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Bangladesh Roadmap to $5 billion IT exports by 2025


Feb 4, 2014
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The digital device manufacturing industry is expected to create at least one lakh jobs
Roadmap to $5 billion IT exports by 2025

The government is making a roadmap to facilitate the production of digital devices in the country to boost export earnings in the information and technology sector from the current $1 billion to $5 billion by 2025.

At the same time, the domestic market for ICT products and IT-enabled services is expected to reach $5 billion.

The government believes products such as mobile devices, computers, and laptops will play a major role in tapping in the prospective $10 billion IT market at home and abroad within next four years, which is why the new roadmap is aimed at capacity building of the local digital device manufacturing industry as well as promoting and branding domestically manufactured products in international markets, according to the ICT Division.

Proper implementation of this roadmap is expected to create at least one lakh jobs in the digital device manufacturing industry. The country will then be able to export laptops and mobile phones worth about $2 billion after meeting the domestic demand.

The new roadmap, drafted by the ICT Division, has recently been sent to various ministries and departments for their feedback.

The ICT Division expects that the implementation of the "Made in Bangladesh" action agenda will make Bangladesh a major hub of ICT and IoT (Internet of Things) device manufacturing. It will also support the agenda of universal access, the division hopes.

Officials at the division said increasing consumption of digital devices and consumer gadgets by the emerging middle and affluent classes has built the foundation for assisting the entry of Bangladesh into the international high-tech manufacturing industry.

The new roadmap recommends prioritizing the use of locally produced ICT products in government procurement. To this end, initiatives will be taken to raise awareness among government officials involved in public purchases. It also suggests setting up hubs in Singapore, the UAE, England or any other country to facilitate the export of domestically produced ICT products.

In this new roadmap, emphasis is being laid on various issues including creation of skilled manpower, improvement of product quality, quality assurance, assessment of global demand, promotion of local products in foreign markets, protection of intellectual property, and increasing research.

Besides the ICT Division, various ministries, divisions, and other government entities – including the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of External Affairs, the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Industries, the Ministry of Education, the Bangladesh Computer Council, the Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority, the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (Beza), the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA), the Export Promotion Bureau, the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), the Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (BITAC), the National Skill Development Authority, and the University Grants Commission – will work together to implement the roadmap.

Various private institutions and organizations of entrepreneurs will also have important roles to play in making the roadmap a success.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Bangladesh imported 3.4 crore phones worth $1.18 billion in 2017, and the laptop market was valued to be at $300 million in 2018.

The Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority – established to utilize the opportunity of exploring the potential of the market with a series of incentives – declared exemption of income tax for park developers, investors, exemption of import duty, regulatory duty, and supplementary duty for producing ATM kiosks and CCTV cameras, exemption of duties on importing capital equipment and construction materials by the investors.

The new roadmap is aimed at accelerating the "Made in Bangladesh" initiative by utilizing these facilities.

The availability of workforce at a competitive wage structure, an increasing domestic market demand, and a favorable policy structure are some of the factors that make Bangladesh an attractive market for digital device manufacturing, believes the ICT Division.

The success stories of manufacturing companies, such as Walton, Samsung, Oppo, and Data Soft make the division confident about further development of the domestic digital device manufacturing industry in the upcoming days.

The division, however, has also identified some constraints in the process of the roadmap implementation, and high capital expenditure in Bangladesh tops the list.
The other major limitations that the division has found include a lack of skilled manpower, poor industry ecosystem, quality assurance and international certification for locally manufactured products, a lack of regulations to prioritize local products in government purchases, a lack of awareness about locally manufactured products, and an absence of appropriate financial stimulus for the digital device manufacturers.


Key strategic factors

The new roadmap has been formulated focusing on four strategic issues – capacity building at the local level in the public and private sectors, awareness building and branding, research and development, and policy support.

The roadmap includes a set of short-term action plans to be implemented by 2023. It also incorporates some mid-term and long-term ones to be executed by 2028 and 2031, respectively.

In the short term, the authorities will estimate the demand for technology products after analyzing the local as well as international markets, and formulate strategies for capacity building and marketing.

During this period, testing labs will be set up at the initiative of universities to ensure the quality of IT products. The Ministry of Commerce will take up initiatives to increase exports through bilateral and multilateral international agreements. A hub will be set up in Singapore, Dubai, England or any other country to export goods abroad.

