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Beneath the radar, a Russia-Pakistan entente takes shape

So old skool Raptor.The future power bloc for Asia has already being decided on PDF,logic be damned !!! Behold....


Move over BRIC and get a load of C.R.A.P.....As always,you heard it first on PDF!!!

You need to include Iran in the dynamics. It would be brilliant and in the interest of the neighbourhood if India was really party to this but that would require some relalighnment in regards America-India relationship
I understood converging interests. BRIC economic powers, let me stand---BRussiaIndiaC. They are in the same groups, which anger the US due to change currency and cooperation.

Russia must be angry at India for their netural policy but they will not break with it. Almost thirty years relations with India and many defence cooperation with excellent people to people relationship, India haven't forgetting the lesson the day Russia came to rescue them from US attacks.

Russia support SCO membership to Pakistan because Pakistan itself give up their relationship with US and run to Russia for help (see how many Pakistani FM flights to Russia last five years). It is Pakistan who decide to change clothes in switch positions and new interests after US/Pakisatan old interests common against Russia.

Being a senior member here on PDF, I was expecting much better than this. Your last para is complete crap. May be due to the stamens chosen by u for Pak foreign policy.
You need to include Iran in the dynamics. It would be brilliant and in the interest of the neighbourhood if India was really party to this but that would require some relalighnment in regards America-India relationship

The C.R.A.P.I alliance it is...:rofl:

Nah man.India is good at where it stands.You would think bringing foreign powers over to the South Asian region would have taught Pakistan and Pakistanis their much needed lesson.I guessed wrong.
It is stil fact Russia will use Pakistan's interests and use them for Russia' benefits. Pakistan sold their interests to US benefits in the pastand now Russia.

The real threat is nuclear submarines (Akula) leased by Russia giving to India second capable strike, did Pakistan see anything?........No.

It is clear to me that you have not read all the posts on the cars threads. What do you get out of putting Pakistan or Pakistanis down? We have been cursed with leaderships as all Muslim countries have in the neo colonial game that America has played since the second world war in bribing our leaders.It was these bribed traitors who sold Pakistan to Americans. The average Pakistan as you full well know has never felt any great like to America.

Yes it is correct Russia will get benefits from Pakistan but so what,. As I said Our interests converge. The weight of those converging interests is such that even a bribed leadership can not overcome them. Do you think Zardari and his like want to go to Russia for medical treatment-no, send their kids to Russian unis-no, invest their looted wealth in Russia-no. But the convergent interests and geo strategic convergence that seems beyond your comprehension is forcing these events
Being a senior member here on PDF, I was expecting much better than this. Your last para is complete crap. May be due to the stamens chosen by u for Pak foreign policy.

last paragraph is wrong? What's your thought? Do you see Pakistan run to Russia immediately after scared moment by US intervene?
The C.R.A.P.I alliance it is...:rofl:

Nah man.India is good at where it stands.You would think bringing foreign powers over to the South Asian region would have taught Pakistan and Pakistanis their much needed lesson.I guessed wrong.

No mate we haven't learned our lesson. But your country has learned a lot hasn't it. That's why you have pulled hundreds of millions out of abject poverty. Sorry that was China not India.
last paragraph is wrong? What's your thought? Do you see Pakistan run to Russia immediately after scared moment by US intervene?

What is the matter with you. It is the general dynamics of a fluid situation. Iran and Russia have in the past been closer to India yet they find themselves turning towards Pakistan and China. You cant look at just Pakistan. Its not Pakistan running to anyone. If that was the case Russians would not be interested. Russia wants closer links with China too. Chinese relationship with India and Pakistan also becomes relevant. There are wheels within wheels. Try to look beyond simplistic two nation relations
No mate we haven't learned our lesson. But your country has learned a lot hasn't it. That's why you have pulled hundreds of millions out of abject poverty. Sorry that was China not India.

The UN commended both India and China for pulling people out of poverty.So yeah we are set there,thanks for the concern.What say about you folks? Heard your existing partner pulled another drone attack on Pakistan?Must sting,Russian gunships patrolling Pakistan would be so much cooler eh.
The UN commended both India and China for pulling people out of poverty.So yeah we are set there,thanks for the concern.What say about you folks? Heard your existing partner pulled another drone attack on Pakistan?Must sting,Russian gunships patrolling Pakistan would be so much cooler eh.

