 in about an year or an year and half. Indian government has an estimate that it will save 20000 MW electricity in just 50 Indian cities. If pakistan adopts this, they can easily save 2000 to 3000 MW. It is like saving 20000 crore in power plants and saving of about 200000 PNR every day in fuel cost.

2) Use high volt transformers and that will bring down transmission loss drastically.

3) Use more and more power factor correction devices. That will save a lots of wastage of electricity.

4) Immediate solution of power crisis is to install Solar plants. We did it in big way. Our teriff started from rs 11-13 and it has come down to Rs 4.15 per unit.
Pakistan can adopt this model and can straight way have the teriff in the range of some Rs 6 PNR. This eletcricity will come without an eota of pollution or even a drop of water being uses.

I will discuss further many points in my thread : "How to develop Pakistan very fast and in decenl way" which I think of opening here in PDF.

power quality is another important factor..... you need to minimise T &D losses, transmission and distribution losses..
even Though India installed capacity is higher than pakistan. T& D losses are high in both countries.. India took required steps to minimise these losses.. but pak yet to start looking towards it..

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power quality is another important factor..... you need to minimise T &D losses, transmission and distribution losses..
even Though India installed capacity is higher than pakistan. T& D losses are high in both countries.. India took required steps to minimise these losses.. but pak yet to stop looking towards it..


What is power quality. I never talked about power quality.

I talked about low power consuming devises, reducing transmission loss, power factor correction and cheap source of electricity.
What is power quality. I never talked about power quality.

I talked about low power consuming devises, reducing transmission loss, power factor correction and cheap source of electricity.

am pointing another way to save energy..
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