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Benazir: A brave politician or an accomplice in mass murder?


Mar 24, 2006
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It amazes me that Benazir claims to have known about the bombings and that yet she went ahead with her own plans because she is brave. The govt constantly told her the threats are real and not a joke so either postpone your plans or do them as we tell you to to prevent the mass murder which actually did take place. Did she give a damn about people dying? No.

And now we’re blaming the govt and extremists and Benazir is the hero?

Benazir intentionally gave the bombers the chance to do it having made sure she was fully protected in her armoured truck. She knew it would work very well for her politically both internationally and locally and it did. I am dumbstrck at peoples stupidity who are forgetting her corruption charges and talking about how brave she is.

She’d have been brave if she was down there with the people without the security.

She’s a cold blooded murderer just like those who planned the bombing.

And if the government tells someone there is a clear threat of an attack and yet a politician goes ahead with their nonsense then shouldn’t they be held accountable in the court too? Aren’t they accomplices in the crime too?

And she claims to be someone who lives for the people. Lives politically indeed standing proudly on peoples dead bodies.

It pisses me off even further when they show all these videos and songs dedicated to the bombings and throw in Benazirs footage crying. Insulting the dead.

Ive been told, no idea if its true, that people were paid rs 500 and provided wih buses to come to the demonstration and do some naaray baazi to welcome Benazir. Rs 500 is what their lives were worth for her.
blog.baptizedlucifer.com » Benazir: A brave politician or an accomplice in mass murder?

A lot of valid points with the blogger.

Who gives such a good chance to suicide bombers? That too after getting threats? Why was such a rally necessary? Why couldn't we settle for her going to some tv studio, giving a speech and that's that. How insecure was she that she had to pay 500 bucks to muster up support? This claim was reiterated on the Nadia Khan show the day after the bombings.
Atta Mohammad, 31, who also comes from Umerkot and is unemployed, said the PPP had given him chai (sweet tea) and biryani to attend the rally. "I'm hoping she'll come back and issue new orders for creating government jobs," he said.


The same article even mentions that a PPPP candidacy hopeful paid Rps 75,000 to hire ONE bus. But the people on his bus are claiming that they PAID to get on the bus. Sure...
BB has got nothing to lose, her home coming has created chaos and disturbance.
i fear of what the future has installed for us.
many innocent people are dead but her politics is alive
its all part of dirty politics.
i dont know how long are we going to suffer at the hands of politicians.
guys - this is nothing new - all political parties adopt such tactics to muster their show of strength.
BB and her cronies will do anything to come to power.
politicians like BB have not given anyth to our country...and by the way when she already new her life was in danger what was the need for having such a long and large welcome...so much lives were wasted thats not fair and she is still roaming around saying that i was the target of these bombings ...and who paid the price by the way innocent people even those who had nothing to do with politics its really very very sad....
Mr. Ijaza Virk a ppp candidate for MNA seat last year lives near my house, he gives Rs.2000 to each person to travel to karachi.
BB was in an "Bullet Proof" truck and was sitting in a "Bomb proof" section of the same. Thats why she came out without a single scratch. Then she kept on delaying of going back up with a pretext of correcting her speech. Then what happened to the foreign security guards who came with her and are listed missing. Now, this is a Conspiracy. Yes! you guessed it right.
BB was in an "Bullet Proof" truck and was sitting in a "Bomb proof" section of the same. Thats why she came out without a single scratch. Then she kept on delaying of going back up with a pretext of correcting her speech. Then what happened to the foreign security guards who came with her and are listed missing. Now, this is a Conspiracy. Yes! you guessed it right.

No doubt Benazir will get a sympathy vote and a lot of political benefit. But this was clearly an attack by Islamic extremists who think they will go to heaven by killing any one whom they think is a kaffir. However definition of a kaffir; could be anyone without a beard, wearing western clothes, a women not clad in burqa, one from a different maslak such as a Shia or a Brailvi (most bombers are Deobandis) or any US sympathizer. There have been attacks on the President, PM also on Sherpao. IMO attack on BB was because she is considered a staunch US supporter. Let us not start reading conspiracies into every thing.
Former Prime minister ?????

Isn't she Ex- prime minister

I love it how the west twisted things
Aren't the two just synonyms?

Aren't you just biased against the "west"?

Not at all

Ex is used for imfamous leader and hated by the people
former is used for a leader loved by the people

Benazir was never loved, she is just as cruel

I see alot of media making Benazir as the Herione when she really is a Tyrant like Saddam.
Ex is used for imfamous leader and hated by the people
former is used for a leader loved by the people

Benazir was never loved, she is just as cruel

also SA i suggest you frame youself in starting up a flame war on the thread

Eh, no, I beg to differ.

They are used synonymously and mean exactly the same thing.

Ex-prime minister and former prime minister are one and the same thing dear!!

Neither have anything to do with being loved or hated by anyone!!

Ah, its not a flame war.....you are calling mere choice of words a "western bias". IT just shows how easily you portray the west as "biased".
Suicide attacks were aimed to kill me: Benazir Bhutto

KARACHI: Peoples Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto has said the blasts in her welcome rally were meant to assassinate her and psychologically indicate that she has no place in the politics.

Talking to Indian television Benazir said she knew the threat to her life and after Karachi bomb blasts the threat has become explicitly clear but she was not afraid of it.

Benazir said she did not regret coming back, adding, her struggle has been for a cause and she would continue her struggle.

She said the blasts in her welcome rally in Karachi were meant to assassinate her and psychologically indicate her that she has no place in the politics.

She reiterated that the streetlights were deliberately shutdown during her rally. Benazir said how can a suicide bomber attaches 15-kilogram explosives with his body.

Benazir during her interview especially thanked Rahul Gandhi who condoled her after the blasts and also discussed security tips with her.

Replying a question PPP leader said she would soon visit Lahore, Larkana and Islamabad. Terrorists could not retain her away from the people neither they can take them hostage, she said.

Benazir said she was struggling for restoration of real democracy and peoples’ rights in Pakistan.

“I believe in peaceful political struggle like Quaid-e-Azam and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who were believers of the philosophy of non-violence and democracy,” Bhutto added.
“I believe in peaceful political struggle like Quaid-e-Azam and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who were believers of the philosophy of non-violence and democracy,” Bhutto added.

It is great to know that she is such a great follower!
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