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Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20

Interesting to see some people chose to unconditionally believe western media propaganda, and immediately pointed finger at China.

And a lot of those “people” in this thread are Chinese members who does not care about the accuracy of the article but to cheer about the story. Don’t tell me that the article was posted to criticize western media and its accuracy. It is clear that the article was posted to cheer about the story that the article has presented, and along came other Chinese members jumping in to cheer with it.
Western propaganda mouthpieces are like god's words for many people.

I have a feeling this was deliberately done by the Yankees to make China look bad.

Nay, both China and the US are not fans of this type of child's play. I remember some country removed concrete blocks in front of US embassy as a tit for tat revenge after their diplomat was strip searched in the US. I did not believe China would act in the similar way when this "Deliberate snub" story first broke out.
Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

The two big boys are getting along well. These are pictures taken at the G20.


At the G20 official welcome ceremony.


Taking an evening scroll together.
Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

The two big boys are getting along well. These are pictures taken at the G20.

View attachment 331570
At the G20 official welcome ceremony.

View attachment 331571
Taking an evening scroll together.

Actually these pictures are for show.

There is real tension in this relationship. The US and China really dislike each other. US thinks China is trying to undermine American dominance at every opportunity in Asia and around the world. China thinks US is containing China and deliberately causing problems to harm Chinese interests.

Neither country trusts the other.
Obama is just a stand-by prez now.
Guess this never happened in his previous visits.
Let us see if Trump/Hillary get the same treatment next time.
Sir, Whatever you have quoted above is 100% correct, have i rebut on mentioned issues, what I am saying is that building island, building radar and submarine listening device has China stopped US interference in SCS region. The answer is BIG NOOOOO. But before you reply I would like to advice you please refer post No. 102. My post was reply to member (Rasengan) and not what China has built on SCS region.
Building radar and submarine listening devices is part of the strategy of "preparing the ground for future battle". So in time of war US will have to vacate that area.
Do you know what strategic advantage is FON?
The 'red carpet' treatment here is rhetorical, not physical.

When people say 'red carpet' treatment, it is meant to denote the highest level of respect, deference, and appropriate treatment to a person. Even if there is no actual red carpet, it could still be called 'red carpet' treatment.

Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to China, said he was convinced Obama’s treatment was part of a calculated snub.

“These things do not happen by mistake. Not with the Chinese,” Guajardo, who hosted presidents Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón during his time in Beijing, told the Guardian.

“I’ve dealt with the Chinese for six years. I’ve done these visits. I took Xi Jinping to Mexico. I received two Mexican presidents in China. I know exactly how these things get worked out. It’s down to the last detail in everything. It’s not a mistake. It’s not.”
To start off...

Weeks or even months before a state visit, the countries' security services were already talking, everything from when the visiting leader arrive on local soil, to who gets to make the official greeting and welcoming.

That mean this event is a deliberate Chinese snub of an American President.

The United States military had flown in a set of rolling air stairs, as it does on all of Mr. Obama’s foreign trips, and the White House had received Chinese approval to use the equipment. But before Mr. Obama’s arrival, a senior administration official said, the Chinese suddenly reversed themselves.
Anything that touches Air Force One must be cleared by the US Secret Service and by extension, the host country would rather have it that way. Less problematic. Let the Americans use their own equipment. Initially, the Chinese agreed, but why the change of mind ?

The Americans were willing to use a Chinese stairway, this official said, but the Chinese insisted that the stairs be taken to the plane by a local driver, who the Americans said could not communicate with the White House team about even the simplest tasks. So the White House demanded that he be replaced with an English-speaking driver, a request the Chinese refused.
This is completely unacceptable, not just to the Americans, but to ANY protective/security detail. If anything happens, the visitors have the right to be able to communicate effectively to anyone associated with the event.

Here is something that most people do not understand...