With the help of the ICT Division, universities will create five lakh skilled workers for the ICT sector in the country by this time. The National Skill Development Authority will develop international standard training modules and syllabi.

In the next two years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will take measures to understand the attitude of other countries towards Bangladesh and formulate and implement an action plan to overcome the negative attitude, if any.

The ICT Division will develop a national portal with details of ICT products produced in the country. Apart from that, steps will be taken to increase awareness among officials involved in government procurement about domestic products.

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) will work to bring down various tariffs and taxes on the digital device manufacturing industry and its backward linkages to a reasonable level.

The Ministry of Finance will take steps to provide loans on easy terms to the manufacturers of ICT products, while the Ministry of Commerce will look after the issues relating to incentives for the export of these products.

What experts say

AKM Fahim Mashroor, former president of the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), told The Business Standard that the initiative to reduce imports by increasing production of ICT products and to increase exports is commendable. He, however, suggested prioritizing value addition, saying, "Without a plan to increase value addition, such initiatives will not yield desired outcome," mentioning that most of the entrepreneurs in the IT products manufacturing sector currently import almost 100% of the materials from abroad and only assemble those in their factories.

"Since the assembled products are not taxed as finished products, the government is being deprived of revenue. On the other hand, the factories are being run by employing only a nominal number of people."

Citing an example, he said the Bangladesh factory of Chinese mobile phone brand Xiaomi had started operation a couple of days ago with only 250 employees. If all the materials were produced in the country, thousands of people could be employed, he added.

"Even though the country has attached importance to industrialization, the issue of backward linkages has remained neglected. If raw materials cannot be produced in the country, value addition will not increase. There will be no employment."

Fahim Mashroor also suggested imposing a certain amount of value-addition obligation on local digital products manufacturers to qualify for various facilities, including tax exemption.

BASIS President Syed Almas Kabir said, "The software development and solution sector in the country reached a stable position. We have to strengthen the hardware industry in line with the software industry."

Mentioning that some dozen companies have started producing mobile phones in the country and very few producers are manufacturing laptops, he said, "It is a fact that local factories would assemble digital devices at the initial stage and it would take time to increase the value addition at a standard level after a significant level of skills and knowledge transfer."

He stressed having a clear vision and roadmap to increase value-addition and employment generation.

Lauding the initiative to develop the roadmap, Almas Kabir said, "The roadmap is very essential as the level of investment in high-tech parks is very low. There is a lack of coordination among several ministries and divisions concerning the digital device industry. The roadmap would boost investment and ensure cooperation."
I do find it funny that goverments have these projections of IT growth as if computer scientist grew on trees - funny. India is where she is because they have invested in IT for DECADES ... and they have made sure their degrees at 3+ years are internationally recognised unlike Pakistan ( i dont know if Bangladesh is better in this regard or not . )
I do find it funny that goverments have these projections of IT growth as if computer scientist grew on trees - funny. India is where she is because they have invested in IT for DECADES ... and they have made sure their degrees at 3+ years are internationally recognised unlike Pakistan ( i dont know if Bangladesh is better in this regard or not . )

Bangladesh is in second place compared to India in Freelance IT labor (Gig work) and Pakistan is not very far behind.


Formal education has little if anything to do with it. What you need is gray matter substance to understand IT problems beyond basic education.

I have seen the aptitude of Indian IT coolies when interviewing them and this for sure belies their inflated resumes and padded qualifications. Five of them working together can't even put together a proper English sentence or a set of workable coding statements.

Unlike what people think, India is not full of IT geniuses, it has just the same number of geniuses (IT or otherwise) as anywhere else per proportion of population.

While it is true Indian families stress education more than say Pakistani or Bangladeshi families, there is a limit to how many Indians can handle IT jobs. After a while, you cannot find the Indian geniuses any more, all you find is garbage sent by Indian coolie companies.

India has a disproportionate amount (huge numbers) of underfed and under-talented population because of basic hunger and other issues. Child nutrition issues and stunting in India are huge problems. Under five child mortality figures and hunger figures in India are horrendous, even compared to Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Most Indian IT coolies were not IT people to begin with, they were idiotic HSc graduates, and not from upper class families either. So talent and smarts are in rather short supply, which is the norm. Of course there are some exceptions.