So what since when has UN counted lol. Even with a population of 1.2 billion they wont even entertain you a permanent security seat. Concentrate on your own problems you lot have enough of them. America has never been a friend to Pakistani people and we know it. You see both India and Pakistan have been ruled by corrupt donkeys and that's why we are where we are. It must sting you that you have to compare your country to countries with a fraction of your population because China has left light years behind in every department lol
last paragraph is wrong? What's your thought? Do you see Pakistan run to Russia immediately after scared moment by US intervene?

Dear friend, u treating Pakistan like some child who is crying mummy mummy after some thrashing from uncle Sam. And yes as Aryan pointed out, Pakistan is not running after Russia.
My take on Pakistan Russia relationship is that currently Pakistan trying fill up trust deficit with russia. That's it. Being Indian, I don't see anything irksome here. Coz, even if u want to go further with Russia, Russia is not in china like position to provide assistant to u on long term loans.
Therefore, they done a right thing by welcoming u. Regarding anything on pipeline, I think we should discuss after Iran us and Israel geo politics. Until there is this nuclear weapon issue. No one will ever construct tht pipeline, no matter how hard u try.
So what since when has UN counted lol. Even with a population of 1.2 billion they wont even entertain you a permanent security seat. Concentrate on your own problems you lot have enough of them. America has never been a friend to Pakistani people and we know it. You see both India and Pakistan have been ruled by corrupt donkeys and that's why we are where we are. It must sting you that you have to compare your country to countries with a fraction of your population because China has left light years behind in every department lol

To each his own bruv.It's Pakistan prerogative if you guys want to stumble one toxic deal after the other for the rest of eternity.I sure would ask for some popcorn when the US,China and Russia start locking horns over the region(guess where that battlefield is going to be....it's closer than you might think!!!).As we don't have any sugardaddies handing out free candy,I guess we just will have to slog it out and work on our issues alone.Poor us,eh!!!
Dear friend, u treating Pakistan like some child who is crying mummy mummy after some thrashing from uncle Sam. And yes as Aryan pointed out, Pakistan is not running after Russia.
My take on Pakistan Russia relationship is that currently Pakistan trying fill up trust deficit with russia. That's it. Being Indian, I don't see anything irksome here. Coz, even if u want to go further with Russia, Russia is not in china like position to provide assistant to u on long term loans.
Therefore, they done a right thing by welcoming u. Regarding anything on pipeline, I think we should discuss after Iran us and Israel geo politics. Until there is this nuclear weapon issue. No one will ever construct tht pipeline, no matter how hard u try.

Correct to a point. But the Oil pipeline between Pakistan and Iran has already started. The deal includes provisions for China and or India to join later

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

To each his own bruv.It's Pakistan prerogative if you guys want to stumble one toxic deal after the other for the rest of eternity.I sure would ask for some popcorn when the US,China and Russia start locking horns over the region(guess where that battlefield is going to be....it's closer than you might think!!!).As we don't have any sugardaddies handing out free candy,I guess we just will have to slog it out and work on our issues alone.Poor us,eh!!!

Cypher mate I have a lot of time for you and know full well that you know both our peoples have been victims of poor leaderships with the average Indian and Pakistani have little influence. Therefore I will leave it at that with you
Hey Canadian Raptor! There are no permanent friends or enemies in International Relations(Do i need to remind you of Europe before 1945?).
Cypher mate I have a lot of time for you and know full well that you know both our peoples have been victims of poor leaderships with the average Indian and Pakistani have little influence. Therefore I will leave it at that with you

Yeah man,perhaps I should've dialed down the snarkiness.

I think Pakistan would do well to follow India's foreign policy on this specific issue;by engaging with nations where Pakistan is the dominant force and look East(Japan looks promising) rather than finding counters to your relationship with Washington.Bigger nations carry the curse of commanding more pull and before you know it,you are doing their bidding.....much less look after yourself.
^^^ Yeah man, perhaps I should've dialed down the snarkiness.

I think Pakistan would do well to follow India's foreign policy on this specific issue;by engaging with nations where Pakistan is the dominant force and look East(Japan looks promising) rather than finding counters to your relationships with Washington.Bigger nations command more pull and before you know it,you are doing their bidding much less look after yourself.

But mate that is a misnomer. Pakistan should never have allied with America because it was never in our interests. It was only the rich 100 200 families who have ruled Pakistan directly and indirectly who want to send their kids to Oxford, invest their looted money in America and west who have pushed us towards alliances with the west.

For the first time I think Pakistan in improving its relations with Russia is not looking for protection but because it is in the interest of Pakistan and it's people.

As I said earlier Russia is coming to Pakistan as much as Pakistan is going towards Russia its because both countries benefit from the Putin plans for our neighbourhood

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