The first priority of a protection/security detail is NOT TO FIGHT but to get its charges out of the immediate area and danger. It is only in the movies where bodyguards stands their grounds and shoot it out with the bad guys.

So what was the need for the Chinese to insist that no American equipment are used, after prior agreements between the two countries' security services ? And what was the need to have a Chinese driver of the Chinese equipment ?

None. The Americans brought their own Presidential vehicles, food, security details, and equipment. There were no logistical need for China to make any changes.

The US Secret Service had no chance to compensate. It was too late. The President is already on Chinese soil. The Chinese made the change without informing the Americans. This was unprofessional and undiplomatic.

Have no doubt that the world's diplomatic security services will take note of what China did to the US.

In fact, it would be the opposite. If our leader visit a host, we always follow and respect the host. That is part of our culture, to show respect of the host country. If we arrive late, we certainly don't expect all smiley face and expect everyone to bow. Sending an oversize entourage and acting like we own this foreign country. That is not our style. It is India, but not us. We expect to be treat the same as any other leader, big or small country. Make no difference. That the beauty of our easy going. LOL
Spare everyone your pretentiousness.

It does not matter if you arrive late. If you are a VIP, the host WOULD treat you as if you were on time.

Oversized entourage ? According to whose protocols ? By your argument, how would you like it if the US insists that any state visit by a Chinese President have limits to Chinese security details by our demands ?

“This is our country. This is our airport,” the official hollered. He then attempted to stop Susan Rice, Mr Obama’s national security adviser, from cutting across the cordon to join the president’s motorcade.
Prior to any state visit, the countries' security/protective details talked as to who would be accompanying the visiting leader. The host country have the right to know who enters its country. The visitors have the obligation to respond by producing the identities of who would be entering the host country. This is standard security protocols based on common sense.

No one on the Chinese side recognized Susan Rice as National Security Adviser, a post that is as close to the President as any of his Cabinet Secretaries ?

So which is it, incompetence or deliberate insult ?

In fact, keeping Rice away from Obama could qualify as a terrorist act by the Chinese.

Come to think of it, Chinese do not like blacks anyway, Obama and Rice are blacks. No big deal, right ?
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Obama is just a stand-by prez now.
Guess this never happened in his previous visits.
Let us see if Trump/Hillary get the same treatment next time.

what's treatment? West medias are your master, right?

Obama comes to China, our airport officials and staff have responsiblity to protect his security.
All other nations' leaders including your Modi can obey the scene management, Obama doesn't has to do his own way stubbornly.
We prepare red carpet front main ladder for him, he doesn't use it and must step down from the rear stairs. We prepare luxuary car for him, he doesn't use it and must sit on his own car.
The Secret Service, of course, has to be on its game and it always is. But there’s no way around it, you have to rely heavily on the locals because it’s their country. The Secret Service can’t come rolling into the Middle East like it can in Dallas, L.A., or Atlanta and start asking for things from the state and the local authorities. It doesn’t work that way on foreign trips, and a lot of places aren’t shy about reminding you of that: “This is not America, this is our country. You can ask us for anything you want, but in the end, this is what you’re going to get.”
That is correct and we will respect that.

But what it means is that once there is an agreement between the two countries' security/protective services on how to conduct a state visit, that agreement should be respected.

I was readied to join the USAF in one yr when Anwar Sadat was assassinated. I saw the entire event on TV.

There is no detail too trivial when it comes to protecting a President, a Prime Minister, or a King/Queen, when he/she comes to visit your country. Anwar Sadat was assassinated by his own countrymen on home soil. A staircase for the President to get off his aircraft is not trivial.

So why did the Chinese -- at the last minute without informing the Americans -- insisted that a Chinese equipment must be used for the American President to leave his aircraft ?

Because the Chinese knew that would throw off the entire American contingent, from Obama down to the lowliest man/woman on the American side. This was a deliberate insult from the Chinese. It maybe a petty and cheap insult, which is what Obama is trying to put it, but completely unprofessional from China.
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The 'red carpet' treatment here is rhetorical, not physical.