These Indian back-office companies train these underclass HSc educated graduates in 4 month courses and send them overseas, hoping they'll get kicked around some but will survive the booting, as they are naturally subservient.

Don't believe the propaganda Indian Bhakts tell you here in PDF.
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Bangladesh is in second place compared to India in Freelance IT labor (Gig work) and Pakistan is not very far behind.


Formal education has little if anything to do with it. What you need is gray matter substance to understand IT problems beyond basic education.

I have seen the aptitude of Indian IT coolies when interviewing them and this for sure belies their inflated resumes and padded qualifications. Five of them working together can't even put together a proper English sentence or a set of workable coding statements.

Unlike what people think, India is not full of IT geniuses, it has just the same number of geniuses (IT or otherwise) as anywhere else per proportion of population.

While it is true Indian families stress education more than say Pakistani or Bangladeshi families, there is a limit to how many Indians can handle IT jobs. After a while, you cannot find the Indian geniuses any more, all you find is garbage sent by Indian coolie companies.

India has a disproportionate amount (huge numbers) of underfed and under-talented population because of basic hunger and other issues. Child nutrition issues and stunting in India are huge problems. Under five child mortality figures and hunger figures in India are horrendous, even compared to Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Most Indian IT coolies were not IT people to begin with, they were idiotic HSc graduates, and not from upper class families either. So talent and smarts are in rather short supply, which is the norm. Of course there are some exceptions.

These Indian back-office companies train these underclass HSc educated graduates in 4 month courses and send them overseas, hoping they'll get kicked around some but will survive the booting, as they are naturally subservient.

Don't believe the propaganda Indian Bhakts tell you here in PDF.

No amount of verbal diarrhoea would be enough to cope with reality.

IT exports

India: $150 billion
Bangladesh: $1 billion

Then there is the reality of market cap of a single Indian IT firm being 3X that of your entire country.

And last time I checked, the hungry underfed population of the subcontinent are working in RMG sweatshops... And dying when it collapse on their heads. The great Bangladeshi growth story after all. :lol:

Also, how does it feel to earn less than half of what those ''coolies" earn in your homeland- the great US of A??

I guess being bottom feeders everywhere is a talent unique to your ilk. Maids in India, illegal immigrants in the EU, New face of poverty in the US. Maybe add that to your resume, lol.
Idle boasts about Indian 'genius' notwithstanding, we all know where Indian 'genius' comes from. See blatant exam hall cheating seen below, cops nowhere to be found. No wonder these coolies cannot compile code.


Meanwhile, these bhikharees are getting so desperate on cheating (which runs in the Sanghi beggar blood), they are going high tech. There is no genius left in India anymore, all dhokeybaaji, fraud, lies and cheatery. Indians have been successful in exporting these coolie cheaters all over the globe by fooling westerners. $150 Billion built mostly on cheatery - wow!

Gig work is actually where cheatery does not work. You have to deliver a real product that works.
Bangladesh is in second place compared to India in Freelance IT labor (Gig work) and Pakistan is not very far behind.


Formal education has little if anything to do with it. What you need is gray matter substance to understand IT problems beyond basic education.

I have seen the aptitude of Indian IT coolies when interviewing them and this for sure belies their inflated resumes and padded qualifications. Five of them working together can't even put together a proper English sentence or a set of workable coding statements.

Unlike what people think, India is not full of IT geniuses, it has just the same number of geniuses (IT or otherwise) as anywhere else per proportion of population.

While it is true Indian families stress education more than say Pakistani or Bangladeshi families, there is a limit to how many Indians can handle IT jobs. After a while, you cannot find the Indian geniuses any more, all you find is garbage sent by Indian coolie companies.

India has a disproportionate amount (huge numbers) of underfed and under-talented population because of basic hunger and other issues. Child nutrition issues and stunting in India are huge problems. Under five child mortality figures and hunger figures in India are horrendous, even compared to Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Most Indian IT coolies were not IT people to begin with, they were idiotic HSc graduates, and not from upper class families either. So talent and smarts are in rather short supply, which is the norm. Of course there are some exceptions.

