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Best way to capture a city where enemy has mustered itself and self sufficient.

1. Actually, I am not a military personal to draw lines between categories.
2. I put the thread keeping in mind the current yemen situation (taking back capital from rebels)
3. But rebels can get hands off on rpg or tows missile (even javilon) as US forces left in haste from yemen, which are very effective in urban set up but not in open conflict.
bascially by 4th gen I menat, not minor ops but a fight with untrained/unorganized militias in urban environment which have a political agenda.

1.) Fair enough`
`2.) No, the situation in Yemen cannot be said as a 4th Generation Warfare, the rebel in Yemen is not a standing army, they are solely an armed insurgency with local support.

3.) Yes indeed, but would the rebel capture enough to sustain their operation to the invading force? You need to know, until you can be advanced to a point where you can keep using your captured equipment to capture more equipment. You cannot sustain such attacks/item in an operational level, the simple equation is, sooner or later, the captured equipment is going to run out.

Also, another factor is, the more complex an equipment gets, it's harder for any untrained person to operate. You can capture an M1 Abrams Tank that does not mean you have people know how to operate them. Training is what set apart organised force and insurgency
it just a myth, actually the British has lost much of their gun in pre-eliminary battle during Malaya campaign and the lost of HMS Repulse and Prince of Wales has much to do with their deteriorating morale in the whole campaign

You are right they lost because they were weaker, not because their guns were pointing the wrong way.

But they were pointing the wrong way.
anyway surpsingly evry one was in avour of power.. but u gave a hint of draining the potential/will of peopel... thats what i was thinking
Poison the water supply
u r close what I am thinkig...but tahts way too much as world forces blame use of 'Highly fatal biological weapons'
Biological weapons are the way to go spread it through humanitarian aid food blankets etc.

let the city never sleep keep them awake and in fear always constant helicopters flying over the city and artillery when it starts to get quiter.

drop leaflets from air and broadcast on radio and tv that we are the good guys and whoever changes sides or provides critical enemy info will be awarded greatly ,if their are factions among the enemy once in a day let the other factions see a c-130 dropping food supplies to them though c-130 tries to be discrete about it in enemy's eyes .build up cracks in their alliance doubts and suspicions.and hope they turn on each other.

if there is a river close by destroy its embankment so it floods the city making life miserable for the residents.

burn the fields with napalm strikes
1.The best way to capture a city is not to capture it. Force it to capitulate/surrender. No commander would like to have his troops venture into a built-up area/city where the enemy is holding out. For a start it will require a lot of troops. And then be prepared to accept high rate of casualty.
2. Surround the city manning outlets/inlets including water channels. Continuously bombard selected targets like airfields, water works/water depot, power generation center, telecommunication center, food warehouses, fuel dumps, ammo dumps, tube stations, admin centers and such places. Cut off supplies of food, arms and ammo. Prevent reinforcement and replenishment - even from the air. Place snipers at vantage points to freeze movement in sectors. At night send commandos in to create nuisance, burn food stocks, burn corn/rice/wheat crops with Flame Throwers.. And all this time time blare out invitation to surrender. Throw in leaflets also.
3. Even a stubborn enemy cannot hold for ever. At first one sector in the periphery will give in. Occupy it immediately and set up defenses for counterattack/recapture. Take all able-bodied men and women prisoners to be used as labor. Drive the rest into the city to deplete its resources.Carry on in this manner till other sectors also give in. Hitler's Stalingrad and Napoleon's Moscow are not apt references here. On both the attacker was already weakening and exhausted. It is not only the stubborn Russians it was also the invaders' failed Logistics that is to be blamed or thanked - depending on which side you are on.
4. All the while the attacking commander must remain within the tactical plans of the superior commander. Should his siege loose integration with the main battle or war then there could be a danger.
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I see we care a great deal here for noncombattants, civilians ......
I see we care a great deal here for noncombattants, civilians ......
yup... i am too... and when i will put my plan it will be what i learnt during fighting age2, crusader, rise of nation etc :D :rofl:

Biological weapons are the way to go spread it through humanitarian aid food blankets etc.

let the city never sleep keep them awake and in fear always constant helicopters flying over the city and artillery when it starts to get quiter.

drop leaflets from air and broadcast on radio and tv that we are the good guys and whoever changes sides or provides critical enemy info will be awarded greatly ,if their are factions among the enemy once in a day let the other factions see a c-130 dropping food supplies to them though c-130 tries to be discrete about it in enemy's eyes .build up cracks in their alliance doubts and suspicions.and hope they turn on each other.

if there is a river close by destroy its embankment so it floods the city making life miserable for the residents.

burn the fields with napalm strikes
urs matches mine except burining of fields and flood and u missed intelligence network. That is vital.. however creating factions in enemy means u hv one but alliance can also be torn by money, favoritism etc i think 'let them never sleep' tactic u got from famous russian night witches..
Putin slow approach with arty bombardment on Grozny in 1999 is a fine example how to capture the city.
Devise a plan to turn the populace of city against the rebels. Make them realize that all suffering they and their families are facing are because of rebels. Use propaganda as much as you can and concentrate more on highlighting sufferings of little children and women. Covertly destroy every means that serves the population like utility lines, create water supply shortages and look out for prospective informants. Then raise an opposition against rebels from within their ranks etc etc. :enjoy:
Putin slow approach with arty bombardment on Grozny in 1999 is a fine example how to capture the city.
Yes, a FINE example....



See also children | North Caucasus

Devise a plan to turn the populace of city against the rebels. Make them realize that all suffering they and their families are facing are because of rebels. Use propaganda as much as you can and concentrate more on highlighting sufferings of little children and women. Covertly destroy every means that serves the population like utility lines, create water supply shortages and look out for prospective informants. Then raise an opposition against rebels from within their ranks etc etc. :enjoy:
With folks like you, who needs the yankees and their drones.... keep it up, yáll.
With folks like you, who needs the yankees and their drones.... keep it up, yáll.

Lets say I am stanch believer of human intel and human resource rather than drones and gadgets that would fail to stop destruction of WTC and unnecessary killing of civilians in the name of winning hearts and minds, then wondering what went wrong. :enjoy:

Play with the minds of humans, their emotions and you can win any war. :D
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