When people say 'red carpet' treatment, it is meant to denote the highest level of respect, deference, and appropriate treatment to a person. Even if there is no actual red carpet, it could still be called 'red carpet' treatment.


To start off...

Weeks or even months before a state visit, the countries' security services were already talking, everything from when the visiting leader arrive on local soil, to who gets to make the official greeting and welcoming.

That mean this event is a deliberate Chinese snub of an American President.


Anything that touches Air Force One must be cleared by the US Secret Service and by extension, the host country would rather have it that way. Less problematic. Let the Americans use their own equipment. Initially, the Chinese agreed, but why the change of mind ?

This is completely unacceptable, not just to the Americans, but to ANY protective/security detail. If anything happens, the visitors have the right to be able to communicate effectively to anyone associated with the event.

Here is something that most people do not understand...

The first priority of a protection/security detail is NOT TO FIGHT but to get its charges out of the immediate area and danger. It is only in the movies where bodyguards stands their grounds and shoot it out with the bad guys.

So what was the need for the Chinese to insist that no American equipment are used, after prior agreements between the two countries' security services ? And what was the need to have a Chinese driver of the Chinese equipment ?

None. The Americans brought their own Presidential vehicles, food, security details, and equipment. There were no logistical need for China to make any changes.

The US Secret Service had no chance to compensate. It was too late. The President is already on Chinese soil. The Chinese made the change without informing the Americans. This was unprofessional and undiplomatic.

Have no doubt that the world's diplomatic security services will take note of what China did to the US.

Spare everyone your pretentiousness.

It does not matter if you arrive late. If you are a VIP, the host WOULD treat you as if you were on time.

Oversized entourage ? According to whose protocols ? By your argument, how would you like it if the US insists that any state visit by a Chinese President have limits to Chinese security details by our demands ?


Prior to any state visit, the countries' security/protective details talked as to who would be accompanying the visiting leader. The host country have the right to know who enters its country. The visitors have the obligation to respond by producing the identities of who would be entering the host country. This is standard security protocols based on common sense.

No one on the Chinese side recognized Susan Rice as National Security Adviser, a post that is as close to the President as any of his Cabinet Secretaries ?

So which is it, incompetence or deliberate insult ?

In fact, keeping Rice away from Obama could qualify as a terrorist act by the Chinese.

Come to think of it, Chinese do not like blacks anyway, Obama and Rice are blacks. No big deal, right ?


Tell me what kind of situation FOX News wanted to discribe through this pic,rhetorical or physical?
Tell me what kind of situation FOX News wanted to discribe through this pic,rhetorical or physical?
Instead of trying to divert attention to Fox News, explain what was the point of your government changing plans at the last minutes without informing US.
This does look like a deliberate move and fits perfectly in recent "nationalist" moves by China.
Instead of trying to divert attention to Fox News, explain what was the point of your government changing plans at the last minutes without informing US.
Did you really see the actual detail of the prior agreement?If not,how can you say we "violated" it?Agreement could be general,may be they have different understanding.
Chinese media told another version that the rolling air stairs had been checked by the US securities just as the pic previous showed and Chinese could assign a person who could speak English to assist the driver,but the US security reject it.As for Susan Rice,she was once blocked by the Chinese security official and it was too noisy to hear her response but later she was noticed by Chinese diplomat.
I think there is no need to deliberatly "snub" by quarreling around stupid air stairs.Otherwise the Chinese officials would not send a fatty pupil sending flowers to your president.
Do not compare China‘s public security to Egypt.Other leaders didn't brought their special car and their safety is pretty well.The US president have got a lot of privilege,you are far too emotional.

In Chinese such react is called 吹毛求疵 (blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect).If you dont have other evidence to show China snubbed Obama,then its a typical persecution mania,just showed how narrow-minded and unconfident you are.
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