These Indian back-office companies train these underclass HSc educated graduates in 4 month courses and send them overseas, hoping they'll get kicked around some but will survive the booting, as they are naturally subservient.

Don't believe the propaganda Indian Bhakts tell you here in PDF.
Did some Indian guy run away with your wife??Why so much diarrhoea
You have to deliver a real product that works.

The only product we delivered that does not work properly is your wretched swampland of a country, lol. :lol: We do admit that it had been such a pathetic failure.

Indians have been successful in exporting these coolie cheaters all over the globe by fooling westerners. $150 Billion built mostly on cheatery - wow

No one cares about your butthurt rants, Billy-boy.

The very fact that we earn 150X your IT revenue says a lot about the difference in capabilities of the respective IT industries.

"The new faces of poverty'' in the US have no say in deciding where multi billion dollar corporates should contract their work to.

How does it feel to earn less than half of what those IT coolies earn in your homeland ? Maybe ask Biden to introduce an LDC quota for your population in the US too, lol.
only product we delivered that does not work properly is your wretched swampland of a country, lol. :lol: We do admit that it had been such a pathetic failure.
Ooooooo Supa powa

@Bilal9 the coders you were talking about. Fag didn’t even write side notes denoting which line of code is for what. Had to redo the entire shit 😂
@Bilal9 bhai, it is sincerely a bit unwise of the Bangladesh government to make a projection about global computing employment for 2025 but based on current popular technologies. While a regular RTOS like QNX will remain because of its stability, reliability and simplicity for critical needs ( automobiles, aircraft, robots etc ) there will also be quantum computing for applications where, as I understand it, parallelization of a given problem data is needed. And such a computer 2025 will be a lot smaller than of now, maybe the size of a table-top server, maybe even fitting in a pocket. Such a computer will be hybrid - the regular binary unit for overall reliable control of the computer, I/O with the outside world and the user, and a quantum parallel processing unit for specific task solving like AI. And maybe the socio-economic environment in 2025 will be more simplified than now such that the simplification will reflect in programming. So Bangladeshi companies will have to compete using these new programming skills with people from other countries. Maybe India and Bangladesh won't have any competitive advantage to programmers in the West ( the West being the main customer base currently for the two ). So best is that Bangladesh invests human, material and economic resources into leapfrogging say India in fields like processor development, OS development, novel storage methods and quantum computing. These researches won't take even millions. @fitpOsitive, your opinion ?

@SMX 3.0, why are you being so arrogant about India have more IT exports than Bangladesh given that despite commercial computing companies having existing in India for five decades, despite there currently being at least two million computer engineers in India, despite having billion-dollar computer companies, India hasn't designed a single microprocessor, a single operating system and a single data storage method ?
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Ooooooo Supa powa

Says someone from a country used as a literally cesspit by us. Where all our wastes end up, lol.

Hasn't dailystar or whatever clownish named newspapers of the wretched swampland started complaining about us opening the barrages yet?

Oh looks like they have. "We need someone to bring back democracy" lol, keep crying you cuck. :rofl:

Oh wait they have
Lol Indians are always suffering from hemorrhoids. Sorry *** cucks

Yeah quite rich coming from the "X million of us got slaughtered- muh genocide" brigade. What a bunch of cucks.

Talk about having 3 million of own population killed, getting liberated by another country and then bad mouthing your liberators to compensate for the inferiority complex lol.

Your kind rightly deserve the kind of treatment you get at the border. A 5.56x45 up yours. :rofl:
Ooooooo Supa powa

@Bilal9 the coders you were talking about. Fag didn’t even write side notes denoting which line of code is for what. Had to redo the entire shit 😂

Figures - these dehati Sanghi idiots can hardly write proper English, much less lines of code.

This is what happens when you trust Sanghi Indian back-office companies to save you a few bucks.

Boeing posted $19 Billion of losses due to these Sanghi idiots' code mistakes, and that was in January 2020! Now probably the losses have ballooned to $50 Billion or more. Teaches them right to trust these Sanghi back-office f*ckers.

Now where is the "savings", Boeing? Learned your lessons yet?

I have no sympathy for Boeing, all their own doing. Let Airbus (and even the Chinese at some point) take all the business away.

Rank idiots in their management.
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